Rating:  Summary: A Review on A Child Called "It" Review: A Child Called "It" was Dave Pelzer's first main recognition for being an excellent writer. His autobiography is an unbelievable story about his traumatizing childhood when his mother badly abused him. He writes so that the readers can somewhat understand him and "feel his pain." He put you there. The other thing is he makes you think back to when you were that age, and if you can remember any kids like him that, now that you think about it, could've been abused. And if you were that kid, I could imagine this book make you feel not so alone and lets you know that there are others like you. The theme of this book is obviously not hidden, he wants everyone to know that this sort of thing does happen to people, and it happens everyday. This way of breaking out is new, not many people want everyone to know they were abused as a child, but it's good to get the word spread, and if that's the only way it will happen, then Dave's a better and braver man for it. As far as the plot goes, A Child Called "It" ended happily, so far - there is two more sequels-, with Dave getting taken away from his mother. But all the points leading up to that are gruesome and unthinkable. Before reading this book I didn't know a person who, in their right mind was capable of doing such things to their own child. "Mother then reached over and turned on the gas burners to the kitchen stove. Mother told me that she had read an article about a mother who had her son lie on top of a hot stove... 'You've made my life a living hell!' she sneered. 'Now it's time I showed you what hell is like!' Gripping my arm, Mother held it in the orange-blue flame. My skin seemed to explode from the heat. I could smell the scorched hairs from my burnt arms." So yes, this obviously told me that Dave's mom was not in her right mind. After beginning reading this book I could literally not put it down. It was like a television drama, I had to stay tuned to find out what would happen with Dave next. So I guess you could say I got pretty into it. And the one thing that amazed me was, the way he incorporated humor and sarcasm while explaining his awful childhood. There were parts though, were I could picture him crying as he narrates his story. Those parts got to me. Especially the way he talked about his house. When I think about my house, I think of a warm and loving place, but the way he described it was horrible. "The policeman asks for my address and telephone number. 'That's it!' I tell myself. 'It's back to hell! I'm going to get it from her again!'" He dreaded returning to his house, because that meant more abuse. No child should ever have to feel that way. Despite its horrifying descriptions of what happened to Dave, this book is definitely worth everyone's while to read. Everyone should know what really goes on in some households. And I'm sure Dave's not the only one whose abuse was this severe.
Rating:  Summary: Having gone through abuse... Review: I understand how David feels throughout his novel. Now I was not abused with forced starvation or having to wear old clothes everyday (that was later in my life), but the accout of the pain he felt, I was crying because I know that me and him went through with unstable mothers who beat us, and were treated like s*it. David tells us the fun times with his mom when he was younger, but as he got older, his mother would play sick games with him; having him put his finger in his throat to see if he ate, and not letting him take a bath and going to school looking like crap. Some of the things he put's in this book showed me that you can get beaten like him or even through a horrible situation, and still be able to survive. The games his mother played with him was once he was done with his chores, she gave him scraps of food and he would have to finish the plate in a time-limit, and if he didn't, he didn't get any food. There were times where he went without food for ten days. He would have to sneak into other kid's lunch boxes and steal food. There was another time where he would go to the local supermarket and steal food and hide it in the bathroom. One sick thing his mother did to him was when he was forced into the bathroom with bleach and ammonia in a bucket and was forced to stay in the bathroom until he was throwing up blood. His father was not there most of the time, and he loved his father, but his mother was such a evil bitch! It is amazing to see that someone like Dave succeed through this and was able to become a stable adult with a foster family who loved him. It breaks my heart that this kind of abuse still goes on to this day, and still it is not exposed until it is too late. Read this book and get a understanding of how me and Dave had to go through. I never was tortured, but I was beaten until I was limping for sometime. It is not fun to be humilated by the woman who brought me into this world, but then they know that they got what's coming toward them. Just read the book and understand his pain.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It." Review: A Child Called "IT" A Child Called It, By David Pelzer. A true story and definitely the best book I have ever read. In this book you can feel the pain the child is going through. This is the story of a young child named David. He has to go through his life being beaten by his mother. He doesn't only get beaten, he gets put in a bathroom with the windows and doors locked, with ammonia and different cleaners. He sits in the bathroom until he passes out. Also he has to face a gas stove. He gets beaten by his mother constantly. David has to struggle to stay alive. He has to face knives, beer bottles, and his mother, worst of all. His father lives at home but is on the road a lot of the time. But when his dad is home he is safe, until David's father weakens up to his mother. I recommend this book to everyone who tells me their life sucks or whenever I'm talking about books. After they read A Child Called IT most of the people who read this realize they have it good in life. This book made me realize how some kids might be abused verbally or physically. Some of them may be trying to hide it, but inside they're screaming for help. I wish I could help them some way. When I think about this I treat people better. When I was reading this book I couldn't put it down. I absolutely loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Domestic Discord Review: In reading this book I wondered why this parent could do something so horrific to their child. How does any parent harm a child? Mr. Pelzer makes it clear how. As of late i have involved myself with books regarding child abuse,and the courage it takes to survive. I think that all of society as a whole should read this and many other books about child abuse to get a clear understanding as to what goes on within the dysfunctional home. This is a highly rated read. Also recommending in the same genre: Nightmares Echo,Lost Boy,Running With Scissors,The Color Purple Olivia Scott,Grandmother and Realtor
Rating:  Summary: Heart Breaker Review: Dave Pelzer is a remarkable man who should be knighted. I personally think that child abuse should hold the death penalty, and David's mom sure deserves it. His brothers should be shot. His brothers were cruel and evil and that part where he allegedly caused a birth defect in the fetus his mother was carrying was her fault, not his. Sadly I know many abused children. All abused by fathers, when sexually, equal physically and emotionally by both. His cruel mother ruined his life and Mr. Ziegler, his teacher was a great person and was his savior. Remember his prayer, "deliver me from evil".
Rating:  Summary: One Child's Courage to Survive Review: Kids at the age of 10 and older will injoy the book, A Child Called,"It." It is about a childs courage to survive when being abused by an adult. David is the main character. He has trouble in school by stealing food from kids lunch boxs because his mom is so mean that she doesn`t even feed David. His mom is usually mean and abusive because she is an alcoholic. Will David survive? Read, A Child Called,"It" to find out.
Rating:  Summary: Child Called It Review: If Your looking for a really good book to read then you should look into this book i have read called the Child Called It! I reccomend this book to readers who like sad stories. The Child Called it is based on a true story, and involves Violence and abuse. Vulgaral language is also present in this Book. This book is about a little boy named David Pelzar who had the perfect life, but later he wonders what a perfect life is. His parents were joyful, and loving in every aspect. David's mother was a house wife who loved every holiday and dressed as though she was the light of the world. His father was a firefighter his hero. David loved it when his father called Him Tiger, it was a nickname he had grown up with. After awhile his mother started getting angry. When he got home She would yell and give him and his brothers spankings. Then it got completely out of control she started beating Dave only out of all the children. She gave him harsh treatments and if he were to talk back he would get spacked. When Dave's dad was around his mother was like and angel. But it got to the point when she didn't care that her husband was around. He slept in the garage and she starved him. When the school called and said he had stolen kids lunches she made him throw up so that she new what he was eating. Finally her husband moved out he couldn't take it any more. Dave had wished he would stay or take him with him. Then Towards the end she started treating him like a human being. He thought the torture was ended. She was only nice to him so that when the social worker came he'd tell her he loved where he lived and his mom never hit him. But that all changed when just one thing went wrong during the conference. So she went back to beating him after the Social worker felt suspuciousness. I hope I have filled your head with enough information that you'll check out this magnifacent book. I thought this was a rally great book so I read all three of his books. There all great i suggest that if you liked the Child Called It You should read the Series. In order because you wouldn't want to miss out on any of Dave's adventure's.
Rating:  Summary: What's His Name? Review: This book is really sad. What goes through your mind when you read it is unimaginable. When I finished it I cried. I couldn't stop. I thought, "She actually loves him." At the time it seemed impossible. But, hit rewind. A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer is a heart-warming, tear-jerking story about a young boy whose mother abuses him. She once tried to make him lay on a burning stove. In the beginning, his mother would never lay a single hand on him. But then she had his other brothers and just decided to say, "You know what, I don't like him anymore." She never fed him enough, made him have constant chores, abused him, it was just totally sad. It made me feel lucky for what I have. I mean, this boy didn't have anything. An old shirt, he slept in the garage on an old army cot, no toys, no playtime, nothing. At first his old man stuck up for him but then he stopped. I mean, come on, don't you have good food, good toys, clothes, and almost anything you need? Well, he didn't. Right now you must be thinking that this story is fictional. Well, it's not. The main character? Dave Pelzer himself. This is an absolute must read. Read A CHILD CALLED IT by Dave Pelzer.
Rating:  Summary: Beyond Courage Review: Denise Lewis, A reviewer, This book goes beyond the normal courage of a child that lves through such ordeals as Mr. Pelzer lived through. A book of the ages, one that must be put in Libraries and Schools-one that parents should have to read and one that should be reading material for all Child Protective Services. This book is powerful in its content. A must read! I want to also recommend several other memoir style books that also show courage through a childs terrible life and the healing that happens for them: Nightmares Echo,Lost Boy,Lucky,and Running With Scissors
Rating:  Summary: Brought Me To Tears Review: I finished this book so fast and I haven't finished a book this fast in a long time. I was devastating at the terrible accounts David Pelzer went through. The beatings, the burns and torture was too much, but the eating of feces was way too much. I was angry and embarrasses by his mother. I could never think of treating my twins or the child that I am carrying like this. This book makes me want to love my children even more and try to be a better parent. I feel that all parents should take the time out to read this book and then give it to their children; one of my twins are very interested in reading this book and I am going to allow him to read it. At the age of 9 he is a very avid reader, due to my encouraging and as I think about it, that is one of the things David's mother should have been encouraging her son to do instead of beating and stabbing him to death. I am very eager to read the other two parts of David's story, which I am going to do as soon as I get my hands on them. I encourage you and everyone you know to read this book. I also would like to know if there is a movie available too. Later.....