Rating:  Summary: not for the weak stomached or faint of heart... Review: The story of Dave Pelzer, and his survival of one of the worst cases of child abuse in the state of California, needed to be told. An awareness of the inhumanity in our own country does need to be developed, and a Child Called it does this. Dale Pelzer reveals his painful childhood and the physical and emotional torture he endured.That being said, the graphic nature of this book gave me nightmares. If you are easily horrified, this book may not be a good choice for you.
Rating:  Summary: A child called it Review: This book is about a young boy named Dave who has an alcoholic mother. He suffers from child abuse, he has noone to help him except his father who gives up trying. He is forced to to est a spoonful of ammonia, burned, stabbed and has nothing to eat if he does not do everything his mother tells him to. He sleeps in a basement and is not aloud to come out uness his mother tells him to, to do the dishes. This is a very well-written book and very easy to read.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: A Child Called It is a well-written, yet deppressing novel by Dave Pelzer. In this autobiography, Dave writes about himself trapped in an extreme case of domestic violence. His alcoholic mother plays twisted and horrific games, such as forcing spoonfuls of poisonous mixtures of clorox and ammonia down his throat, then when he's about to die, get him to cough it up. He also witnesses the pain of beatings, stabbings, and he is forced to eat waste from his brother's diapers. Not only is it a sadistic story about a mother who beats her son, but it's also a story about the courage of a boy who survives his abusive, alcoholic mother. He shows that if you try hard enough, you can survive nearly anything. This book is an easy read, and is faily short, and a good way to open your eyes up to things that aren't experienced in your life.
Rating:  Summary: M.C Review: The book I am reviewing is A Child Called It by David Peltzer. This book is about child abuse and one child's will to survive. This young boy David once had a very good life, with a happy family. But things quickly changed when his mother became an alcoholic and emotionally unstable. She continued to take care of her other sons but she took all her anger out on David, in many different and cruel ways. There were a lot of times when it came close to impossible for him to survive. This book shows the struggles David went through in order to survive, from picking through the garbage to stealing food from other kids at school. This boy was so strong, and went through so much. David was brutally beaten almost daily by his mother, he was given food only when his mother felt like it and he only felt a little bit of comfort when his father was home from work. Soon that changed, his father no longer stood up for him and he came home less and less. I think that David was treated so badly and it really was unfair. He had a lot of brothers and for no reason he was considered an outcast, not even part of the family. This book made me want to keep reading because I constantly wanted to see what was going to happen next. Sometimes I cringed with the thought of what pain he was going through and all the gruesome "treatments" she would make him go through. I was so angry when I read about how his mother treated him but also I was enlightened to know how David never gave up and how strongly he wanted to survive.
Rating:  Summary: A Child called "IT" Review: *Read all of Dave Pelzers books* To understand it all better. Dave Pelzer is a inspiration to anyone who has Read his Books that he has wrote about his true life and what a Wonderful Man he turned out to be, after all the horrible abuse he went through. I to was abused Phyically and Mentally for many years. But nothing like Dave Pelzer was. It teaches us all a New meaning of how to forgive and go on and make our lifes better. I could read this book many times and still learn something new each day from Dave Pelzer. I am stronger because of his books that he has wrote and shared what he went through in his life. Dave Pelzer you are a Phenominal Man who could move mountains. Thank you for Sharing your life with me , it has made my life a better one. All because you Shared all the horrible things you went through. I think each and every person should read these Books they will help you to see that abuse cannot break you (not always), but make you turn your life around and make things better each day with the Wonderful help of reading a Book that gives you Motivation, Strength, and most important forgiveness in your Heart and knowing we cannot ever Forget abuse, but Forgiveness is the Key to getting through life and all it stuggles. Each day we can learn something New and Dave Pelzer I have you to Thank for the Strength I have now to not be afraid to say who abused me, but that I have Forgiven them.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: The Child Called It was an excellent book! I was amazed and suprised at what David Peltzer's mother made him him do. It is a story about an abusive mother that makes David do unrealistic and hurtful things. One of the most amazing things about this book was that it was a true story and that David survived through it all and would tell the whole world all about it. He had to do things like eat his brothers "presents" in his diaper. Also if he ever ate anything without permission he would have to throw it up and then eat it again. She also made him stay in the bathroom with different cleaning chemicals and wouldn't let him out for fresh air. If you thought your parents were mean it would be ten times worse with this mother. Another amazing componet of the story was that his mother was nice to him when he was younger and when she had more kids she became very mean and abusive to him and only him. Why this mother or any other abusive parent would do this to a child bewilders me. Maybe she was very stressed out about having more kids to handle and took it out on him. Whatever the reason it was a miricale that David survived and he should be proud that he could survive what must have been the most terrible years of his life.
Rating:  Summary: So Emotional Review: My emotions were on a roller coaster ride through this book. It is incredible what this child went through, angered me that he had too...angered me that no one stopped this from happening. A book that I think everyone should read. I was abused, nothing like this and my own horrer I felt daily. I can't imagine, not even try to imagine what this boy went through. Such Courage to survive. Belinda Also recommended: Nightmares Echo,Running With Scissors,Courage To Heal
Rating:  Summary: The Book That Touches Review: hello my name is kaley and i am here to tell about this very touching story i stared reading this book when my cousin was home from New York this book was jus sitting on the table so i decied to pick it up and it is not like me at all to just start reading a book if i don't have to (well at the age of 14 i don't thimk any one really dose) but that day i did decied to start it and i could no put it down and i read it and i read it and i was telling my mom about it so she started it any was we didn't finish it and she had to go back home so for the longest time i was wishing i could get it and i could not find it any wheres but that christmad mom got it for me and i finished it any was here is what it about This little boy named davied lived at home with his mom and dad and his mothes was a drinker big time and she would not feed davied for the longest time for no reason at all and he would have to steal her own food so he wouldn't die but she would always find out and punish him and the punishments where alwas harsh and more than one time it brought tearis to my eyes well i have took up anuff of you time allready and i hope you get to read thins great book love kaley!
Rating:  Summary: a child called it Review: The book A Child Called it by Dave Pelzer is an inspirational autobiography about the life of a boy who is abused by his mother.It is an amazing book of determination and hopefulenss for someone to better themselves no matter what the cicumstance. Dave Pelzer grew up in a good neighborhood in Daly City. He lived with his parents and two brothers.He always got along with his family and they were just like a regular family.Then his mother took a wrong turn and became very violent only to dave.She would starve him, make him clean the whole house,and sometimes if he was very bad she would make him regurgetate his food and then eat it.Near the end the book talks about the man dave is today and what he is doing in his life.The book is an exciting and heartfilled book that will keep you interested and want to read the sequel. The book A Child Called It is a good book for teenagers about 13 years old and up. The book was a #1international bestseller. The book has 184 pages. If teenagers are going to read this book they should be prepared for some gruesome scenes between dave and his mother.A scene is daves mother orders him to stand by the stove. She said that she had seen dave plaing on the grass at school and she was not happy about that. She turned the as stove on and said"you made my life a living hell now ill show you what hell is." and threw him on the gas stove. When i read that quote i thought how did he ruin your life, he didnt do anything.What i was thinking reading this book was how come daves father didnt help even though he knew what was going on. I read this book because it was suggested to me. I think its a great book that will leave you with a lot of emotions.
Rating:  Summary: An inspiring and touching novel Review: A Child Called It was an inspiring novel. The main character went through so much pain and suffering and yet he put up with all of it. His mother physically and mentally abused him. She would send him to school in the same clothes everyday. David stated "At school i was a total outcast. No other kids would have anything to do with me. During lunch recess, I stuffed the sandwiches down my throat as i listened to my former friends make up songs about me." I would have a mental break down if that ever happened to me. To hear my former friends make fun of me would kill my self esteem. David inspired many people through this novel. The way he overcame all of his mothers wicked scemes to hurt him is unbelievable. If i was ever in his position I would have given up a long time ago and let her win.This book emotionally touched me in a way no other book has. This book should be read by kids 14 years of age and older. This book is not intended for younger kids beacuse of the way Davids mother hurts him. I think it would give little kids night mares. Otherwise I enjoyed this book really well and i would rate it five out of five stars.