Rating:  Summary: My Review Review: Mr. Pelzer a child writes a wonderful book series. The books had many ups and downs. He pulls you into the book and it feels like you were right next to him. I think it was important for David to write this book to let other kids know they aren't the only ones that have this problem. If you read this you'll want to read it all the way through and never put it down. After reading this book I went out and bought the other 4 books that tell the rest of his story. You will definitely walk away a changed person inside. It is almost impossible to stop crying. This was truly a life changing book. Leaves you thinking an wondering what will happen next. Never a dull moment with this book. Not only is it a sad story about a mother who beats her son, but it's also a story about the courage of a boy who survives his abusive, alcoholic mother. He shows that if you try hard enough, you can survive nearly anything. One of the most amazing things about this book was that it was a true story and that David survived through it all and would tell the whole world all about it. This book should be read by kids 10 years of age and older. This book is not intended for younger kids because of the way David's mother hurts him. I think it would give little kids nightmares. This book series has 5 books as of right now.1st book in series : A Child Called "It": One Child's Courage to Survive 2nd book in series : The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a Family 3rd book in series : A Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and Forgiveness 4th book in series: Help Yourself: Finding Hope, Courage, and Happiness 5th book in series: The Privilege of Youth: A Teenager's Story of Longing for Acceptance and Friendship I was also a victim of child abuse, ALL kinds ( emotional, phyiscal, neglect, sexual,born addicted to drugs,shaken baby sydrome ...ETC) it was during my 1st year of life and when I was in the womb,i'm now 17. The other day I was thinking if I write about my childhood , I be as successful as Mr. Dave Pelzer.
Rating:  Summary: The Struggle to Survive Review: Sitting in the locked basement for hours all alone; cold,tired, and hungry, an abused nine year old boy named David has to sleep on an army cott with no blanket. In the book, " A Child Called It", written by David Pelzer, David has an abusive mom. When David gets punished he gets severely beaten.He even had to sit in the basement all alone without food. Would you want parents like that? I know I wouldn't. "In the Child Called It", Mr. Pelzer a child writes a wonderful book. The book had many ups and downs. He pulls you into the book and it feels like you were right next to him. If you read "A Child Called It", you should also read "The Lost Boy" and "A Man Named Dave".
Rating:  Summary: A child trying to survive Review: David Pelzer lived 13 terrible years in Sonoma, California. David was almost beaten to death by his alcoholic mother. He had a few good years with his family, but then his mother changed drastically. David had a shirt and pants that he had since he was 3. David only got food when his mother felt like giving it to him. He had to learn how to play his mother's heart crushing games. Could you ever imagine what it would be like to get beaten within an inch of your own life by an alcoholic mother? I think it was important for David to write this book to let other kids know they aren't the only ones that have this problem. I think people read this book because they feel the feelings that David feels in the book, and also they have the same life style that David has, I think they are curious about the boy in this story, and the fact that it is that a true story! Now David Pelzer is an adult he tells his story because he wants everyone to know that they are not the only people who unfortunately have an abusive mother.
Rating:  Summary: Happiness, Sadness, and the Feeling of Loneliness all in one Review: The book "The Child Called It", written by Dave Pelzer, is an inspirational story of one child's courage to survive his abusive childhood. Dave Pelzer is a young boy who is growing up in Daly City, California, 1973 in an abusive household. His mother is an emotionally unstable, and is drunk all of the time. His father is not around much, but when he is he is drunk. When Dave was a toddler his father was his hero, but now that he is drunk all of the time he is just another face in the crowd. Dave's life was not always like this. When Dave was a toddler, his family got along great and they were not drunk all of the time. When Dave got older, his mother played extremely abusive games that left Dave nearly dead. Dave was no londer considered a son, but he was now considered a slave. Dave was usually starved, but when he did get food it was scraps left over from his brothers. I would recommend this book to anyone who has either experienced child abuse or wants to learn more about it. When you read this book you will experience happiness, sadness,and the feeling of loneliness the Dave experiences. "The Child Called It" is a truly inspirational book!!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book Review: A "Child Called It" is by far one of the best books I'v read this year.I liked this book because it was the first book ever to make me cry.I cried because I felt bad for him.This book is about a child who gets abused by his mom.He felt like he does not fit in with his failmy.I recommend this book to people who like true stories.You hear about child abuse all the time, but you really don't know about it until you read this book.
Rating:  Summary: WoNdErFuL Review: I read this book in two days. I couldn't take my eye's away from it and I just did a 3 page book report on it and got an A+. So I recomend this book to all people over the age of 12. Because it talks about some very serious issues.
Rating:  Summary: Why every parent should read this book Review: I have often times wondered why adults act the way they do. Well I decided to purchase this book after seeing Dave Pelzer on the Montel Williams show. Although, I am not much of a reader. I purchased this book and read it in one day. You would be suprised as to what was done to a child by his own mother. How could she? After reading this book I went out and bought the other two books that tell the rest of his story. It was a great book as were the others. I realized when reading this book that it is not only ones actions that scare it is our words too.
Rating:  Summary: IT ...... Review: Imagine a boy in a gas chamber.A boy being beaten to unconsiousness. A boy being stabbed in the stomach. A boy being poisined and suffocated and receiving no medical attention. a boy being starved, receiving two or three mals a week. A boy being forced to sleep in a cold garage. a boy being burned over a gas stove. Little 'nazis' watching his every move. one woman with the power to control whether or not the boy lived to see another day. One man with the power to stop the woman, but never took the oppertunity. I am not talking about a concentration camp in the second world war. i am talking about David Peltzer, the third-most abused child in California. In his autobiography, A Child Called It, he tells of his fight for life against his mother. This is a wondreful and inspirational book to read. I have never seen 'sad' so good. And if you finish it, and still want more, there are sequels!
Rating:  Summary: A CHILD CALLED IT. Review: A Child Called It is a very sad book. It tells you how bad it is to live being aboused. This book is based on a true story. The book is based on a child named David. The book is a seires of four. I cant believe how much he went through and didnt give up. He was put through the worst thing that could ever happen to a child. I do not want to tell you the book so you just have to read it. I think this book is good for seventh grade or higher.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: â''A Child Called Itâ'' is a heart-wrenching novel about astounding perseverance and the willpower one boy had to survive. This true story accurately depicts the harsh Brutality of David Pelzerâ''s life from the ages of 4-12. In this book Davidâ''s Mother is an Alcoholic, who brainwashes him into believing he is â''bad boyâ''. He is both physically and emotionally abused; forced to sleep in the cold, dark basement of â''the familyâ'', and is starved almost to death for pleasure. He canâ''t sneak food either because he is forced everyday after school to vomit whatever he may have eaten. His mother is also always thinking up some new, torturous â''gameâ'' for them to play, like drinking ammonia or a game of â''grab and stabâ''. Yes, stab! His three other brothers are left untouched by theirs motherâ''s wrath, all and his father stands on the sidelines like a cowardly dog, as his son is beat murderously. David and his mother indeed share a very secret relationship. A relationship filled with hatred. All of motherâ''s frustration is taken out on him, and I could barely take the loneliness and the need to be someone, anyone, he felt. He had no family. He was all alone. NO ONE would want to experience the struggles he was faced with, and I mean no one! and no little boy should be treated in such a bitchy way. The life of David Pelzer has taught me to be grateful for my life, and thankful I have never had to walk a mile in his shoes. However, it has also taught me never to give up, and to keep fighting. To live, and to live life to the fullest. From the start to the finish of this wonderful book my tears were glued to the page, and yours will be too.