Rating:  Summary: Gets People Talking Review: Whether you like this subject or not, this book has appeal. Written in a clear style with no holds bar, the book includes a good selection of photographs and reference material. Read this and be entertained whether you agree or disagee with the conclusions. Give it four stars for drawing power. Buy it to keep up to date. Recommend. 4 stars.Jack in Toronto
Rating:  Summary: Skip the tabloids and read this book Review: All of you guys giving this book 1 stars and making ridiculous statements, are your brains frozen? I have a library of more than 3,000 books and I read Phillips last book Wealth & Democracy, which was a fine work. I am a voracious reader and read everything I can about a subject. Since we are talking about the future of our country, I believe American Dynasty is a worthwhile read. Even if you worship the ground that George W. Bush walks on and think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, why not read the other side of the story? Don't oppose it just because you disagree with the title. Check out the facts. Like I said, I have a library of more than 3,000 books. Would have more except I donate a lot to schools and libraries. But I read on a variety of subjects and get opposing points of views. To skip a book or even worse, bash it without reading it is naive! American Dynasty is a good read. Check it out!
Rating:  Summary: Required Reading Review: Al Franken and Michael Moore present the symptoms. Phillips presents the malaise that is the Bush Administration in its raw, cellular state. Chilling in its implications, Phillips' well researched and articulate work lays bare the perfect storm of corporate cronyism, religious fundamentalism and familial entitlement that represents a very clear and present threat to the core values and institutions of America. Phillips, no liberal, skewers the core of Bush's "compassionate conservatism," and points out the pathological predilections of four generations of Bushes for secrecy, rigged games and outright fraud. Unlike Franken and Moore, Phillips doesn't rant and rave. He lets the facts speak for themselves. Which make the conclusions of this book all the more devastating. This should be required reading for anyone trying to get a handle on the real issues of 2004.
Rating:  Summary: Skip this one and buy a cheap tabloid instead----------- Review: If you like to read innuendo and flat out opinions without facts, then read 'American Dynasty' but you would be better off to go to your video store and rent out Dynasty the TV series. At least there you could feast yourself on the beautiful Linda Evans, the conniving Joan Collins, the debonit John Forsythe and the stories are better and about as real as the junk in this book. Or you could just buy a cheap tabloid at your local grocery store. The information there would also be about as accurate as what is in this book and best of all, those tabloids, I am told, I don't read them myself, are a whole lot cheaper.
Rating:  Summary: Al Gore will enjoy this book Review: This book is just another wannabe writers attempt at attacking the Bush family. They make it sound like The Bush Family is like the Carringtons of the TV series Dynasty or even worse like the Carlione family with G.H. Bush being The Godfather. Unlike some of the reviewers (including those blazing five star reviewers) I actually read the book. It reads like the trash that is in tabloids and Phillips offers no real proof in his appendages. So where are the facts? And what is Phillips real agenda here? Like Mr. O'Niel, I believe that Phillips just has a frivulous beef against G.W.Bush in particular and the Bush family in general. Perhaps this is Phillips attempt to get even" with all the of the attacks on his hero Nichard M. Nixon. Or perhaps Phillips who claims to be a republican is truly a democrat and is trying to even the score for all of the facts that have been brought out against The Clinton's "The Worst Family" Al Gore, Howard Dean, Jesse Jackson, Gray Davis etc., etc. As I said, I did actually read this book. I found it entertaining but not factual. Take a shower after your read this to get rid of that slimy feeling you will have from reading this garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Shame on you, Kevin Review: Poor kevin has been hanging on the outskirts of importance for years. He is no conservative, and no influence and not too many brains. It would be more insightful to have in depth studies of kevin, michael, al, molly, etc. and find out just how trashy they really are and where they come from.This is the second book of kevins' that I have tried to wade through. This one was so full of insinuations, no proof, politics of envy, it puts one off to start with. Nothing is substantiated and that old nasty story about hitler and the Bushes was put to bed a long time ago. Poor kevin, he just can't help trying to be noted and with this entry, he will have to try again. I hope the publishers have proof checkers, they are needed badly with this one.
Rating:  Summary: What are you Bush-ites afraid of? Review: Are you George Bush fans afraid of facts or opinion? What is wrong with at least reading a book like this and then getting the facts?I missed Phillips on CSPAN tonite but have seen him before. He knows whereof he speaks.Pro Bush or anti Bush you should at least read this book---borrow it from your library if you feel it's anti-Bush to buy the book, read it and then tell us what you think. Don't just attack it because Phillips is revealing some things you don't like. To do that puts you in the same category of a cult follower---blindly following someone irregardless of facts. So, read the book then form an opinion. If you can't at least do that, then I say your heads are all full of cottonwad and you are cult-like sheep!
Rating:  Summary: finally, a book that could open some long-concealed eyes! Review: i continue to be ashamed by george w. bush yet am still amazed at how our country seems to embrace him! this man and his father have made careers out of lieing and cheating the american public, all in the name of money, and yet blue collar conservatives still think they're serving us proudly. it's tragic and i hope mr. phillips' book finally slaps some sense into american citizens...hopefully before it's too late!
Rating:  Summary: This is an important book for American citizens to read... Review: The only thing I have in common with those Bush boot-lickers who first "reviewed" the book is that I haven't read the book -- yet. I'm watching Kevin Phillips on C-Span as I write this, and I understand from what he is saying and what the summaries above say that this is a must-read. Unfortunately those posters here who in effect have spit on the book are not capable of reading it.
Rating:  Summary: At least read the book before criticizing Review: All you guys giving American Dynasty 1 stars and bashing Phillips, let me ask ou a question: Have you actually read this or any of Phillips books?Let me as you another question; have you ever heard Phillips speak on tv? Are ou so closed minded that you automatically accept anything that does not praise as hype and bull without at least cheking it out first? American Dynasty may blow a few holes through the Bush image, but it is worth a read. I listened to Phillips last week on CSPAN and he is not a hero killer, bias without facts as some purport him to be. He not a Nixonite; he worked for Nixon that does not make him like Nixon.Like I said, at least read the book and listen to Phillips before hurling harsh reviews on the man and his work. Even if you are a strong Bush supporter, you owe it to yourself to read this book and check the data for yourself. Read the book. Listen to Phillips. Examine the facts. If they don't add up, then come back and offer your insight, but at least make it articulate. Untill then, back off!