Rating:  Summary: #1 Praying Wife Review: My wife purchased this book. Read it and I saw a change in her right away. Newlyweds since March 2001 and adjusting to each other after years of being single over 40+. Stormie's advice was taken to heart by my wife and she put into practice the steps and started learning the power points included. It has helped me directly because I am a chaplain who ministers to family/friends and when I come home I need ministering to and my wife has taken this book and become a more powerful prayer warrior. I pray with family but also know that my strength comes from having a praying wife at home. It is a great book for husbands to read if you can get it away from them long enough.
Rating:  Summary: Truly a life-changing read. Review: Before I read this book, I thought I was the only woman in the world who KNEW she should pray for her husband but was too frustrated with/angry at him to do it. Now I see that I'm not the only one, AND I am able to see my husband as a flesh-and-blood-being (just as I am), who is in the process of being perfected by the Lord (just as I am), who needs to be lifted in prayer (just as I do), who is struggling with issues that keep him from being all that God wants him to be (just as I am). This really changed my heart attitude toward praying for my husband. I now consider praying for my husband to be helping God in His work - it is God's job to convict and change my husband, not mine, but I can certainly plead with God to do it and make Him know the desires of my heart, as far as my husband is concerned.This should be required reading for every wife or wife-to-be. I also bought Stormie's book, "Power of a Praying Parent," and even got "Power of a Praying Husband" for MYSELF, to help me see specific areas which I need to be praying about regarding being a wife. If my husband picks it up and prays a little bit for me, even better! Your marriage will truly be blessed and your heart will swell with love and compassion for your husband if you take Stormie's suggestions to heart.
Rating:  Summary: She read my mind Review: This is a beautifully written book, which I use to help me pray every night and first thing in the morning. My husband knows I pray for him, but this book points out specific areas which the wives can pray for where he may be falling short in accomplishing. I have purchased another one for my daughter-in-law because I know she will also be inspired by Stormie's approach to prayer. I like her writing so much I purchased another two books called "Lord, I want to be whole" and I am getting so much out of reading it, that I felt God's presence telling me to get the book for my husband. I know if he would read just the first chapter, he would find out just what real happiness is; and you can't have it without the Lord in your life to lead and guide you. Both of these books came to me at a time of darkness in my life. Since I have begun to read them, and read more in my Bible, there is a light beginning to shine just for me. It's as if Stormie wrote this book just for me. Thanks, Stormie
Rating:  Summary: CHANGED MY LIFE! Review: As a result of my husband moving out of our home, I had read many, many books on love, marraige and how to avoid divorce. A friend gave me "The Power of a Praying Wife" and the book changed my life. As I read the book and used the recommended prayers, I felt hopeful about turning my marraige around. I recommend this book to all wives, whether the marraige is troubled or wonderful. Stormie uses real life examples to help you understand the power of prayer. I have already bought copies of this book for friends and family. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Rating:  Summary: The Power Of Words Review: This is an excellent book! I didn't simply read it. I use it. I have an alarm wristwatch that goes off at noon every day, to remind me "it's time to pray for my husband!" I have specific chapters, chosen by him, that I use repeatedly. My only constructive criticism is about the translation used in some of the Bible quotes. For instance, "...be anxious for nothing..." I finally realized that I was praying for anxiety about "nothing." And I was getting just that! Now I pray to "...not be anxious..." and we both feel much better. Ever since the changing of language at Babylon, the Enemy's been trying to trick us with words. It's even crept into The Word. We have great power. Use it carefully!
Rating:  Summary: An answer to prayer Review: If you are wondering whether to purchase this book, the answer is YES! Within the first few pages, I was filled with renewed hope, strength, assurance, empowerment, and peace. These feelings only grew as I continued through the book. It is a trusted friend and guide. The specificity of the issues Stormie discusses and her prayers at the end of each chapter are marvelous.
Rating:  Summary: A way to move men, by God Through Prayer. IT WORKS!!!!! Review: This book is an excellent book. I highly recomend it to anyone who is married. Or if you are seeking to improve your love for your husband and his love for you. It will save your marriage and give you a source of love in your marriage.
Rating:  Summary: Watch Out ! It may be you, not your husband who changes! Review: This is a wonderful and powerful book. I would definitely recommend it for all women - single and married! I initially bought the book thinking that I could use it to pray for the areas in which "I felt my husband needed to change." Well! Was I in for a huge surprise! As I began to read, the Lord touched my heart and I was the one who began to change. And as I changed, my husband began to react to my changes in a positive light. In the book, the author gives you about 20 areas for you to pray for your husband (e.g. his attitude, his finances, his affection, his job, his health, his committment, etc...)along with a specific prayer for that area and scriptures to reinforce the prayers. Each area is a separate chapter of the book. The chapters are very short - about 3-5 pages- and are very easy reading. I decided that I would focus on one chapter each week and keep that area in prayer throughout the week. Boy was I blown away! As I am almost finished with the entire book, I don't think a week has gone by that after reading a chapter and area to pray about for my husband that I did not end up in tears as the Lord showed me also where I could do better and where I needed to change to be a better wife and mother. I am so grateful that I came across this book. It is powerful and invaluable! The author, Stormie Omartain, has also written several other books including "The Power of a Praying Parent," which I plan to begin reading next week!
Rating:  Summary: Average advise and lacks depth Review: Ok so this isn't a book for or written by a rocket scientist. The reason I got it was simply because the title had been on a list of books I had made which I wanted to read. I make a list of 20 books that I make an effort to buy and read and then I pass the so so ones on to the local library or their book sale. As I often note I read all kinds of literature except romance novels (yuck!) and make an effort to read books I say I won't like. Or books that I think are to sappy or lacking in depth. And..... when I first read it I disliked it. But it's an OK book. Actually it is a book of 30 short stories and the authors opinion on what works as far as praying for ones spouse. Each "chapter" is title "HIS." and they are as follows: HIS: Wife Work Finances Sexuality Affection Temptations Mind Fears Purpose Choices health Protection Trials Integrity Reputation Priorities Relationships Fatherhood Past Attitude Marriage Emotions Walk Talk Repentance Deliverance Obedience Self-Image Faith and Failure. I also have been married since 1966 and know that one element she and many people leave out is marrying someone who is your "equal." In Christianity so many become Christians after marriage so the "un-equally yoked" vs equal oxen pulling the team is lacking. She doesn't seem to grasp page 14 Praying for your husband is not the same as praying for a child because you are not your husbands mother. We have authority over our children that is given to us by the Lord or misunderstands that as women we have the power to pray in an equal way for our spouse as we do our children since it is about seeking God wisdom and allowing God to move in a situation, and not us. But I also understand that when one prays for their partner that it does alter how we pray since we are dealing with another adult whom we probably are more intimate mentally and spiritually with. On page 25 she notes "The hard part about being a praying wife, other than the sacrifice of time, is maintaining a pure heart. It must be clean before God in order for you to see good results." I disagree. First anyone who knows Torah-Bible knows that anyone who sees praying as a chore or sacrifice is going about prayer ALL wrong. In my opinion having a pure heart may help but God knows your heart and your intention. In my opinion he will listen when you pray and he will move as he sees fit. Oh and under her Finance blurb she notes on page 56 when discussing tithes and living in downward economic times that " "to be sure there are wealthy people who do not give. But if you were to check closely into their lives, you'd find that they are missing many of the Lords blessings". I wish she had said SOME wealthy and not made it sound like such a blanket statement. First off statistically the truly wealthy folks do give and they give big time. Wannabe wealthy people I don't know about. The wealthy also give and we do not know it. as Bill Gates Sr notes, wealthy people love to give and it serves both a human need as well as a tax relief need for many, since you can only wear so many pairs of shoes etc etc. Her Sex blurb isn't even worth the read since she does what soooooo many Christians authors do when discussing SEX. She talks around SEX and not about real sex. Read KOSHER SEX to better understand what the Torah and what Christ would have said about sex. She also misses the part in # 6 His Temptations. She assumes that adultery is about sex. And as such she ignores BIG TIME the wife's obligation to provide for her husband what he is getting outside marriage. Did you know that according to the Mayflower Madame and many high priced call girls that men may get sex outside marriage but it is the attention and being listened to that they also crave, and is what they get when they pay for sex? His choices in # 10 is another oddity of sorts. Again it gets back to being equally married. Most Jewish-Christian men seek bright, educated women who are also feminine and sexy and as such are able to equate with them when they are dealing with business pressures and decision making. Being in an equal marriage you give and take and ask and accept advise from each other. In my own marriage my husband has often asked me to read contracts and even do some research on an issue because he knows I have a keen sense of things and can see things he may miss, just as he sees things I may miss and as such I need and want his opinions. His Health. She admits she used to nag and push and learned to hush up. But she seems to think that prayer was the answer, when logic might suggest that hushing up was. Fact is most men I know who lack the will to exercise etc wisely and to have the needed prostate etc tests do so often for a variety of reasons that simply becoming more organized about can help. First off, encourage your spouse to shoot baskets with friends, play golf etc etc. Women who nag and complain when their husband plays golf etc should give thanks, since this is just the activity they should be doing. Also realize that eating wisely means making sure you have plenty of good man friendly foods in the house. Her # 18 Fatherhood piece is Ok but again she misses a big piece if the puzzle. Most men who are Fathers want to be GREAT Fathers, and yet if you listen to them you will hear that the biggest problem they have is with their wife allowing them to BE Fathers. To often women try and tell a Dad how to be a Dad. That dressing the kid has to be done in a certain way etc etc. If you want a man to be a GREAT Dad, then allow him to parent his way even if it means the babies diaper is put on backwards, banana splits are breakfast food and passing gas is a topic of humor! The best memories of a Dad are the ones where Dad has been allowed to be Dad and give his kids the dreams he has, and not just the dreams Mom has! I also was troubled by her chapter 21 where she noted she didn't want a husband who liked/loved sports. I can see not wanting a husband who was a couch potato sports fan, but I think a husband can be godly and still have a favorite sports team etc. Read C. S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer and the Rebbe's book Toward a Meaningful Life which speaks bout what marriage can and should be.
Rating:  Summary: The Power of a Praying Wife Review: I wish that this book was written before I got married 21 years ago! I'll be recommending this book to any woman even thinking about getting married. This book is full of common sense. It is thought provoking and inspiring. I absolutely love the phrase "shut up and pray"! I've begun doing that and it really does work! Thank you Stormie for this wonderful book. May God continue to Bless you.