Rating:  Summary: Seeing Results Review: As I began this book, I did not have the best prayer life. Ok, so it practically wasn't there. Prayer has always been a struggle in my walk with Christ. I have been desperate lately though, to improve my husband's spirit and our relationship as well. So, I decided to follow her 30 day plan. I am a writer, so I set up a folder called "Praying Wife" on my computer, and daily I type a prayer in one of the 30 areas she talks about. This is also helpful, because I can see the written proof of answered prayers. I am only on day 9, and I already see MANY answers. Within days of praying for my husband to have doors opened for him so that he may return to ministry, he was called and offered an interview at a nearby church. Truly, God is good. Now, the goal is to spread this prayer plan over every aspect of my life, so I may have to pick up more of Stormie's books.
Rating:  Summary: the power to change your mind Review: A very dear friend of mine gave me this book when my husband and I were seperated. As she handed me the book she told me that it was perfectly fine with her if I wanted to tear it up into a million little pieces or just toss it into the fire. But, she hoped that I would at least graze through it. She also gave me a challenge (not something I was to enthused about at the time). She told me to pray for my husband even if I didn't feel like it eveyday for 30 days. And it could be as simple as saying something like God help him today. At that point in my marriage the last thing I wanted to do was anything for my husband, but I knew that my friend loved me and wanted me to have victory in my life. So I took her up on her challenge and began praying for my husband and reading the book. Thirty days past and guess what happened? Read the book and you will find out! Let me just say this. You cannot be in the presence of the Father everyday and not change. Thanks Nancy for your love and the book. My husband and I have been reconciled for almost a year.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book for women to stay abused!!!! Review: Thanks to this backward book that teaches women to not stand up for themselves and let a man verbally abuse them is the reason women will stay in bad marriages and teach their kids its ok to accept poor behavior. Its the life they were taught to live.I believe God wants children in safe positive healthy environments. A wife can pray and be a strong single parent without taking insults from an abusive or addictive husband bringing everyone down. Pray and care for yourself and your children and provide a safe happy home. Pray for the husband and pray he will seek therapy and learn to respect women. Stormie get a clue, women are not on this earth to cater to men and their every whim! I hope Stormie will one day donate her book profits to a women's shelter and pray for them, they have some very sad stories to tell!
Rating:  Summary: The Power of a Praying Wife Review: I've been a Christian for 36 years. I celebrated my 29th wedding anniversary this past August. I am an avid reader of books written about "Christian Living" or "how to" books, etc. NEVER before have I read such an "ON TARGET" book geared to the imperative need for prayer in the marriage and in the home. Medicine is not always "easy" to take. Sometimes we "forego" the medicine and think we can get "better" on our own. Sometimes, this may be the case...but in my experience I have found that this book is one that I definitely keep among my reference books. When I find a great book that has benefitted my life in some way, I usually like to recommend it to a friend or maybe buy it and give it as a birthday or Christmas gift. BUT THIS BOOK...I have bought nearly a dozen copies and given as gifts to friends and family. What I have realized is that when my husband seems to "deserve" my intercession (prayers) the least is when I should pray the MOST! When you interceed for your husband in areas of HIS life then you will undoubtedly benefit your own! If you cannot identify with the author's first chapter of the book (re: her own troubled marriage)...do not put the book down and say "I don't have THAT problem"...continue on - because regardless of your circumstances in life this book is a key that will help unlock the door of your mind to the endless ways that God desires to bless you and your husband and family. If there were a higher ranking than 5 stars, I would chose it. Every Christian woman who has a husband or is planning one day to have one, needs to get this book. Mine is dog-eared, highlighted, underlined, marked up with pen, pencil and with post-it notes. It is a treasured reference and guide book that I HIGHLY recommend.
Rating:  Summary: This is a book for every wife. Review: This book covers every aspect of marriage. It is for every wife who desires a marriage blessed by God and a closer relationship with her husband. It is backed by God's word. God truly uses this author to teach women about their relationships with their husbands. It is an especially effective tool which helps you to summarize your thoughts on different subjects and put them into your prayers. Whatever your concerns may be (health, fatherhood, etc.), Stormie has covered a variety of subjects. You may go into this book thinking about changing your husband, but this book will also change your life in many ways and bring you closer to God. God Bless You, Stormie Omartian.
Rating:  Summary: A Counselor's Recommendation Review: As a happily married counselor and minister, I (foolishly) didn't really think I needed this book when it was first given to me. But I was professionally surprised and personally comforted when I went ahead and gave it a go. Omartian's writing is warm, open, honest, biblical, and right on about the common problems today's wives and marriages face. She provides a tangible solution that moves beyond the complaining and manipulation that desperation often leads to. She shows that no woman has to live in frustration, even if her husband is sometimes, well, shall we say, less than a knight in shining armor? I feel sorry for the new bride who wrote in thinking she didn't need this book because 'only women on the verge of divorce' have days when they don't really "like" their husbands. That is exactly the kind of idealistic thinking that leads to divorce once real life hits, and the kind of thinking this book will help any woman, newly married, tried and true, or packing her bags, to move beyond so she can go do something constructive to keep her marriage healthy. No one can change another human being (unfortunately), but this book helps you learn how to ask God to change the both of you for a better, peaceful marriage. As for one reviewer's claims that the author advocates abuse, that is a tragic and surprising misreading. This book is clearly aimed at the average, salvageable marriage where 2 people make mistakes and let their own selfishness get in the way of a peaceful relationship. Sound familiar, anyone? It is NOT an encouragement for an abused woman to martyr herself at the hands of a dangerous man. Read "The Power of a Praying Husband" to see how the Omartians believe women should be treated. This, coupled with the above mentioned book for husbands, is a wonderful, wise, and effective tool in any marriage, young or old. If more people read this book, I would have a lot more free time. I highly recommend it, professionally and personally. (:
Rating:  Summary: Excellante' Review: I think this book is the best source for praying for your husband. It is clear, precise and simple read. Stormy makes you look at yourself in order to accomplish the goals you have for your husband. You must first put into perspective what's most important, and that is reaching your full spiritual potential as a wife! I love the book and read it over and over for the prayers themselves. I am buying the Power of a Praying Husband, Mother and Woman next.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent reference guide for the new wife Review: I've been married for 27 years and I regret that this book wasn't around in the early years of my marriage. I believe the sound advice and prayer suggestions would have saved me a lot anxiety and our marriage would have been stronger sooner! Prayer was always my last resort and I often didn't know how to pray about our circumstances. If you desire a life-long marriage to the same man, this is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: For divorcing women only Review: As a new Christian bride, I was excited to begin a strong foundation in my marriage through God's word. I began reading this book and was discouraged that it was only applicable to women who are unhappy in their marriage and having serious problems. Once I got to the section entitled, "I don't even like him, how can I pray for him", I decided that this book was only applicable to women with serious marriage problems.
Rating:  Summary: Wimpy Wives Who Question Their Own Judgment Have No Power Review: As a Christian and also a happily married wife, I looked forward to reading this book. I was disappointed to find that it is just like all the other fundamentalist Christian books on marriage. "Change yourself first, all these books argue, and question any anger you hold toward your husband. Isn't it possible that some men are just jerks and not worth preserving the marriage? Why is it these types of books always pretend otherwise? The book encourages women to question their reactions to their husbands' bad behavior and to bring those issues to God instead. I question why I would not communicate about marital issues with my husband. Advice that discourages marital communication is advice I find suspect. The book also encourages women to ignore their anger. Only briefly does the book discuss the righteousness of a decision to leave an abusive or addicted partner. This is the sort of book that would encourage a woman to stay in an abusive marriage, trying to pray her way out of it. My aunt stayed in such a marriage for 17 years, praying constantly with her Christian church, receiving books from her friends that were just like this one. Her marriage ended when her drunken husband almost killed her and threatened her children. Psychologically, she has never recovered. I am not saying that prayer is not powerful; nor am I saying that a wife should not pray for her husband. But the subservient wife depicted in this book - one who questions her own reactions and represses communication with her husband over potentially major marital issues - is not the kind of wife I'd like to be. Nor do I believe it leads to more stable marriage. If your goal is for your Christian marriage to endure, find a good therapist. Or, I recommend "Love is a Decision" - a much better book.