Rating:  Summary: This books provides it all! Humor,Sadness,Anger,Sympathy,etc Review: With "Angelas Ashes" I cried alot and laughed a little. With "Tis" I laughed alot and cried a little. Frank's style of writing is so compelling, so gripping, that it dares you to put the book down. Being a Protestant turned Catholic, totally non-Irish having spent my entire "Late-Baby-Boomer" life in the middle to upper middle-class of American society, spoiled from from the day I was born, I have almost nothing in common with Frank McCourt. Yet by the end of "Tis", I feel as if I am a part of his family having suffered and experienced, even if only in my mind, the horrific circumstances in depression-era Ireland and the struggle of an individual, with nothing but desire, to obtain the American Dream......whatever that might be! Through the reading of Frank McCourt's memoirs, I have learned things about myself that I did not realize. Mostly, that I too must have "my bladder near my eyes"!
Rating:  Summary: Tis a good book Review: The simple title of Frank McCourt's latest book is an odd couple to the complex content and self-reflection found in TIS. Slightly less depressing than its preceding ANGELA'S ASHES, the book packs thought, emotion, and new found maturity. As young Frankie decides to board a boat to New York, his childhood ends and TIS begins. Through new jobs, new friends, marriage, children, confusion, happiness and ever looming death, you grow and argue with Frank from page one. New experiences are in turn humorous and discouraging; his conclusions of them are honest and profound. As life throws him down, you will fall with him. And every time he gets back up, you will find hope. The story can be related to by anyone with a heart and mind. If you have ever felt loss, confusion, or self-pity and need an answer, here 'Tis. Would also recommend another great memoir/fiction book-----------------------------------BARK OF THE DOGWOOD----for a great time-funny, harrowing, and above all, well-written.
Rating:  Summary: Have you ever had just 1 shoe polished by a shoeshine man? Review: When I finished 'Tis, I felt just like Frank McCourt after he had his one shoe polished by the shoe shine man. I was left wanting more.
Without having read McCourt's earlier Angela's Ashes, really without even knowing AA existed, I accidentally picked up 'Tis just before I was to go on a long road trip. I grabbed the book on CD so I would have something to listen to along the way. The road trip will be long forgotten - however 'Tis will never leave my head!
Mr McCourt shows genuine emotion in his writing, he seems to hide nothing from the reader, his writing is sometimes painfully honest and blunt - he will make you laugh AND cry as he bares his soul to us while on his journey to find his place in the world. I would love to meet the man. 'Tis did not disappoint. (Strong language)
Rating:  Summary: Bounce along with the Irish boy, laughing all the way!!! Review: Don't be fooled, I never read Angela's Ashes so I came to 'tis with a fresh look. I got it 'cause it was cheap. But boy this is one GREAT book. I listen to it on the way to work and I listen to books every day to work and I find myself wanting to stay in the parking lot and listen. I laugh so hard that I wonder if people are looking at me. I think we read to escape our current environment and this one will have you wrapped into his world and not yours. Because you have his concerns but not worries it definitely reduces your blood pressure. You seem to know that all will be alright. AWESOME!!!
Rating:  Summary: Oh, so enjoyable!! Review: The perfect follow-up to "Angela's Ashes". There are no gaps in between and you are taken from the childood of the McCourt boys into their Adult lives, relationships, professions, happy times and dissapointments. By the time you've completed this book you will probably feel like a family member. New Yorkers will defintiely relate, since so much of the NYC geography is depicted in this book, then again everyone can relate..........it's a true story about family & relationships.
Rating:  Summary: Good Review: Just as Margaret Mitchell's other writings could never add up to her first book, 'Gone with the Wind', so it is with 'Tis. This is the second memoir, after his wonderful debut book. As good as the story is, it just does not have the punch of his first, but it is still an excellent tale. I do love this man's writing style!
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING STORY Review: Sequel of "Angela's ashes", I was not disappointed a second. The book starts exactly when Angela's...finished. It's written with talent. We hear about what happen to the dad & mum afterwards(You can also learn more on Malachy's first book...Read it). By the way you'll learn of anything happened to Frank in USA, his return to Europe (after war as a soldier) and in Ireland. A life that could have finished in an Irish lane fortunately made it in USA successfully.
Rating:  Summary: Tis is a must read for everyone Review: I read Angela's Ashes at the suggestion of a very good friend, Louis it was his favorite book and I have say I could see why. When a friend at work saw me reading it she told me about the sequel "Tis a Memoir", I just had to get it and I have to say that when I did, I could not put it down! It is an excellent book, Frank McCourt has such an engaging way of keep his reader hooked! Superb! I love his sense of humor, his triumphs a wonderful and give us all hope, a must read for all ages!
Rating:  Summary: And here?s what happened next Review: This book continues the story of Frank McCourt's life, from his return to American shores at the age of 19 through his middle age, as he finally makes peace with his parents. McCourt tells us about his work history and his romantic involvements, and how he became a writer (or at least a writing instructor). I didn't find this book as engaging as Angela's Ashes. Perhaps the struggles of adult life, deciding whether to stay at a lousy job or quit, or how to keep a relationship alive, just aren't as immediate as those of childhood- -where will your next meal come from? Will your father get up you up in the middle of the night again to make you swear you will die for Ireland? Or maybe the American characters in this tale lack the spirit of the Irish ones in Angela's Ashes. This book seemed to drag a bit, as McCourt details the slow meandering path that he took while pulling himself up from work cleaning ashtrays in a hotel lobby to becoming a teacher and a father. One trait that McCourt seemed to inherit from his father was the propensity to let drink get in the way of his family life. In this sense, it seems that McCourt didn't take all the lessons of his childhood to heart. As a result, his upward progress is perhaps a bit more bumpy than it needed to be. Nevertheless, McCourt can still tell stories, and as he relates the events of his wedding or first day in school, the reader is there with him in the scene as it unfolds. I also enjoyed his description of how he found and developed the particular teaching style that suited him. No, it's not easy to walk into a classroom as a new teacher in a tough school and establish a sense of order, let alone motivate students to learn. But when you're trying to get the students to read moldy old classics simply because they're part of the assigned high school curriculum, and the kids find out that you never had to read these books in school yourself because you didn't even attend high school, you're in thick soup. It's in such circumstances that McCourt truly comes into his own.