Rating:  Summary: Deep Thought Provoking Look at Yourself Review: (. . .)P>In a somewhat wordy and lengthy discussion (thus the 4 stars), Mr. Covey presents the reader, in a peaceful and non-judgemental fashion, a way to examine one's life style, and make a few changes that WILL (I say that intentionally) help the reader. There are a wide variety of personal habits that can be examined by the reader as this book is read, and then possibly applied to the reader's life-style. The theories are very stimulating and non-threatening, so they appear as friendly offers to a better, more organized life style. I have found that Mr. Covery's ideas are very good, and have applied some to my world, and feel very good about the results.As I said earlier, there are times when less words may have resulted in more being said, but I see that as personal preference, not a major problem with the writing. I suggest that you read this book, without fear of wasted time, and use the materials as a base to make any changes you feel may be helpful to your life's situations. Well done Mr. Covey.
Rating:  Summary: Opposite philosophy of "How to win friends & influence ppl" Review: As anyone will tell you (that really read Covey's book) "How to win friends & influence people" is overly concerned with superficial characteristics, whereas "Seven Habits" is about change from the inside. If someone strives to become better from the inside first, everyone around them will notice the changes which also occur on the "outside". "Seven Habits...." changed my life after I read it 7 years ago and still continues to improve my life and the lives of those with whom I cross paths.
These habits are nothing new, but the presentation of them hit home with me.
A friend of mine read this book. She left her position as a vice-president of a Bank, since "Seven Habits" made her realize that she did not like the person she had become. All these years later...she is happier and makes more money...a real life win-win!
If you haven't read it...do yourself (and those you love) a favor...get a copy and read it.
Rating:  Summary: Teacher & Engineer Review: Buying this book will be one of the most effective investment you every made in your life.
Rating:  Summary: A "must read" for anybody who wants happiness and success Review: Covey is easy to understand, and his teachings are solid. He skillfully leads you through some mental exercises that open up new vistas of insight. The concepts themselves have stood the test of time; it's Covey's presentation and way of tying everything together that work the apparent magic. I read this book nearly 10 years before writing this review, and have referred to it often since then. Covey's contribution to mankind, through this book, is major. "Seven Habits..." may well be one of the great life-changing tools of our time. Why should you read this book? As Covey says, "Put first things first." This book lays a firm foundation from which you can reach new heights--both professionally and personally. If you have any desire to take control of your life, to be happy, to succeed--this book (or tape) is for you. If you enjoy chaos, uncertainty, and failure, don't read this book.
Rating:  Summary: if you never read another book... Review: First, you have to accept that you're never too old to learn; second, you must be prepared and willing to make changes in your own attitudes, behaviour and outlook.
There are many self help books out there telling you to be more positive and so on, but this one describes the habits or rules you need to develop for dealing with life in general, so that the specifics can be dealt with almost sub-conciously. Covey sugests that, if you are in the habit of dealing with life's little problems using the same basic rules of thumb, when the big or urgent problems arrive without warning, you will automatically respond in the right way.
Simple ideas such as "begin with the end in mind" are so obvious, yet how many of us leap at the first - and easiest - solution to our problems, only to find that we have not thought the thing through and we end up in a worse dilemma?
An excellent book, it should be read over a period of a year or more, as you learn and practise the habits suggested.
The only minor negative I would find is that it is very obviously written by an American for an American audience - but, fellow Europeans, do not let that put you off!
Rating:  Summary: By far one of the best books Review: I have read many self-help and motivational books. This was different. It goes to the heart of the matter. It makes a person examine their inner motivations. It really hits on deep issues such as character ethics, integrity, diligence, understanding, etc. I have read this book three times already in the past 10 years, and I will re-read it gain very soon. Everyone should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: 7 habits that give you insight of your effective self Review: Stephen Covey effectively broke down a board concept: effective personal growth, into diagrams and languages that are so easily understandable. The concept of a paradigm shift and the balance of product/ produce capability amazed me.
The book divides into 3 parts: private victory, public victory and a renewal habit. Private victory include being a proactive individual, the habit of beginning with an end in mind (mental visualization) and putting first thing first (emphasize on focusing on something that is not urgent but very important e.g. exercise and health, as opposed to urgent and important things such as seeing a doctor because of poor health.) Public victory include a habit of thinking win/win, empathic communication (seek first to understand others and then to be understood, and the power of synergy that produce creative cooperation. The last habit is to sharpen those 6 habits mentioned.
Being a truly effective person does not require any technique. Covey stresses the importance of conscience and the power that follows by applying it. The seven habits are self-evident and are not difficult to apply in daily living if a person is proactive and demands personal growth. This is a very insightful book that changes you to become a better and more productive member as well as team player.
Rating:  Summary: STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVENESS Review: Stephen Covey outlines the best strategies for maximum effectiveness in this great book. The fact that this book has remained a best seller for over 15 years should tell you something about the merits of the informmation that it contains. Highly recommended book.
Rating:  Summary: 7 Habits for Corporate Success Review: The 7 habits are basically common sense ideas, although that can be useful in the "can't see the forest through the trees" sort of way. I found his stories to be more insightful than his actual program, but the program can certainly help one refocus and reorganize one's life. If your main goal in life is to climb the corporate ladder, than you will probably find this book to be helpful. There are also some useful tidbits on leading a healthier life.
I suppose I would have given the book 4 stars, if I hadn't already read the classic "How to Win Friends & Influence People". I would suggest reading that plus "Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and a biography of a person you admire instead. I think that would give you a better perspective on leading a challenging and successful life.
Rating:  Summary: Newton's laws in human world Review: The impact that this book gave me is unmatchable by any other books. Years ago I felt lost in the direction of life, so I searched for many books for guidance, but none could get me out of the gray. Then I found this book on a give-away library cart. What a wonderful give-away gift! I was struck by the story of the battleship, the analogy of the tennis player, and the discovery of Viktor Frankl. The words were so heavy that after I read a few lines, I had to pause and think. Often a couple of sentences were enough to keep me think for the whole day. It took me half a year to finish reading the Introduction ("Inside-Out"), and another year to finish the first three habits. It was during this period of time I started to see life from a totally new and healthy perspective. Thank you, Mr. Covey.
Natural world is governed by Newton's laws. Likewise, funcamental laws exist in human world. Mr. Covey's book is a textbook to explain such laws to all of us who don't understand ourselves, let alone the human world. The book teaches me how to deal with myself through analytical eyes, and how to live a successful life while still keep my soul. The reason most other books did not help me was because they are dealing with knowledge on everything but myself. The book is fundamental yet reachable. The fact that the book becomes a bestseller testifies that every reader knows what real gold is.
Some readers complain that the Habits are difficult to practice in daily life. I don't force myself to do something according to the agenda suggested by the Habits. Rather, I read a little bit of the book everyday for a long time, sometimes by page order and sometimes randomly, and let the thoughts find their places in my mind. Over time, I find myself subconciously practicing his teaching in daily life. The habits are becoming mine.
Five stars are not enough to assess this book's value. Let me quote Warren Bennis' comment about this book: "This remarkable book will be my gift to everyone I know."