Rating:  Summary: A great suspensful fiction novel Review: The book Artimis Fowl by Eoin Colfer was a very good book. In the book Artemis is a very bright child with a criminal mastermid, like everyone else in his family. Artems's dad was on a boat with a whole bunch of the money. Unfortunatly the boat was bombed and the father wasn't found. Artemis is now doing a crazy scheme involving fairies, trolls, and
centaurs. It is a very interesting story.
Rating:  Summary: This is a good book but not a great book. Review: This book is good but I have to say I did find it boring at parts. The book is about a 13 year old boy who is a criminal mastermind and a genius. His famly was rich but lost alot of money when the boat that Artemis's father was on, with the money, was bombed. Artemis goes to where a Fairy is hiding. He tricks the fairy into giving him what they call the book. Then He captures one of the fairy, Holly Short, and holds one for a rasom. Then the story comes into an all out war. The reason I did not say it was great was because The story ends too quickly.
Rating:  Summary: Artemis Fowl Review: "How does one describe Artemis Fowl? Various psychiatrists have tried and failed. The main problem is Artemis's own intelligence. He bamboozles every test thrown at him. He has puzzled the greatest medical minds, and has sent many of them gibbering to their own hospitals," Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer. At the dawn of the 21st Century in Ho Chi Minh City Artemis Fowl a twelve-year-old criminal mastermind had devised a plan to restore his family's fortune. A plan that could topple civilizations and plunge the planet into a cross-species war. This novel takes place in the contemporary "real" world. However, the protagonist, Artemis is aware of a magic world beneath the surface of the earth. ... I am usually a non fiction reader, but Eoin Colfer's fantasy of two races colliding kept my light on past Twelve O-clock for most of the nights I read this suspenseful novel. If I were to harshly criticize this book, the worst part would be when it is over. Colfer leaves you wondering if maybe there is another world full of fairies, gnomes, and leprechauns, or when is the sequel coming out. I would suggest this book to fantasy lovers or Harry Potter fanatics. Although they are both fantasies, they are completely different styles of writing.
Rating:  Summary: Artemis Fowl Review: Artemis Fowl compte déjà beaucoup d'admirateurs, malgré son côté malicieux et malfaiteur imaginé par son créateur, Eoin Colfer. Pourtant, cet Artemis est bougrement charismatique, attachant et fascinant. Il n'a que douze ans, héritier d'une fortune qu'il souhaite regonfler après les entourloupes manquées de son père, lequel est porté disparu au large des côtes russes depuis deux ans. Sa propre mère a perdu la tête, le garçon est donc livré à lui-même, secondé par son homme à tout faire, Butler, et la jeune soeur de celui-ci, Juliet. Artemis va réussir à s'emparer du Livre des Fées, décoder leurs us et coutumes et ainsi kidnapper l'une d'elles pour réclamer une rançon et empocher des tonnes d'or. La victime est Holly Short, officier féminin d'un corps d'élite, un personnage au tempérament bien trempé. Tout ce petit monde va donc faire vivre au lecteur des aventures haletantes, dignes des meilleurs James Bond, à mi-chemin des Indiana Jones au pays imaginaire. Ce qui est particulièrement intéressant dans ce premier tome de la trilogie Artemis Fowl c'est le mélange de légendes irlandaises, des contes et mythes autour des farfadets et compagnie, avec un concept moderne et futuriste. L'auteur n'hésite pas à dégainer une panoplie d'inventions ou de technologies des temps nouveaux, d'étaler une bonne science autour des elfes, des fées, des lutins etc, et n'a pas son pareil pour des dialogues incisifs et percutants qui complètent ce récit d'aventures définitivement. Le résultat est impressionnant ! Artemis Fowl devient l'un des premiers héros malfaisants qu'on n'hésite pas à respecter. La suite reste à découvrir ...
Rating:  Summary: Odd book with twists and an anti-hero :) Review: Artemis Fowl is a criminal mastermind, intent on stealing gold from the fairyfolk. The 1st twist is that he isn't mad: fairies do exist, even though they have managed to stay hidden underground for a long, long time. The 2nd twist is that our intelligent delinquent is merely 12 years old :)
Artemis will have the help of his loyal bodyguard Butler in his "little project", that involves kidnapping a fairy in order to ask for a ransom in gold. The problem is that when Artemis puts his plan into action he kidnaps no less than the equivalent of a human police officer, plucky Captain Holly Short of the Lower Elements Police Reconnaisance Unit. After that, trouble arises soon enough, escalating quite quickly when the fairyfolk realize one of them has been captured. Who will win?. Well, to know that you will have to read the book !!!.
On the whole, I can say that I recommend this book. It doesn't have much to do with traditional fairy tales, but it takes some of their magic and mixtures it with an enterprising young crook without too many remorses, and some worthy opponents worth their salt. Your children (and even you) are highly likely to like this oddly original book, and its strange anti-hero !!!.
Belen Alcat
Rating:  Summary: In-Your-Face Fairies Review: Artemis Fowl is an action packed adventure Artemis Fowl is a twelve-year-old criminal genius who plans to rebuild his family's fortune by capturing a fairy and ransoming it for a ton of gold. After obtaining a copy of the Fairy's Book which contain the instructions to their magic and 'life rules' he captures Captain Holly Short one of the elite members of the LEPrecon unit. This begins the unearthly conflict between Artemis, his imposing manservant and bodyguard Butler, and the underground fairy world under the guidance of Holly's senior officer, Commander Root. This book is not a typical fairy-tale, though it is based on typical fairy-tail creatures. Curiously the fairies have limited their dependance on magic and increased their technological prowess, so instead of wands and fairy dust, they have guns, radios, and numerous other high tech gadgets. The struggle for Captain Short and the fairy gold is packed with twists and turns as the fairies are constantly thwarted by Artemis, his foreknowledge of fairy protocol, and his ability to use much of their technology against them. This book is full of innovative ideas, especially technology wise, and varying kinds of combat, ensuring the reader doesn't become board with the same old thing, but it lacks any redeeming message. This book is not the clear cut, black and white, good vs. evil story that is generally a trademark with most fantasy and science fiction books today. The bad guys, Artemis and Butler, are not completely evil and often the reader finds him or herself cheering them on and hoping they win a certain scenario. The good guys, the fairies, are fun and realistic, but not endearing enough for the reader to completely side with them. This is a great book for children over ten years of age. Artemis Fowl is a great escapist read, full of action, in-your-face characters, and an engrossing plot. It is a refreshing, creative take on the science fiction/fantasy genera and redefines many of the classic fairytale creatures. The book was a fun story, simply pure action adventure.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best books ever Review: Artemis Fowl was fun and exciting. I couldn't put this book down. Who knew fairies could be so tricky, especially the LEP officers. These aren't your regular fairytale fairies. I was so enchanted by it that I immediately started book 2 in this series. I have to know what happens next!
Rating:  Summary: Artemis Fowl Review: Artemis FowlThis book is sort of a mix between the Harry potter series and Lord of the rings series. For a second let's just forget about them both, because this book is not comparable with any other fantasy books. The language is easy (meant for age 9-12) and Eoin Colfer, the author, did a great job in ending the story. It is about a young masterminded criminal named Artemis Fowl. He goes on an adventure with his Butler from stealing the Book of the Fairies in the Underworld (a fantasy world exist underground). However, an officer fairy goes by the name of Captain Holly Short, and she becomes a problem to Artemis Fowl. After his capture of the captain, it brings a disaster to the Fowl Mansion. I won't spoil you any more details, so just go get the book and start reading it. There are a few more of the Artemis Fowl series and I was planning to read them soon, you should too.
Rating:  Summary: Three Generations Entertained: Review: Colfer's newest work, Artemis Fowl, is a delightful, energetic piece of science fiction posing as fantasy. He introduces technology and asks the age old question, "What if?" Colfer's witty writing style makes this piece a delight for all ages. While recommended for grades 6 and above, due to the reading skills required, this book provides the perfect opprotunity for parents (or grandparents in my case) to read to their children. The plot and clever use of language is sophisticated enough for the reader to enjoy; while the high energy, vivid, even graphic descriptions, fully engage the over eight year old crowd who have outgrown many books they are capable of reading. In my case, reading this book to my 10 year old grandson allowed me to not only spend time with my grandson, but to also elicit giggles from him and his hard to please mother. We were each engaged by the story's wit and pace. Like the Harry Potter books, reading this book causes both reader and listener to ask, "When is the next book coming out?"
Rating:  Summary: ghjkfgasfagbhcupk;p maciosdjcv ioafjg Review: I loved the magical themes which this book centers around. I fell in love with the charachters right away.You can get into the book easily from the first page. The age range I would gear this for would be 9-16. The fact that Artemis is 13 makes him easy to relate to, but the fact that he is obsessed with wealth and has maniocal schemes to get his hands on money. This book is thought provoking because both main charachters can be scene as protagonists or antagonists. You sometimes have trouble knowing who to root for.