Rating:  Summary: The misadventures of a teenage girl Review: Angus thongs and full frontal snogging is a book about the hilarious misadventures of an "average" teenage girl. Georgia Nicholson is just trying to survive through her first year of high school, convince her mother to let her wear makeup, survive her little sister who has some very bad habits, live with her part-wildcat cat named Angus, deal with her slightly clueless friend, take snogging lessons, live with her parents, ....THough she seems to pretty much mess up with everything Georgia's diary is funny, true to life, and a great book to read when you're having a bad day. People who grew up reading the Ramona books will enjoy reading about this Brit teen. If you're a fan of books like "The Princess Diaries" and other humorous diary books you'll love this. It will make you want to start a diary of your own! I reccomend it to any teenage girl who's convinced that they have the most hectic life in the world. You're wrong. You haven't meet Georgia.
Rating:  Summary: A Truly Enjoyable Teen Novel Review: Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging caught me completely off guard. First of all, I thought the title was kind of odd and I wasn't really sure what I was in for, since I haven't read a teen novel in a good while and this novel happened to come from England. But author Louise Rennison captures my attention with this hilarious novel that is about the life of a fourteen year old British girl. Georgia Nicholson is a bit of a change from the other teen heroines presented is other novels. She's vapid, selfish, and is concerned mostly on her appearance. She lives in a dysfunctional household with a cat who is in need of barbiturates, a little sister who hides her dirty diapers everywhere, and parents who she wishes she was never related to. The big highlight of this book is that it's funny, one of the funniest books that I have read in a long time. Rennison pumps a lot of life into her character through her unique brand of humor. Weather Georgia is failing at trying to nab the boy of her dreams or is getting yelled at by her school headmistress, she gets through her troubled teenage life with her own little inside jokes and a little reflection in her diary. This book is fresh, funny and is a great story for any teenager to read. You can find some way to connect to Georgia, no matter which country you come from.
Rating:  Summary: A Snog-worthy book indeed! Review: First off, *don't* be fooled by the intended audience age-range. While young adolescents will find a lot to like here, it's the adults (and perhaps mostly those adults who have not yet lost the knowledge of how full of juicy possibilities life and the future can hold when you're sixteen) that Ms. Rennison is writing for.
Her comedy chops are well established (though I'd never heard of her before these books), and they're polished to a high shine in this book, as well as the follow-ups in the series. (At this point I haven't yet read "Away Laughing on a Fast Camel", but I've no doubt it'll be every bit as good as the others). I have to admit that by the third book I'd grown a wee bit weary of Georgia (the main character/diarist) and her endless melodrama, but tongue was back firmly in cheek by the time "Nuddy Pants" came out, and I was reeled in again -- hook, line and sinker.
There's a TON of great Brit-slang in these books, and helpful little glossaries at the back of each book. Don't know what "pingy pongos" or "jammy dodgers" are? Get thee to the glossary!
If you want truly fun, laugh-out-loud funny books which will put you in a better mood than you ever thought a book written for teenagers could, start with "Angus, Thongs ... " and move on from there.
For me, the grown-up version of these books are Rafaella Barker's "Hens Dancing" and the almost-equally-as-fabulous "Summertime". They are laced with that bit of eccentricity and looniness that seems characteristic of the British. If you happen to love that, I highly recommend all of these books. They are sort of the modern day progeny of P.G. Wodehouse; though not about aristocrats, they are full of the same wry observations that charactized "Plum's" great and copious works (see Jeeves, et al).
Happy reading!!
Rating:  Summary: Teen Girl Book Review: Georgia Nicolson is a high school girl in England writing to the USA or as she calls it hamburgeragogoland. She's funny, not an academic sort of girl, outrageous, nice, selfish at times, dependent on her buddy Jas although she'll never admit it, and has a one track mind, BOYS, her first obsession, Robbie the Sex God. She tells her stories in diary form. This is book is great for any teenage girl looking for a laugh. Although the stories often leave realism, Georgia's character is easy to relate to.
Rating:  Summary: Makes You Laugh Review: Georgia Nicolson is a teenager who lives in England. She goes to an all girl's school and is in love with Robbie, a major god (really hot guy). Her best friend, Jas, is dating Robbie's little brother. Georgia's dad has gone to kiwi-a-go-go land (New Zealand) and she is stuck at home with her little sister Libby, who is three years old, her mom, and her and her cat Angus "My mixed-breed cat," says Georgia "half domestic tabby, half Scottish wildcat. The size of a small Labrador, only mad." She only gets out of the house when she hangs out with her friends, Jas, Ellen, Jools, and Rosie. Not that she would want to go out since she shaved off her eyebrows, and as a result looks like an alien. When at school she has to deal with nauseating P. Green, her lesbian gym teacher, Ms. Stamp, and, worst of all, Slim, the headmistress. I really like this book, and would highly recommend it mainly to teenage girls, but anyone could enjoy it. It makes you laugh till your belly's numb. Angus tells about romance and life from a teenage point of view. It's in diary format and is part of a series of four books, which all are good.
Rating:  Summary: YES! A female Adrian Mole for the new millenium! Review: Georgia Nicolson is NOT Bridget Jones -- she's far wittier, spunkier, and more hilarious as she lives the life of a 14-year-old going to school with her various girl friends. (Angus is her huge half-Scottish wildcat of a pet.) She is in love with Robbie aka The Sex God, who works with his brother Tom in the family fruit and veg store. Tom likes her friend Jas. Robbie is dating desperate Lindsay with the sticky-out ears. Her Mom and Dad get on her nerves with their pointlessness. Her 3-year-old sister Libby calls her "bad boy". She gets into tons of trouble at school. She hates her nose, and her friends scored it 6 1/3 out of 10 when they rated each other for skin, face, figure, etc. On and on and on ..... It's just great! Completely reminds me of being 14 and what was important then, and how everything was a drama but had the potential to be important enough to be a hilarious diary entry. I laughed out loud so much -- be careful if you read this on public transportation! But it sure makes your day seem so much better as you think "that boring meeting at work --- how would Georgia write about it in her diary?" Something like "Honestly, there is no point in being alive today", no doubt! Can't wait to read the rest of the series.
Rating:  Summary: Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging Review: How would you feel about being a 14-year-old girl with a crazy cat who likes eating birds and scareing the neighbor's poodle who can be very loud, and a 3-year-old sister who likes leaving wet "nappies" (poo) at the foot of your bed? Or embarrassing parents who make you want to escape to Stonehenge and dance with the Druids. Thats what Georgia Nicolson has to put up with every day. This book, was incredibly strange. I throughly enjoyed reading the book don't get me wrong, its just that its author's writing style was different to me. This book was easy to read, and if I had a question on some Brittish-Slang, all that I had to do was look in the back of the book because theres a complete dictionary back there which helps a lot because trust me, somethings do get a bit confusing! The book though,was very entertaining and well thought out. It contained characters that I could totally relate to, along with funny plots and things that made you laugh out loud to where people around you give you strange looks. Over all, I'd have to give this book four stars out of five because although I did enjoy it very, very much, I just don't think it was one of my favorites. Possibly because the British-slang and the fact that I didn't conpletely understand it, or the fact that, while it was a very easy read, with little to no high vocabulary words that I had no clue about what they meant, I just didn't think that it was quite enough of a challenge. The author, Lousie Rennison, as well didn't do the greatest of jobs at organizing the story line. But as for being positive, I believe that this book would be great for children or pre-teens, and possibly crazy language arts teachers that enjoy being able to tell their students that they have read this book. This book, wasn't exactly what I expected either. It contained some very childish thoughts and ideas and actions, while at the same time, some of the ideas were sort of complex and made you think. My friends told me about the book and some saids that they enjoyed it while others said that they didn't so when I read it I had a very open mind to any and all suggestions of ideas and actions that were presented in the story. Georgia is Everygirl taken to the extreme, her antics will make anything you've ever done when looking for that special guy seem staid, reasonable, or even worse, completely normal.At 14 she sometimes thinks she's the only girl in the world without the very necessary appendage called the boyfriend, even though she knows this isn't true when she looks at her friends. I sometimes believe that I made a real mistake when I took this book out of its package because I didn't ever want to put it down and sometimes my homework and house hold chores got put on hold just so I could read a little bit longer. So in my opinion, you pick it up, read it, and lend it to a friend --- but only after you've borrowed something of equal value as hostage just to make sure you get it back.
Rating:  Summary: Angus,Thongs, and Full Frontal Snoggin Review: I have read this book two times now and i love it more and more each time. When i first read the book, i laughed the whole way through. Its about this girl that is just starting to go through puberty and i can relate to everything she is going through. I would have to say my favorite part of the whole book is when she shaves off her eyebrows with her dad's razor, i thought that was hilarious. I would recommend this book to any teenage girl that is mature enough to handle a book like this.
Rating:  Summary: This book is funny Review: I loved this book.Its a laugh out loud book.As soon as i finished it i loved it so much i started write on the next one.Its not as good as some of the others books but its worth reading.
Rating:  Summary: WARNING! Mad cat on the loose!!! Review: Imagine that you were a 14 year old girl living in the middle of England with your very odd parents, a mad toddler sister, and a cat who acts like a hungry lion. You are in love with a guy but soon realize that he is going steady with a girl that you and your friends all avoid. Your life couldn't get any worse. But just before you hitch hike to Africa, your live suddenly changes. If that sounded like a crazy life to you, you are totally correct. That is how Georgia Nicolson lived her life a teenager in England in the book Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging By Louise Rennison. In Georgia's diary, she is living a crazy life of avoiding her family's togetherness and trying to get the man of her dreams to notice her. She and her handful of friends encounter many daring and very funny obstacles on the way to growing up. She spends most of her time in her room experimenting on different looks or boring herself at her private all girls' school that she hates. Between all the clothes, make-up, stress, boys, and school she encounters a life changing event that she wanted in the beginning. Georgia tries to get this boy named Robbie to like her. But only one problem... he is 4 years older and he is already taken! But that doesn't stop Georgia. It is either her way or the highway. Can she win Robbie from the mystery girl? So if you enjoy a funny book written with English humor, and that in the middle of class will have you cracking up, Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging is a great book for you.