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Rating:  Summary: To God Be The Glory! Review: Billy Graham is an amazing man of God. He fulfilled God's calling, and finished the race marked out for him for over 50 years. In this phenomenal autobiography, Just As I am; Billy Graham presents us with a detailed, introspective and humorous account of his life and his various encounters with people of high positions. Whether its Kim Il Sung, Muhammad Ali or the many others mentioned; it simply shows how great God is and the amount of influence that he can give to one man was chosen by God. His ministeries/Crusades are not only inspiring, but mindblowing that leaves your jawdropping after you have read about all of it. I remember shaking my head and smiling in amazement as I read about the number of people who received Christ, and simply the massiveness of the audiences he preached to. I mean, come on. We all have to admit that it is simply God's divine will that one man could speak to 1 million Koreans at once,or to an eager 250 000 crowd in Central Park. In addition, Billy Graham's TV appearances, Newspaper interviews, and Evangilistical Association speaks volumes on his favor and access to the spheres of Media influence. To onclude, this biography can only spur us on in our life for God. After reading this, I just have this passion to reach out to others and preach the gospel as much as I can. If you are a Christian who lacks that zeal and passion for Christ,then, I hope this would ultimately spur you on to reach greater heights for God. God can use anyone, and that means that God can use you!"The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37-38
Rating:  Summary: Just As I Am... A humble title for a humble man Review: Billy Graham's latest book offers a fresh and personal insight to his life and his life's work. It is truly amazing how God has worked in this wonderful and dedicated man's long life. Yet, he continues to wonder "why"? Why would God take a young man from Charlotte, NC and transform him into the greatest evangelist since Paul? Most interesting is his relationship with his wife, his family, those he worked and works with, presidents and leaders throughout the world. It is facinating to read of his burden of countries closed off from outsiders, yet, in time, God opened the door to Billy Graham to spread the Gospel in those same countries. In this day of dishonest and insincere TV evangelists, it is refreshing to read of one so intent on giving God alone the glory. At seventy-eight he admits that he will not be here much longer. I will miss him even more now having read his book. May we all follow his example
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book About a Truly Humble and Godly Man! Review: Graham's autobiography is refreshingly candid and the author pulls no punches over the struggles he experienced while growing up and resisting the call to the ministry. The writing style is simple and unpretentious, just like the author! Among the many interesting experiences in his life mentioned in the book include: 1. Growing up in the Charlotte NC area and his salvation experience while attending a revival. 2. The struggles of resisting the call to ministry and wondering why God would choose him. 3. The work involved in preparing for his crusades and the resulting fruits of his labor. 4. Friendships with presidents, heads of state, celebrities, and the common person. 5. Relationships with his family and struggles they faced when he was away from home. 6. Development and expansion of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 7. Early days at Youth for Christ and college. 8. Courtship of Ruth Bell. After reading this wonderful book, is it any wonder why God would use a humble and ordinary man to draw millions to Jesus Christ? Read the book and be encouraged!
Rating:  Summary: America's Preacher Finally Tells His Story Review: I've been a big fan of Dr. Billy Graham for many years. I used to love watching his crusades on t.v. back when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's. His preaching always fascinated me. It's funny though, I didn't get saved until 1992! But I certainly can't blame Dr. Graham for that. He planted the seed in my life, and did so repeatedly. My mother gave me this book as a Christmas gift in December of 1998, during my last year in college. I finished reading it at work before my college went back to school for the spring semester. In fact, I was so fascinated by his story that I couldn't put it down. I had the entire book read in about 6 days! That's my personal record for a book this long! This book really is that great! He covers his entire life, from growing up in western North Carolina up until this book was published. He leaves no stone unturned. You'll read about how he got saved, hearing God's call into the ministry, and his days in Bible college in Florida. You'll also read of his humble beginnings as a church pastor, his becoming the first Youth For Christ evangelist(yes, they used to have them), and how his ministry took off from there. He also tells of the many famous people he's met over the years, from popes and cardinals to presidents, actors, and others. And if you love autobiographies as much as I do, you might eventually feel as if you're walking in his shoes with them. His story is really that powerful. At the time I read this, I had just accepted God's call into the ministry. This book help me cement that call and reafirm it, too. After I finished reading it, I knew for certain there was a call on my life. My regret is that I didn't answer God's call to the ministry when I first heard it, as Dr. Graham did. If you're an evangelist, missionary, pastor, asst. pastor, youth pastor, elder, deacon, or anyone else involved in Christian leadership, you should read this book. If you think God calling you into full-time ministry or some other type of Christian leadership, this book is for you, too. Dr. Billy Graham, thanks for your many years of faithful service to the Lord. You have been a good example to me and others Christians as well. God bless you, sir!
Rating:  Summary: An Amazing Journey Review: The most prolific evangelist in Christian history, a pastor to the Presidents, and a Christian man of integrity -- this is Billy Graham. Or, at least that is how most people see him. Here we have the story of his life, from his simple farm-boy beginnings, through his tent revival conversion, his college days and marriage to Ruth, his early fiery and outspoken preaching days, his years of global ministry and maturity, and ending today, as a respected man of God by virtually everyone in the world. The story is told with an easy-going pace and reading it you have to smile at Graham's style, which is honest, humorous, and very... normal. It's really amazing to see how God took this average fellow and used him in such amazing ways. This book is also a treasury for any other pastor, evangelist, or other person who wishes to live a life of integrity. Graham relates a wealth of wisdom gained from experience that the church would be wise to remember. We would all do well to remember Billy, and to honor his legacy by remembering his life and everything that he stood for. Just As I Am is an autobiographical masterpiece from a man I deeply respect.
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