Rating:  Summary: An exciting discovery for all Rand fans: Review: If you enjoy Rand, I am delighted to direct you to another "Randlike" novel,THE LAST DAY, by Glenn Kleier. In THE LAST DAY, Kleier tackles the subject of authority in organized religion with startling "Ayn Rand" objectivism and outrageous wit and irreverence. LAST DAY is a classic, watershed novel in the manner of FOUNTAINHEAD and SHRUGGED. I found it a riveting read, and one that I greatly encourage all Rand fans to experience.
Rating:  Summary: Judge by this sample Review: Rather than just assert my evaluation of the writing, I'll give you a sample. This is from near the novel's beginning:"She sat at the window of the train, her head thrown back, one leg stretched across to the empty seat before her. The window frame trembled with the speed of the motion, the pane hung over empty darkness, and dots of light slashed across the glass as luminous streaks, once in a while. "Her leg, sculptured by the tight sheen of the stocking, its long line running straight, over an arched instep, to the tip of a foot in a high-heeled pump, had a feminine elegance that seemed out of place in the dusty train car and oddly incongruous with the rest of her. She wore a battered camel's hair coat that had been expensive, wrapped shapelessly about her slender, nervous body. The coat collar was raised to the slanting brim of her hat. A sweep of brown hair fell back, almost touching the line of her shoulders. Her face was made of angular planes, the shape of her mouth clear-cut, a sensual mouth held closed with inflexible precision. She kept her hands in the coat pockets, her posture taut, as if she resented immobility, and unfeminine, as if she were unconscious of her own body and that it was a woman's body. "She sat listening to the music. It was a symphony of triumph. The notes flowed up, they spoke of rising and they were the rising itself, they were the essence and the form of upward motion, they seemed to embody every human act and thought that had ascent as its motive. It was a sunburst of sound, breaking out of hiding and spreading open. It had the freedom of release and the tension of purpose. It swept space clean, and left nothing but the joy of an unobstructed effort. Only a faint echo within the sounds spoke of that from which the music had escaped, but spoke in laughing astonishment at the discovery that there was no ugliness or pain, and there never had had to be. "It was the song of an immense deliverance. "She thought: For just a few moments -- while this lasts -- it is all right to surrender completely -- to forget everything and just permit yourself to feel. She thought: Let go -- drop the controls -- this is it."
Rating:  Summary: insightful, entertaining, but overly long Review: Atlas Shrugged is worthwhile reading, to be sure. There are plenty of good ideas here. My only complaint is that the themes tend to get a bit repetitious by the end. But Rand is the only one I've heard expressing this philosophy, and it is pretty interesting and, to me, valid. She articulates ideas a lot of us have had but could not state concretely until now. all in all, a very good read. perhaps best done after reading 'The Fountainhead.' I would give it 5 stars except for the length.
Rating:  Summary: Check out the philosophy; give the cult a miss Review: Ayn Rand's magnum opus is definitely worth a read. A word of warning: this is not a typical novel. Be prepared for a world-view that you have not seen anywhere else. As you can see from the reviews below, Ms. Rand is loved--and hated--by many. My advice to anyone about to dive into her works: read it critically, but with an open mind. Let yourself be drawn into her fictional universe and exalt in the struggles and triumphs of her characters. Do not, however, assume that because Ayn Rand said it, it must be true. Do not let yourself enter the personality cult that has been constructed around her by Peikoff & Co. Above all keep in mind--despite what she and her cult followers say--her philosophy is merely an outline with many incomplete technical areas. That does not mean what she has to say isn't worthwhile--it IS!--but that you will need to work at it to integrate the good things that Rand has to say with your own practical experience. What's the book about? Well, to boil it all down (and not give too much away) it begins as the story of a woman who runs a railroad company, struggling to keep her company prosperous in a dark and uncertain time. There is much, much more to the book than this...but this is how it begins. I only give the book four stars because it was quite long and, frankly, at times it was plodding. Overall though, it is an excellent novel with a revolutionary message. I think everyone ought to give it a read at least once in their lives!
Rating:  Summary: Greatest book I have ever read/ Review: The scope and span of this book are unparalleled by any other book I have ever read. Very few books or ideas change how I look at the world; this one did.
Rating:  Summary: The Only Book Available That Will Arm You To Fight Nonsense! Review: Do you ever listen to people discuss mystical things with reverie and wonder why they believe all that crap? Do you ever wonder what belief in all things irrational ultimately does to the world? Here is your chance to find out. Atlas Shrugged is the most important book ever written, and will provide you with all the tools necessary to understand how to live a life of reason and see the law of cause and effect in action when man tries to live with out his most important tool, his mind.
Rating:  Summary: BEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN! CHANGED MY LIFE! A MUST READ! Review: Atlas Shrugged changed me forever. Every time I read it (or listen to it on audio) I get new ideas and insights. Only a looter could not like this book. Rand is brutally logical and honest. The books is WELL WRITTEN! Rand gets her points across beautifully. This books will open your eyes and your mind IF YOU LET IT! Rand points out the looters around you. (Of course, if you ARE a looter, you will be offended by this.) Rand shows the necessity of VALUE for VALUE, the necessity of productive work and the necessity of letting your MIND rule your life instead of your heart. She shows the value of men's MINDS and she shows how giving because someone is needy is evil. She PROVES that money is the root of all GOOD! She releases her readers from the self-imposed "morals" that cause them to be victims of their own virtues. She shows that religion and socialism will ruin this country and that only capitalism can save it! Part of her message is that you must earn what you get or you are a parasite.
Rating:  Summary: Objectivism in novel form Review: It seems to me that one has to separate Objectivism from the Cult it generated. Rand DID write some very helpful things, but also some nonsense. There is a lot of evidence around that she was not a very pleasant person to be around unless you treated her like a omniscient prophet. The problem is that her legacy has been transformed into a dogma by some people who refuse to see her dark sides. I strongly urge you to read Jeff Walker's The Ayn Rand Cult. It's not a great book, but I believe his research is sound. He has read most of the literature about Rand, as well as interviewing Objectivists and ex-Objectivist that knew Rand. Then ask yourself this question: Which one is most truthful, Jeff Walker's book or the hagiography Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life? I guess reason requires you to read both before you make up your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Changed my life. Don't miss out. Review: Rand has put together a story that is compelling and intricately-weaved that allows the reader to explore her philosophy of Objectivism. This is a classic from a philosophical and social standpoint. (although not necessarily from a "writing" standpoint) Even if you don't agree with all the contentions of objectivism, this story allows you to explore its premises in a lighter way than reading her treatises do. This book has changed and continues to change my life. Do you ever feel like you have to reject reason in order to do what others expect of you, especially in order to keep your job, or just to get along in the world? This book will help you understand the dynamics of that dilemma. Don't miss out!
Rating:  Summary: Ayn Rand stops the motor of the world. Review: 'Atlas Shrugged' is the best book you'll ever read. It was superbly written and easy to read, a gripping tale of mystery and romance. One thing this book guarantees is a mysterious plot including a philosophy of the 'motor of the world' that Ayn Rand intertwines into the story. This philosophy looks at a hypocritical group of men given the power to create directives that ruin the balance of material in America. She explains that when a party of people are allowed to make decisions without proper restriction, there is no stopping them. As for characters, Ayn Rand's descriptions are a vivid imagery of regular people. Their personalities are decribed to such perfection the readers are able to create the person in their mind. Each character has a destinct personality unlike any other. Overall, I think this is one of the best books I've ever read. Ayn Rand has a style of writing no other writer could match. Her extreme look at life graspes your previous views and shatters them into complete chaos.