Rating:  Summary: WAITING FOR NUMBER SEVEN Review: I pre-ordered the book, sat down and read it the moment it arrived and now am waiting for the next. I don't think that I have ever enjoyed a series more than these six books. Thank you!
Rating:  Summary: Hot Six Delivers Review: Evanovich delivers another classic screwball novel, as Stephanie faces off against New Jersey mob guys to aid her buddy Ranger in ducking suspicion of murder. This book definitely didn't disappoint; Stephanie has her usual zany, hilarious adventures. Morelli is around, as always, trying to rein in and protect Stephanie as she charges ahead into all kinds of wacky adventures. Beware, though -- Evanovich leaves us hanging with another cliffhanger at the end! (But it didn't make me as mad this time...)
Rating:  Summary: Hot Dog! Review: Just when one imagines Janet Evanovich must finally run dry, Hot Six reveals she (and Stephanie) are hotter than ever! In this sixth book of the series, Ranger's on the lam, Grandma's moved in, and Stephanie's battling both Bob and the Mob. Hot guys, hot cars, a gaggle of Trekkies, and at least two guaranteed giggle-till-you-snort scenes. What more can a reader want? Just the next book in the incomparable Stephanie Plum series!
Rating:  Summary: No Spoilers! But it's Really Hot! Review: The last book left the Stephanie Plum fans all hanging. Would she or would she not? Who would be the lucky man to see the little black dress? How many cars could one woman possibly blow up and still be believed? This book has the answers to these and other burning questions! Now if only Janet could write as fast as Danielle Steel so we could get these treats more often! Hot Six is a wonderful book. I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. finishing it. It has all the twists and turns readers have come to expect from this wonderful writer. If you are already a fan, you will not be disappointed. If you have not read the other books..run and grab them right now. Janet Evanovich is my new favorite writer! You must to have to read all of the books to fully and totally enjoy this sixth book in the series. These books will make you howl and hoot out load. You must explain all this to your family before you start reading, or you may get some strange looks. And trust me, there is no way to really explain why one particular passage cracked you up. Believe me, I tried..."Well, you see...Stephanie is trying to apprehend a little person (he doesn't like to be called munchkin or midget..) so he wouldn't open his door, so she took a tire iron and knocked the door down and then they got into a fight and went falling down the stairs..." See, it isn't funny at all. BUT when Janet tells it, you will be hooting out load. Stephanie blows up assorted cars, buildings & people trailing after her. Again, there is no real way to explain how all this takes place All of the six books feature some of the same characters with new ones thrown in. In Hot Six, her pal and mentor, Ranger, is walking on the wrong side of the law. As a bounty hunter, Stephanie could get big bucks for hauling him into police. As a woman totally fascinated with everything about him, including what type of studs he picks out for his ears, she is trying to help him. Of course, Stephanie is also fascinated with Batman and his codpiece... Stephanie is also sorta dating the neighborhood badboy and policeman, Morelli, who is also interested in apprehending Ranger. Stephanie's nutty Grandma Mazer moves in with Stephanie for a little excitement. Stephanie's pet is a hampster named Rex, who is a very good listener, when he is not flying on his little wheel or stuffing grapes into his mouth. If you like detective procedural books and romances, then please take a crack at these great books. They really are like no other books you will read. This latest book is really really great. Janet Evanovich topped herself.
Rating:  Summary: I love Stephanie Plum Review: Janet Evanovich just keeps getting better and better....and Stephanie Plum keeps getting luckier and luckier. Stephanie's bounty hunting skills haven't improved, she keeps picking up the strangest people (she has a knack for finding them), and yet she still escapes with merely a flesh wound. All through it we have Gramma Mazur, God love her, moving in with Stephanie, Rex, and a compulsively-overeating dog. Gramma is also trying to get her driver's license--and who's that old man in her back seat? Not to mention a double dose of Tall dark and handsome-Ranger and Morrelli-our favorite Trenton studs. Evanovich leaves us with another cliffhanger, and leaves us to wonder what is next for our favorite spandex clad big haired bounty hunter. Evanovich is on fire with Hot Six!
Rating:  Summary: Stephanie Does It Agani Review: Stephanie Plum is wonderful. Yhis book moved very fast and kept my attention all through it. I have a moving picture in my head as I read about Stephanie, Ranger and Joe. Grandma Mazur is a pip. I wish I had a grandmother like her. Stephanie's mother reminds me of my Mom. I would recommend this book to all readers who know Stephanie and would suggest anyone that hasn't met her to do so immediately.
Rating:  Summary: Hot Six, A Fun Read! Review: My friends and I have looked forward to the release of this book all winter and we weren't disappointed. We have read all the books in this series, passing each around like a box of candy. The Stephanie Plum character is sponky, klutzy, and lovable. My friends and I can identify with her, living out each and every adventure and romance. "Hot Six" is as fresh and entertaining a read as the first. We recommend these books to all our friends. Keep up the good work Janet!
Rating:  Summary: Stephanie's back! Review: Oh, yeah, Stephanie's back! Moon Man, an old acquaintance, has inadvertently torched her car, Grandma Mazur's had a tiff with Stephanie's father and moved in with her granddaughter, Stephanie's sort of adopted a dog with a depraved appetite, and Ranger has disappeared. What else can happen? Well, all sorts of people are walking in and out of Stephanie's (locked) apartment in the middle of the night, mob goons Mitchell and Habib are tailing her, and she's accidentally acting as chauffeur to the head of the local gun-running dynasty, who has to sneak out of his house to get cigarettes. In true Plum fashion, Stephanie manages to get her man, survive car catastrophes, and thwart arch-enemy Joyce Barnhardt, to boot. A fun ride, with never a dull moment. As for who she phoned at the end of High Five... I don't know whether I was glad, or disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Another Plum from Evanovich Review: All the gang was back in true form. Although the action itself didn't seem to be as tight as in her previous novels, just getting back together with a group of old friends like this was worth the price of the book. I can't wait for the 7th.
Rating:  Summary: Very hot! Review: A hot and very fun read. A smart and sexy Stephanie Plum is back (If I were single, and she was a real person, I'd marry Stephinie). A smart mouth female bounty hunter who can't shoot straight and has terrible luck with automobiles. Peopled with wacky characters and plenty of action. If you are a fan of Ms. Evanovich you will not be disappointed, if you have never read her befor you have a real treat coming! Also recommended: 'A Tourist in the Yucatan' Thriller/mystery!