Forget about shedding unwanted pounds--this tantalizing diet is all about shedding inhibitions (and a few key clothing items), not fat. Intimacy enthusiast Laura Corn, bestselling author of 101 Nights of Grrreat Sex, cooks up a 28-day plan for committed couples who hunger for the fiery "honeymoon phase" of their relationship. To them, she pleads that sex should become a staple--not an extra--right along with "a good balance of water, protein, and carbohydrates." The trick is to make this precious staple a spicy one, by following Corn's stock recipe: "Anticipation + Variety = Great SEX!" Her beautifully compiled ode to rekindling passion helps readers unleash their inner chef. A victim of low sex drive herself, Corn speaks with conviction and empathy about the perils of lust in long-term relationships. Countering such energy-sappers as work, kids, and boredom requires planning--and lots of it. Corn makes the task simple by offering two tear-out menus (His Only and Hers Only) that dish up a feast of fresh ideas. Participants each select 14 "dishes" from their private list of playful, sexy scenarios, then write each provocative title on a whimsical "Spice Calendar." They're also encouraged to consult additional sealed pages for "Anticipation Teasers," and "Extra Spice Recipes." Will it work? Just check out the 150 pages dedicated to satisfied dieters. Here, before and after photos (taken by Pulitzer nominee Rick Dahms) speak volumes about Corn's 38 test couples. Their sample calendars, detailed encounters, and praise for the experience abound. Just as the best meals are the ones you plan, prep, and stretch your imagination for, so too, it seems, are the yummiest romantic encounters. Bon appétit! --Liane Thomas