Rating:  Summary: An Absolutely Relentless Search for Reason and Truth Review: Peter Bergen has literally gone out of his way to provide a proper focus into the reasoning behind the minds of Osama bin Laden, the expanding cadre of "Holy Warriors" drawn to his cause, and the "enemies of Allah", identified beyond the United States to within the Muslim world itself. Unbiased and intrepid, Bergen elucidates clearly the reality of the Islamic Front and the call to arms, the Jihad at hand, and how the United States and others failed to respect the legitimacy and verve of the threat before 9/11. This book provides the impeccable dose of cultural relativity necessary to disarm hearsay and contrivance precipitated in the wake of terror and tragedy. In the quest for truth , it is incumbent upon all to respect all angles of perspective no matter how opposed one may be. Bergen's pursuit of truth has proven not only efficacious, but also squelches the cacophony of misinformed jingoes extolling the virtues of hate and ignorance emanating ad nauseum from each side of the conflict. This book is the end result of years spent in the creases of the world under the constant threat of violent reproach in a mere 235 pages. If anything, one will gain a new respect of the journalists seeking out the truth, individuals not unlike Peter Bergen.
Rating:  Summary: A Starting Point to Understand 9-11-01 Review: Holy War, Inc. is a first rate primer on Osama bin Laden and his al- Qaeda network that every responsible American should read after the attacks of 9-11-01. Author Peter L. Bergen, a CNN correspondent, does yeoman's work in detailing the structure of bin Laden's organization, its roots, its financing, its reach and its goals. With a gripping prologue that recounts the secrecy and precautions surrounding the author's 1997 televised interview with bin Laden, the reader is drawn straight into the web of today's terrorist. It is compelling reading. In the ensuing chapters, Bergen sets out to make the case that bin Laden is the CEO of Holy War, Inc.To most of us the origin of the ideology and historical details that culminated in the September attacks is confusing and complex. In this very readable text that provides a look, albeit cursory, inside the politics and cultures of Pakistan and Afghanistan, we see how the framework of a highly organized and sophisticated organization that employs and trains thousands in terrorism began. Bergen informs his readers that " the men who lead these movements are generally well educated and utilize the latest in technology in their various jihads." Many Americans will learn for the first time while reading this book of the constantly updated web sites where the members of these organizations communicate, the faxes that deliver the "fatwas" around the world to the group's members and news organizations and the use of the internet and DVD's to propel the group's messages and training materials. These followers are not just hiding in caves in Afghanistan, they are on line. With bin Laden's wealth,the author asserts that terrorism has been privatized; it has cloaked itself under a corporate hierarchy; its foot soldiers are globalized connected by satellite phones; it possesses technological weapons some of which were provided to the mujahideen by the US during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This book may not be the definitive treatise on the subject of global terrorism, but it is immensely readable, well documented and an honest attempt to explain the horror of 9-11-01. You will not go wrong with this selection.
Rating:  Summary: A VERY timely and good read... Review: I think Holy War Inc. is VERY timely and informative AND easy to read! Its publication may have been speeded up; however, its content is well researched and documented. The index is available from the web site listed in the book and easy to print up with Adobe Acrobat Reader. I believe Adobe Acrobat Reader is available free from the Adobe.com web site. You may want to give your readers this info.
Rating:  Summary: Will Change Your Perspective Review: The book, a work that contains a remarkable collection of primary research, provides an unbelievable amount of information regarding the development and operations of Islamic militant networks. Bergen's reference guide is guaranteed to change your perspective on the culture of the Middle East. I consider it the most important book I've read this year. On the down side, as you reach the middle of the book, it becomes difficult to follow due to the introduction of dozens of characters each with multiple associations to terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: Serious Threat Built on Clerical Support and Good Organizing Review: 'It is bin Laden's ability to attract recruits willing to martyr themselves that is the priceless commodity in his holy war.' Holy War, Inc. goes on to explain the roots of that capability lying primarily in opposition to any Christian and Jewish presence on the Arabian peninsula, support for this concept as a source of holy war from some Muslim clerics, U.S. support of Israel, bin Laden's role as a Muslim hero through the Afghan rebellion against the Soviet Union, a large number of rootless, educated Muslims with the technical skills to produce sophisticated terror who adhere to these views, and a worldwide network of terrorists, infrastructure, and fund-raising to support them. The book also points out U.S. mistakes in encouraging the development of al-Qaeda and its allies. You will come away with a greater understanding of how difficult it will be and how long it will take to quell this threat. The book's main appeal is that Mr. Bergen has visited and done interviews from most of the sites from which the terrorist threats have been developed or launched, so you get a detailed look at the views, geography, and organization involved. In most cases, not too much is known so you'll end up with scattered dots tied together occasionally where that is possible. The manuscript was completed in August 2001 and submitted to the publisher. After September 11th, material was added to describe what was known immediately after the attacks in the United States. So you will find some repetition in the material from what you have heard on television. I found having a more complete background at one time helpful to my understanding of the roots behind Muslim terrorism against the United States. The author apologizes for the roughness and repetition in places, but felt that getting the book out was more important than creating the best possible book. I think that was the right choice. The book is filled with names, dates, and quotes. The key points could have been made in far less space, so see the detail as providing texture rather than substance. For most readers, the most interesting part will come in the book's beginning as Mr. Bergen describes the background to the interview that CNN did with bin Laden in 1997. You will feel like you are reading some sort of spy thriller. Will this sort of Muslim terrorism against the United States survive the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and the capture of bin Laden? No one can know for sure, but this book suggests that the threat will continue. Sleeper agents interested in performing major terrorists acts are in place waiting to be activated. Most of the terrorists acts require relatively little financing. September 11th was the most expensive set of attacks to launch, and probably cost less than $500,000. This terrorism is run by a structure not unlike that which an effective multinational corporation would use, and has so many sources of funding that we should assume that future acts of terrorism will not lack for money. The book does a good job of addressing all of the terrorist attacks that have occurred against the United States in the last 11 years that probably are or could be related to bin Laden in some way or other. How can we defend ourselves against people who feel it is their religious duty to attack us wherever we are vulnerable? Not very easily, seems to be the answer provided by this book. Make peace with those who have hate in their hearts. Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Rating:  Summary: Here's Your Best Source for bin Laden/Al Qaeda 101 Review: If, like me, after 9/11 you felt a pressing need to "know thine enemy," this is the perfect book to purchase. You may have already seen Bergen on MSNBC--they repeat often a special on bin Laden with him interviewed frequently, a lot of which is lifted verbatim from the book. Clearly written by a guy who's been reporting on all parties involved long before 9/11, this book really gives you the big picture on bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the roots of both throughout recent years. You'll get the info surrounding the original WTC bombing, the African Embassy bombings, the Cole bombing, the failed Millenium bombings here and a few other more recent militant Islamist capers. It definitely spells out why bin Laden reviles the U.S. so much, but does not necessarily answer how he could come to believe the things he does with such murderous verocity--although what could? If you want a quick primer on Al Qaeda, bin Laden or his even scarier #2, this book is a quick, easy read. Note: I have "The New Jackals" ordered but have not read it yet; allegedly it's a great read as well.
Rating:  Summary: Superficial Review: I found it kind of a consumer mass product. If it pretends to be a one-book-on-the subject, it is not, I found it somewhat superficial, kind of a snapshot. It does not elaborate deeply and thoroughly enough. I would have dedicated more pages to the context, the people and recent history of Middle East. Other books on the same topic I would rather read instead are "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America" by Yossef Bodansky, "Taliban" by Ahmed Rashid, "Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy" by Paul R. Pillar and Michael H. Armacost among others.
Rating:  Summary: Forget the others - this is THE book you are looking for! Review: I have seen Peter Bergen numerous times on CNN and always thought, if this guy writes a book, it will be a very interesting one. Well, he did and it is. Bergen has spent a lot of time & research on this fascinating book about Bin Laden and Al-Quaeda. I was a little skeptical before I started reading - wondering if I had already read or heard all that there could be said on the subject - or that maybe it is a little dated, due to the fast moving pace of events. Not so. Bergen actually delayed the publishing date to rewrite for the events of September 11th and he provides the reader with a continual flow of very interesting facts and ideas. He puts it all into perspective in a well-organized way. I read the book straight through. My only complaint: I wish he could have incorporated photographs and I recommend that if you read this, keep a scratchpad at hand to keep an outline of all of the key players - there are many!
Rating:  Summary: In depth Review: This review will be brief and to the point. This is a very good book with lots of information and it goes into more depth than basic media reports. This book will inform you into the actions and thoughts of Bin Laden and his associates.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent portrait of the evil we face... Review: This book by a former CNN correspondent expertly portrays the nature and breadth of the terrorist evil that we face. Far from simply being about bin Laden, this book details the entire scope of his evil organization. A particularly troubling aspect of this book is the section which gives all of the locations where bin Laden has terrorist assets. The breadth of his operation is stunning, and the author does a superb job of exposing his organization. While I did throughly enjoy this book, I do have one slight problem. Instead of containing an index, the book gives a web page address to access the index contents. When reading non-fiction, I frequently use the index, so this issue bothered me. Regardless, pick up a copy of this book. It will educate you about the monsters that we now face.