Rating:  Summary: short but well done Review: Peter L. Bergen, CNN's terrorism analyst, examines Osama bin Laden, as well as several of his fellow terrorist cronies, and studies atrocities such as the dual African embassy bombings, the USS Cole; he looks at the Soviet war in Afghanistan, the way bin Laden organized his terror groups, and displays short but fascinating peeks into Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan, and much more.While not a comprehensive study on the subject of middle east terror, Bergen does a very solid job in such a short book, and for such a serious subject, he's also able to inject just the right amount of levity. The one thing that Bergen got wrong, as far as I can tell, is when he writes that bin Laden's buddy Mullah Omar was living in a "modest house" in Afghanistan; it appears that wasn't the case at all-- he actually was living quite luxuriously, at the exspense of others. Ah well, can't win 'em all...
Rating:  Summary: Media Perspective Review: The events of 11 September has led to a sudden resurgence in books and articles on Islam and the core of world terrorism. HOLY WAR, INC. is good basic background. Unfortunately, it is somewhat typical of the CNN worldview. Broad brushstrokes but never completing the point. An example is the core debate over Islam itself. While Mr. Bergen does us the service of pointing out Professor Huntington's CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS he weakens the point by attempting to point to a few somewhat moderate Islamic spokespersons. This is the problem of journalists attempting to write analytical works. They lack the basic issue of providing an analytical point and then defending it. Instead we get a bit of this and a bit of that. One should read this book but only after other, more vital, works such as BIN LADEN: The Man Who Declared War on America by Yossef Bodansky.
Rating:  Summary: An Eye Opening Book!! Review: An excellent book. It was very well written and researched. It gives a good history of Bin Laden and the Al- Queida terroist network. It informs the readers for the motives and beliefs behind Bin Ladens jihad against the U.S. This book is also about the inside politices of the Sovoiet-Afgahn War, Dessert Storm, and the U.S. millitary presents in Somali and Beruit. This is a great book on current American history. I would recomend it to anyone interested in current events or American history.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Synopsis of al Qaeda's Operations Review: "Holy War, Inc." by Peter Bergen is one man's effort to summarize the beginnings and operations of Osama bin Laden. Bergen is one of the few western journalists to have had a part in interviewing bin Laden when he did so as part of a team for CNN. Not only has Bergen interviewed bin Laden, he has also interviewed several other key figures in bin Laden's al Qaeda organization and other Islamist movements around the world. Bergen traces bin Laden's family's beginnings in a small village in northern Yemen to bin Laden's current reign as the world's most wanted man. As with any other person, bin Laden's current mindset was sown in his childhood by a strict Islamist father. Bin Laden has stated that he has fulfilled his father's wish that one of his many sons should become an Islamic scholar. While bin Laden is not one in the official sense, he does fancy himself one and has surrounded himself with enough people who do also that he feels he has fulfilled his father's wish. Bergen describes some of the attacks that al Qaeda has carried out prior to the World Trade Center and Pentagon ones, like the bombing of the USS Cole. These attacks show a pattern of ever increasing sophistication and destructiveness. From the body of evidence drawn from these attacks we can clearly glean a modus operandi of the organization. The foremost one seems to be that no one with any amount of intelligence should be sacrificed in any attack. Only the lower level gofers seem worthy of that honor. "Holy War, Inc." also gives a good account of the various ways in which al Qaeda recruits fighters to its jihad. Unsurprisingly, most al Qaeda recruits come from the residents living under the oppressive Arab regimes in places like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. In fact, Egyptians tend to dominate al Qaeda and many of the other international terrorist organizations. This book was written prior to the September 11 attacks and so only gives a cursory account of what went on leading up to it. Bergen has included an afterword surmising on America's ability to shut down al Qaeda and to capture bin Laden. Of course, America's ability to do so will be largely determined by our own resolve and the degree to which we receive assistance from such important governments as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, etc. Bergen makes a point by stating that combatting groups like al Qaeda is an evolutionary process where you must stay one step ahead of the prey. Unfortunately, in any kind of evolutionary relationship, one side is always destined to fall behind and be forced to catch up or die. We have fallen behind the terrorist groups but it's unlikely we will ever fall that far behind that they will come close to their stated goals. One point I would like to make is that I was happy to see Bergen immediately dispel the CIA funded bin Laden theory that seemed to spring up immediately following the attacks. Bergen states that it would have been impossible for the CIA to fund bin Laden as the money it supplied went through the conduit of Pakistan. Pakistan itself may have used some of our money to fund some rather unsavory figures; but, bin Laden would have not been in need of these funds as he had ample resources of his own from which to draw and a willingness to use them. Beyond his own fortune, it's likely that bin Laden got the remainder of his money to fight in Afghanistan from rich Saudi businessmen and even the royal family itself. Had they known what they were getting into, it's safe to say they may have considered the decision a lot longer before funding bin Laden's activities.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: This book, finished in August of 2001, is an in-depth look at Osama bin Laden, and terrorist machine that he built. The author starts with a history of the bin Laden family, and then follows the development of Osama bin Laden, and the Islamist movements that he is now associated with. And then, as the story moves on, the recent wave of terrorist attacks targeted on the United States are examined with sweeping detail and clarity. This book is something of a masterpiece. Having read numerous media reports on Osama bin Laden, I understood some, but knew that there was much I didn't understand about him and the movement that he is a part of. But, having read this book, I feel like I now understand so much more. I did find that this book was clear and concise, giving a wealth of understanding. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: today's drama revealed Review: this is an wonderful book that brings to light the current events of the day. It really brings some depth to the players in this real life drama. Naturally 9/11 wasn't an event that sprung out of nowhere, this book gives you background on the events and beliefs that led to this. It also gives a glimpse into our possible future events. I realize now that catching bin laden won't really solve the problem,its so much deeper than that. We must dialogue!
Rating:  Summary: Current History, Up to date Reporting Review: Peter Bergen offers a current, insightful, analysis of events in the Middle East. He gives us just enough overall history to see how the jihad movement developed and builds a modern-day world picture from numerous vignettes profiling key players in the al-Qieda group. Bergen leads us to an international ploy to unite the fringe elements of the Islamist faith. This is an articulate and penetrating look at the present state of affairs in the worldwide effort to wreak havoc and insecurity on a global scale. A must read.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Insight Into the Mind of a Fanatic Review: Bergen's book is an excellent, quick read. His work is methodically researched and explores the political, religious and sociological motivations of the world's most dangerous fanatic, Osama Bin Ladin. This book is a must read in the aftermath of September 11th. For westerners to understand the new Islamic enemy, we must scrutinize the political and religous fervor that burns within them, no matter how disturbing.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent research; weak editing Review: Here are my main thoughts for those who are considering buying this book: 1. "Holy War, "Inc." reflects the exhaustive research that the author did over a number of years. 2. You'll get more details than you'll find anywhere else on the extent to which bin Laden's tentacles reach throughout the world. 3. You'll understand what has primarily fueled bin Laden's wrath for the U.S. (it's NOT the "democratic way of life") and why people have flocked to bin Laden's cause. 4. While rich in details, the book makes it difficult for the reader to pull together the parts of the story during the reading. After September 11's events, the publisher released the book almost nine months before it's targeted date of completion. Weak editing was an inescapable result. 5. The "afterword" provides a most useful and interesting perspective on story. This is where Berger provides "the big picture." I've read other books about bin Laden. Despite its editing shortcomings, this is the book to read on the subject.
Rating:  Summary: a book that is not to be miss Review: I bought this book here in the philippines and for me this would be the best book written about bin laden and as well as what is inside the the al-Qaida the terrorist net work of bin laden. this book discuss even all the terror activities that was done against America.