Rating:  Summary: Intolerance Review: The critics of this book should really attempt a read of it. It appears the most critical of the book have not read the book, apparently afraid they may be exposed to a different look and perspective of a religion that teaches its adherents that it is theologically justifiable to kill and steal from the "infidels"/non-believers. ... A good read for those not afraid ofdiffering viewpoints.
Rating:  Summary: Uncomfortable truths Review: An excellent summary of what the Western world is up against. An absolute must-read these days. A thought on the negative reviews: they all seem to have been written by people who either have been brainwashed by the radical left schools and/or media, or those who simply have never read the books -- or both, I suspect. (See all the negative reviews of other books on Islam on Amazon; always vicious, personal attacks, with no comments on the content, and almost always anonymous.) Dustin Byrd's review below is a perfect example of those mad-dog attacks. Comparing the author to the Nazis?! Please. Has he read the book? It is based on what the radical Muslims themselves have said and written! Why is it so hard to see that this expose on how Islam is not entirely a "religion pf peace" is not exactly a call to war agianst all Muslims? Does Byrd and other apologists for I-Slam think that, by contrast, all Germans were bad? That's dumb! All it took, however, back in the 1930's, at the beginnning, was just a small group of true believers at the beginning. Or maybe Byrd thinks we shouldn't have fought Fascism? Whatever one's view of Islam is, and no matter what beautiful passages one may find in the Koran, we must remember that the WTC was and NOT destroyed by desperate environmentalists, freedom fighters etc., but by people fueled by religious fervor. And it was not Christian, Buddist or Jewish. Please read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Blunt and Bold, Well-Documented Assessment of Islam Today Review: This book should be on the "must read" list of anyone who still feels that Islam is a religion of peace. Islam Unveiled provides up-to-date, documented evidence to the contrary. While rising above the shrill Islam-bashing books so common today and while allowing opposing voices a fair hearing as well, the book is blunt and bold in its assessment that the militant Islam is deeply engrained in the Koran, and "moderate" Moslems have no voice in stopping the terrorism and violence against non-Moslems. Spencer writes, "Islamic civilization is supposed to be superior to that of unbelievers, but at this stage of human history is clearly isn't . . . If the West's technological superiority can't be matched, it can at least be assaulted.
Rating:  Summary: Essential Reading Review: Books that tread the safe middle-ground of intellectual obfuscation rarely illicit either caustic criticism or lofty praise. Intriguingly, all but four of the reviewers of Islam Unveiled rank it one star, - unworthy of spilling ink and killing trees-, or five stars: a must read to be incorporated into every curriculum on the planet. For the reasonable inquirer, this reaction ought to immediately alert them to the presence of ground-breaking, challenging, informative, and perhaps even alarming content lurking within its pages. After discounting the barely legible rants in broken English posted here, there are a number of reviewers who raise valid questions and objections that must be countered if we're to remain principled, intellectually honest proponents of a particular position. The most common objection raised to critical examinations of Islam's sacred texts is this: If one were to go through the Christian and Hebraic texts, specifically the New and Old Testaments, one would also be able to portray both of these faiths as war-mongering, degrading, genocidal tenets adhered to by bands of fanatics bent upon subjecting the entire world to their narrow minded interpretations of reality. To this I counter: spend some time with the texts of these three faiths, and you'll be hard pressed to abide by that position while remaining honest to yourself. Though this position can be upheld when applied to the Biblical Old Testament,- which indeed is replete with examples of atrocities committed by the Jews of old against their enemies-, it simply does not hold up against Christianity. The hinge of modern history is the incarnation of Jesus Christ as witnessed by the four gospel writers. This New Testament records a new Covenant between the Hebrew God and His chosen people. It is both a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies proclaiming a Messiah, and a call to a new way of life that abandons warfare, blood-sacrifice, repression, and slaughter of innocents. The new commandment from the Hebrew God is: "Love thy God with all thy heart, all thy mind, and all thy strength, and love thy neighbor as thyself." Two things need to be pointed out. The first is that Christianity, when understood via its central text, is not a "world faith" distinct from Judaism, it is the end of Judaism. In the words of Jesus, and regardless of whether one believes he is the son of God or not, in historical context He came to fulfill the law of the Hebrews. Judaism as a distinct faith, according to Christianity, ended with the Incarnation. The second point is that what was before an inclusive group of people who used their alleged "chosen by God status" to commit these acts of holy terror, was now an all inclusive group of peaceful people commanded by God to love and serve everyone. Now if one is to charge that the atrocious behavior of those allegedly ascribing to the Christian faith is proof that Christianity itself is a war-mongering, degrading, genocidal religion, then that same person must also level that same criticism against Islam. For the history is Islam is likewise filled with barbarism, atrocities, degradation, and slaughter or innocents. The question remains one of central texts. Spencer raises some very alarming points about the Koran that lead one to conclude, through this view of religious history, that in order for Islam to truly sustain the label of a "religion of peace," there must be a new covenant formed between Allah and his chosen Muslims. There are simply too many passages purported to be revealed to Mohammed by Allah's messenger Gabriel that allow for the atrocities committed by Islam's adherents. Similar to the Old Testament, Islam's central text needs to be fulfilled, and an Islamic New Testament promulgated. Short of the appearance of a new Prophet, or a Jesus for Muslims, a revision of this fundamental text is highly unlikely. Especially so when one sees that Islam's holy men cannot even agree that blowing up non-combatants, children, and non-believers is necessarily forbidden by the Koran. Taking all this into account, Spencer's work is essential reading for all of us who live in this world threatened by Islamic terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: Denial is for chumps! Review: I have many Muslim clients who have been living in violent oppressive regimes such as Spencer describes. Spencer reminds me that the "Christian" creeps I have run into are very much acting against the principles of the faith's Founder, but the Muslim warlords my clients have suffered under are very like Muhammed. Islam has a split personality. One is peaceful (or at least passive, accepting everything "Inshallah" ) and one aggressive. Islam Unveiled is a must read for anyone who wants more than the politically correct view of the "religion of peace." Ignore it at your peril!
Rating:  Summary: This book is provocative Review: I think this book is just the way to corner moslems in the world. This writer as representative of moslem disliking society, is responsible to make world's vision to Islam as terrorist. This book is really provocative. You have to aware to read this book. Do not read this book until you have read real Koran. Then you'll find why Islam become the world fastest growing faith.
Rating:  Summary: Author hit a nerve-- note the Muslim complaints here Review: ...you can't help but come to the conclusion that Mr. Spencer has caused quite a stir in the Muslim community with his book. For that reason alone I think it bears consideration. How typical for one "reviewer" to state that a writer with Spencer's opinions should not be allowed to write! Doesn't that say it all? Read this book, and then follow it up with "The Rage and The Pride" by Oriana Fallaci.
Rating:  Summary: Not an unbiased look at Islam Review: This book claims to contain an impartial look at Islamic history and at Islamic scriptures. I took a course on Islam in college, though, and so I can see that Spencer is selective in what historical facts and verses he reveals to his readers. Historical facts that show Islam in a favorable light are conveniently left out. Events that make Islam look bad are exaggerated in some cases and focused on...
Rating:  Summary: a slanted witch hunt Review: Robert Spencer's work seems a collection of justifications for his preconceived thesis that Islam is evil. Through a selective review of Islamic sources and history, he aims to portray Islam in the worst light possible. I feel this book is hopelessly biased, and dangerously so given the rising anti-Muslim rhetoric in our society. Spencer cites examples of Muslim intolerance towards those of other religions. An unbiased view of history would reveal many more such instances of intolerance by non-Muslims towards Muslims. Examples vary from the Crusades to more recent events such as in Yugoslavia. Over the course of Muslim history, Islam has been known as a religion of tolerance. For example, Jews and Christians lived freely in Muslim Spain and in Palestine, whereas when Christians conquered those areas, non-Muslims were expelled or killed. The role of women in Islam has likewise been distorted in this work. If women were really so subjugated in Islam, why would so many American women be converting to Islam, as acknowledged by the very title of this book. From personal experience, I can attest that all the Muslim women I know are not subjugated and do not feel that they are, despite full exposure to Western society. An entire book could be written comprised of counterarguments to Spencer's work such as the two above. I think it is critical in these times of ignorance or enmity toward Islam that readers seek out such works. Only by reading arguments both for and against Islam can intelligent people arrive at an educated opinion.
Rating:  Summary: Spot on! Review: I would highly recommend reading it to anyone who wants to understand the Islamic & Arab worlds. "IslamUnveiled" does a wonderful job of summarizing what's going on in the minds of many of those who rejoiced as the World Trade Center buildings came tumbling down. Islam is a violent religion with a violent past. And present. Since the Koran is taken to be the literal word of God valid for everyone for all time and eternity, Islam does not have the capability to reform itself in the way other world religions do. Those who criticize Mr Spencer's book as being filled with hate are missing the point. The hate comes from the Koran. And I would wager that nearly everyone who disparages this fascinating book has 1) never read it, 2) never read the Koran, and 3) never traveled to the Middle East. It's up to all of us to keep informed and not let others make up our minds for us! For those wanting to make sense of what's going on in today's world, "Islam Unveiled" can be a great first step to an eye-opening journey.