Rating:  Summary: factual and thoughtful overview Review: Mr. Pryce-Jones has written a concise overview of Islam, both of what the important documents say and what has been practiced. I find it curious how so many glibly accuse him of knowing nothing of Islam and being a mere bigot as evidenced by this book which is supposedly all hate-filled. I think his 20-some years of study into the religion shows in this book. He touches on many different salient points, such as human rights, secularization, scientific thought, and historical events, and often presents a comparitive discussion of Islam as opposed to Judaism or Christianity. He discusses the direct writings of Islam such as the Koran and some early writings, and makes the crucial distinction that the writings here are often quite plainly brutal with little room for "interpretation", whereas (as I have always said) the Gospels of Christ are hard to stretch to allow such disregard for human life and rights. (Thus, accusations about fundamental Christians being anything the same as fundamental Moslems is as a rule bogus; that again implies that the religions are basically the same. Please tell me where the Gospels themselves imply all the horrors such people accuse fundamental Christians of perpetrating - which "horrors" themselves are usually as nothing compared to general Moslem activities.) But contrary to the libelous accusations thrown his way, the author often pays compliments or at least grants points to Islamic founding scripture, history and viewpoints. A mere bigot, in such a short book, wouldn't bother saying there was anything at all nice about Islam or admit there have been problems in other religions or those who profess to follow them. Nonetheless, after study and thoughtful comparisons, he comes to the hard conclusion that Islam is not a religion of "peace", but as it is more correctly translated, a religion of submission.Some may be disappointed in this book if they want deep insights into Islam. I would call this book a concise review of Islam and how it has viewed various aspects of life, as well as how its followers have acted. It touches on many things and being only 170 pages or so, don't expect dozens of details. It is more of an introduction to Islam for those who are concerned regarding recent events. But it is a good introduction, with many sources (although I wish they'd just made a short bibliography list instead of making you seek out each specific source in the footnote section).
Rating:  Summary: A much needed resource for the 21st Century Review: Islam Unveiled removes the politically correct spin put out by the media and reveals the horrifying reality of the true nature of our enemy in the war against terrorism. Definitely worth a 5 star rating ...
Rating:  Summary: A sobering look at Islamic fundamentalism Review: After reading "Islam Unveiled," I have little doubt that Islamic fundamentalism is indeed a threat, both to those marginalized within the system (e.g. women), and those who live outside the system within Islamic countries. Spencer coherently points out the many ways in which the Koran is used to justify ill treatment of women and of those who are not Muslim. He also explains how Muslims took over Christian lands 400 years before the Crusades -- which, of course does not justify the Crusades, but does put the Crusades in a new context.
That said, I had to question why he thinks only MUSLIM fundamentalists are dangerous. He holds up Christianity as a pillar of light in the founding of Western secularism (making me wonder if Spencer is perhaps European). The problem is not in the Muslim faith itself, but in the literal reading so many Muslims give it. The same is true in Christianity--why is he so quick to gloss over the fact that for so many years, Southern Christians used the Bible to condone and endorse slavery? What about the fundamentalist churches, and the Catholics, that use a literal reading of the Bible to keep women who have God-given talents to preach and teach from doing so, and in some cases keep them subservient in their homes? What about the laws, inspired by a literal, non-contextual reading, of the Bible, that actively discriminates against 10 percent of our population, that is gays and lesbians? Certainly things are much better here than in Muslim countries, but we suffer here, too, from the abuses of fundamentalism. And unlike Spencer, I believe that as more Muslims are exposed to Western thought, they will begin to read the Koran in a more liberal, contextual light, as many Christians and Jews have learned to read their scriptures.
In short, I think the threat Spencer spells out is real, but while it is strongest from Muslim fundamentalists, it is not only from the Muslim fundamentalists. I recommend reading "The Battle for God" for a further discussion of fundamentalism in all three monotheistic faiths (though that doesn't really get into the threats of fundamentalism in general, either).
Rating:  Summary: This book is true Review: One does not need to read this book to know it is true. It is enough to look around and see that... terrorist acts are committed by [people].
Rating:  Summary: Look at what Muslims DO, Not what they SAY Review: As a scholar of comparative religions for the past 30 years, I have read Robert Spencer's book with great interest and a sincere desire for objectivity. As a Buddhist, I do not feel that I need to be put in a position to defend Jews or Christians in order to be objective about Muslims. To understand the humanity of a situation (such as the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon), create in your mind a fictitious situation where either bands of Jews or Christians hijack planes and dive-bomb mosques in Mecca and Medina, killing thousands of innocent people. The Jewish and Christian communities of the world would be so outraged toward those murderers that they would immediately begin to hunt down the perpetrators. No Muslim nations would have to find those barbarians, because Jews and Christians around the world would search the far corners of the earth until they brought the killers to justice. Are ANY Muslim groups actively hunting down those vermin who plotted these atrocities? No. It is up to Western nations and people of other religions to attempt to find these scum. The Muslim communities all SAY they oppose violence, but (if you watch and listen to what they say carefully) these are all EMPTY WORDS! There is never any follow-up action to catch these slaughtering self-righteous fundamentalists who defame human decency. There's never even an attempt among the Arab nations' Muslim leaders to label them as evil men. In short, the INACTION of the Muslim communities is, in effect, their silent approval of this jihad. Robert Spencer has given the non-Muslim world a warning. If non-Muslims want to continue to survive, from now on they MUST be on guard to the actions of all Muslims. Watching them is not hurting them. It is self-preservation. What the followers of Islam DO has spoken volumes more than anything they could ever say. To NOT watch what they are going to do is to become vunerable to other heinous acts brought on by their intense hatred of all Freedom of Thought.
Rating:  Summary: A Balanced View of Islam Review: I found Spencer's book credible and well-balanced, a much-needed reality check against the political correctness fed us by the administration and media. After 20 years of study, he obviously knows the subject.
Rating:  Summary: This is Islam Review: Spencer ought to be commended for his clear, non-sensical and very bold essay. This is Islam, the faith that many liberals in the west want us to believe is fast growing and a peaceful religion. By deciphering and correctly interpreting Koranic verses and passages from the Hadith, Spencer has completely unveiled the veil that Islam is hiding behind. This book deseves 10 stars!
Rating:  Summary: An excellent look inside this insidious religion Review: Many people think Islam is a religion of peace because they have heard people on TV say so. Many people believe this because many of us know very nice people who call themselves Muslims but know nothing of what the Koran says(there are "Jews" who nothing of the Law and "Christians" who know nothing of Jesus, Masons who insist that that the Lodge is not a religion as well) In order to get a clear picture of a religion, one needs to look at the books or writings that religion says is reliable. Spencer has done a wonderful job of this here. Despite the vitriolic protests, the Koran is a book of a very violent and intolerant religion. I wish I knew how many of the negative reviewers have read the book...I suspect very few because their criticisms are so far from the mark. Good job Robert Spencer-good job indeed!
Rating:  Summary: Plenty of facts that mainstream media neglect Review: This intelligently written, well-documented book engages the reader in a fluid discussion of whether or not Islam is a peaceful boon to civilization or a malevolent force that threathens us. You will not be able to put this book aside easily, and the facts will leave you stunned. It's no wonder this book is now the most popular one on Islam at Amazon. The Muslims or pro-Muslims that have left comments here may give it poor reviews, but isn't that also a revealing fact in that the book does indeed hit the mark enough to be perceived as a threat? Do yourself an immense favor and read this book, you will instantly know more about Islam than 90% of Americans presently do. "Islam is Peace" yeah right, more like, "Know thy Enemy"
Rating:  Summary: Alarming Review: Islam Unveiled is a concise, well-written, and meticulously documented examination of the threat now facing all of Western civilization. Spencer convincingly argues that the real root of Islamic terrorism in not oppressed Islamists, but Islam itself. Not one of Mr. Spencer's multitudinous critics has yet managed to offer a credible refutation of his thesis. Resorting instead to shrill cries of "racist, Zionist, hate-monger," -and in one case demanding that Mr. Spencer "not be allowed to write-," this braying pack of self-styled intellectual peace-mongers and incoherent Islamists (see the raving broken-English reviews below) has done nothing other than strengthen his thesis. If Islam is truly a peaceful religion steeped in a tradition of high art and culture, then one of these critics better quit name calling and get to work on a rational, point-for-point critique of Spencer's work that relies on evidence rather than invective. However, if their behavior thus far is any indication, the odds of that happening are slim. Buy this book. Read it twice. Give copies to your friends.