Rating:  Summary: Excellent NJO Book! A great start to the Heretic trilogy! Review: Following the events of NJO: Destiny's Way, the heroes of the Star Wars universe go on separate missions to find a way to keep pushing back the Vong invasion. I will not go into great detail for those who have not read the book, but the basic storyline revolves around the Solo twins, Jag Fel, Tahira and their respective mission personel. First I wish to state that I was a bit dubious about the Force Heretic trilogy. Destiny's Way did not reach my expectations for the series, but Force Heretic: Remnant pleasantly surprised me. It is the longest of the soft cover NJO books, in fact, it's probably the second longest of all the NJO books, but its exceedingly well written. Williams and Dix have a great grasp on the characters, and though the storyline moves quickly and is fluid, character development and emotion are not in any way compromised. It was good to see characters like Jaina and Admiral Pelleon written true to their previous characteristics. The Pelleon in Destiny's Way was a fat complacent old man, in Remnant, Pelleon has returned to the personality given to him by Zahn's books. In Destiny's Way, Jaina had taken on the characteristics of a cyborg which did not reflect the changes that had taken place within her during Allston's NJO books. The NJO characters who seemed to have been growing stale in Destiny's Way are rejuvenated by Remnant. It is a superior NJO book and clearly in the top five books of the series. I would definitely recommend this book to any NJO fans, and I look forward to the next 2 installments of this trilogy. The only complaint I have, is that important characters like Wedge Antilles, Lando Calrissia, Lowbacca and a few others do not show up in the pages of this book. However, this is understandable because of the directions Williams and Dix are taking the NJO in.
Rating:  Summary: Read this one only because you have to to read the next one Review: I am a big fan of this series but I am a more than a little dissapointed in this latest edition. While the events and dialogue are quite what one would expect from this series the book is bland over all. There are a few new characters but none of them are introduced in such a way as the reader is really interested in what happens to them or what actions or roles they end up playing in this book. Sadly this edition to the New Jedi Order series reads more like a newspaper article than anything else. It starts out strong but ends with a blah. While there is, of course, a major event at the end of the book the dramatic build up is poor and the conclusion totally expected. Mysteries introduced in the novel turn out to have dull solutions or are unacceptably followed up. It's a build up then and a let down with the beginning much better than the end. The reader feels no Hurrah's for the heros at the end of this one. At best the reader mearly feels like he knows what happened after the last book and is caught up to speed on current events.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting developments Review: Well after Destiny's Way this book seemed to take forever to hit the shelves! So the new galactic alliance is being held in place and to do so the solo's take off with their daughter and her "boyfriend" jag along with Tahiri to try to restore communications lost to the ongoing war! Expect the normal battle scene's to take place here nothing new, though Tahiri seems to have some issues coming out of this book ! And at the same time of course the skywalkers along with jacen and a few other jedi are off in search of the secret planet that might help against their dreded enemies (i think it's cool that this is the same planet the original anakin skywalker has been to as well in a previous book, Rouge Planet i think ). though on their way in search of this planet they have a few stops to make and some unexpected visitors to deal with and was personally the only part of the book i enjoyed ...the book has a bit to do with nom anor but not very much else as far as the invading aliens are concerened! ps look out for a continued relationship with jacen and one of his friends in this book as well !! italskital - toronto
Rating:  Summary: Great addition to the New Jedi Order series Review: With the New Jedi Order series coming closer to the end things need to happen. This book basically tells three stories. It follows Han and Leia visiting the Yvethans, Luke and Mara visiting the Imperial remnant, and Nom Anor through the bowels of Coruscant. This is a great book which advances the plot of this series. It has a good mix of action and a compelling story. We see people starting to get together and alliances being formed. I would stay away from this book unless you have been keeping up with the series, otherwise, buy it right now and read it.
Rating:  Summary: A Worthy Beginning.... Review: so I'm looking forward to the next two books now. Space battles galore and all the characters act in character the entire book. For those of you who wondered where the Jade Shadow went, it's back (yay!). This book prominently features all the old favorites (Luke, Han, Leia, and even Pellaeon) plus all the new favs (Jaina, Jacen, Jag, Saba, etc.). There was an even balance struck between these sets of characters, better than any previously written. (*spoilers past this point*) My favorite part is the developing story of Tahiri... just enough clues were dropped to be interesting, but not give everything away. It looks promising. Only two complaints: 1- if Jaina is the Sword of the Jedi, why are they shuffling her off on some peripheral diplomatic escort (even if it is her mother's mission)? and 2- What's with Jacen and Danni?!? No offense to a well-written character or anything, but Tenel Ka runs circles around Danni. I sincerely hope that they bring Tenel Ka back soon. Hopefully in the next book. Other than that, a good read (and a good size too). I can't wait till the next book in May!
Rating:  Summary: The Message Review: This 15th installment in The New Jedi Order Series is excellent. Happily it is the first of a trilogy and fans will have the second installment in May, and the final installment in July. The entire NJO Series will end this coming November, and if this book is any indication of what is to follow over the next 9 months, there should be a spectacular final run of tales leading to the end.This is a substantial book of over 400 pages, and it is not that length because of the font size. This is a sweeping story with at least 3 major plot lines and several other smaller issues that will likely develop as well. All involve the characters fans have come to enjoy and admire the most over the years. Sean Williams and Shane Dix wrote this installment and they should be commended for giving readers one tremendous ride. They have produced a book that is very balanced, it is not a book that is a completely introspective one about what the force is, nor is it another long battle plan that ends with one side winning or losing or merely great damage inflicted on one another. It includes a variety of issues; no one idea overwhelms the book. What this writing pair has done so well is to bring all of Jacen's experiences and thought, his relationship with Vergere, Jaina's issues, and a new spin on the character of Tahiri together, as well as further developing other characters as well. A certain member of the Chiss continues to become a larger part of Jaina's life even when she is beating him silly while sparring together. Another familiar character may be on the path to becoming more than an acquaintance for Jacen as well. It appears that by the time this series ends, few of our heroes will be left alone and I hope that no more are lost as I feel enough damage has been done to the original players. There are other names that are mentioned that may or may not become part of this story arc. Readers will have to reach back to several years ago, and dozens and dozens of previous books to remember the species of the Ssi-ruuk of Bakura. Refreshing your memory about what this race was about and how they operate will be beneficial prior to reading this book. The remnants of The Empire once again make an appearance but this one differs from any they have ever made in the past. And Grand Moff Palleon will play a role few will expect. There are numerous mysteries that are only mentioned in passing and others that are placed before the reader as perhaps being part of the ultimate solution to this war that started some 15 books ago. The Galactic Alliance will not fight the Vong to the death, for to do so would make them as guilty of Genocide as the Vong are. A solution must be found, and may that answer be Zonama Sekot? This is a phenomenal read and one of the better books that have been presented to Star Wars fans in quite some time.
Rating:  Summary: A good read: integral, but just a little off... Review: All in all, a good follow-up to Destiny's Way. The story moves along relatively well, but some of the characters seem to be, well, out of character- notably Jagged Fel. Jag has always been portrayed as extremely confident, capable, and intelligent, as well as having a healthy dose of ego: he's a charismatic leader. In Remnant, he's unsure of himself, quicker to take orders than give them, and doesn't seem to have much drive. This was a real disappointment for me, as Jag is one of my favorite characters. The book also hints that the "friendly" relationship between Jag and Jaina is still in the friendly stage, but in Destiny's Way it is implied that their relationship is more physical. It's a small thing, I know, but it's the little incontinuities like this that keep me from giving a full 5 stars to this book. I do like the shape that Jacen's character is starting to take, and I like the direction that the story line is moving along. The tide has turned and we can allow ourselves to hope once again, and so as long as the authors of the EU don't toss us anymore curves (i.e. deaths of major characters, massive losses in battle), Star Wars fans may actually be satisfied with the way this series ends.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not as good as other books is series Review: I really enjoyed this book but it creates as many problems in the story line as it solves. If you're looking forward to a lot more books in this series that is good. If you were looking forward to finding out what happens next you will be disappointed. Another problem is with the lack of consistency form book to book with the main characters. Traitor ended with Jacen changing from wimp to super jedi. Then he turns back into a wimp again. Why is that? Why give him something like Vongsense in one book and not have him use in the next one? Is it just impossible to write him as well as in Traitor? Also I really like Jana in the trickster role so why get away from it? I also like her in the military role so it bothers me when you have 2 people trading places as Twin leader. I wanted her to have more responsibility with the promotion, not less. I really like what the authors do with Tahiri, Norm Anor, and the part with the Empire is really great. It's amazing how the supporting characters are consistent from book to book. If you're into this series then you have to read this book but it is not as good as some of the other books in the NJO series.
Rating:  Summary: Eh...it was all right Review: What was going on in this book? Some character development and then none at all. Complete luck that Luke's party stumbled onto the Battle of Bastion. This whole book was very up and down. First 60 pages it took me three months. Then I started to ease my way through it. It was a rough read. Definitely could have been better. And it's way to long for so much nothing. It was very average and my lord what do the Ryn have to do with anything? Plus these two authors need to quit it with calling Han and Leia "Anakin's Parents" nonstop. Plus this whole thing with Tahiri is quite annoying. And don't Han and Leia and the military Twin Suns Squadron have more important things to do than go to small insignificant planets and stop them from falling to the Vong? Shouldn't they be fighting the true war? What is going on? The next two better explain what's going on...
Rating:  Summary: Pretty bad... 1.5/5 stars. Review: Of all the New Jedi Order books I've read, I must say this is by far the worst.
Where to begin? Well, the plot itself isn't really that bad - Luke and company go to find Zenoma Sekot, while Leia, Han and the others go to round up support for the Galactic Alliance - as I said, not bad. Even this has problems though. Based on the occurences in the novel, the Yuuzhan Vong are obviously expending a fair amount of resources to defeat possible attackers on their borders - and what is the Alliance doing while this is going on? Nothing. No offense, but after scoring a huge victory in Destiny's Way, the Alliance appears to be back to the New Republic's way of sitting there and doing nothing until they are attacked. The logistics just didn't make sense to me, and it wouldn't have been that difficult to include a new section devoted to say Wedge or Cal Omas or even Admiral Ackbar.
As the plot is really the work of LucasArts though, and not of the writers themselves, any failings in the overall story department can be forgiven. What really made the book dissapointing for me was the writing style of the authors.
In my opinion writing teams rarely work, as authors simply have different views, goals, opinions and thoughts - combining the work of two authors into a single book (or set of books) is a bad idea, in my mind. This is just the start of the problems however.
Firstly, there were no chapters in the book. I can't understand the purpose of this besides forcing the reader to see the "Part" that they are currently reading as a single collection of actions and thoughts - which they really weren't. The lack of spacing between the four sections (not to mention a long prologue and longer epilogue) was offsetting to me, and I missed the deliberate pacing of chapters that all the other New Jedi Order books have. Heck, most books have them. As I said, unless it was some failed attempt at novel artistry, there was no point to it, and just aggravated me.
Secondly, the book went far too much in spurts and stops. Almost useless portions of the plot would be given huge amounts of space, while the conclusions to battles and character depth were rushed, barely mentioned, or forgotten altogether. While I did enjoy the burgeoning love relationships between Jag and Jaina and Jacen and Danni (though I still believe Jacen and Tenel Ka should be together), nothing else really seemed all that well done to me, almost as though the writers were looking to find a niche in the story where their talents could shine.
Thirdly, I found it nearly impossible to follow the flow of the writers words. A paragraph of character thought, for example, would follow normally through a pattern of logic, then suddenly, the character would arrive at a totally different conclusion than I would have ever thought of, or what I thought Williams and Dix were leading me towards. It felt as though the two writers were either confused in the writing of the book, or still attempting to discover their characters and those characters' place in the novel. A prime example (on a larger scale) is with Saba, who, from the prologue, I thought was going to be a main character throughout, but eventually only showed up in any importance at the very end, once again, like the writers just weren't sure what they wanted to do with the characters. For such an important area of the arc plot (ie. finding Zenoma Sekot and possibly dooming the Yuuzhan Vong), it was dissapointing to see the writers meander their way through.
Lastly, the imprecise battle tactics. I had absolutely NO understanding of what was going on during the space battles. None whatsoever. It was really quite sad that the only description of the battles was "The Empire was winning," or "they were on their heels" (those aren't real quotes obviously). It really hurt the book on the whole, as it was practically a nail in the coffin.
I have several other points which also bothered me, but there is a word limit to this review and there's no real point in going on, as anyone reading this will get my point. I didn't enjoy the book at all. I'm almost certainly going to skip over the next two novels as well and pick up with The Final Prophecy, in the hopes of some restoration of the series before Dix and Williams completely destroy it. No offense intended.