Rating:  Summary: standard njo Review: I've read some of the reviews previously published. I would agree that the storyline shows promise. I am, however, disappointed with the authors. It appears that over time, each author wishes to make his own stamp on the series (e.g., death of Anakin Skywalker), but in doing so, fails to adequately maintain the character developments from previous books. This book keeps some of the spirit of older books, but not quite enough. Interestingly enough, it seems that the authors have made the most effort to develop characters who will be eliminated, while continuing characters without much personality. Vergere, for example, showed much promise, demonstratng a possibly far more complex view of the "force," but was then killed off rather then developed more fully. Also, as noted by another, Danni continues to never really develop beyond Jacen's love interest. She deserves more. Tahiri seems to be the same. I hope this long buildup of deep seated issues is not just "solved" or explained away in a single page two books later. Then again, Anakin, Vergere and Ganner were killed off just as they started developing into complex personas (a fate spared Jacen and Jaina, so far), so I would not be surprised if any of the other interesting NJO characters receive the same fate shortly after they evolve past the limited intellects of the writers. But as one reviewer put it, at least now we can hope again.
Rating:  Summary: I Have Found A New Hero In The Star Wars Universe Review: First of all, I think that the individuals that wrote the prior negative reviews really need to rethink it over. They are probably the type that like to hear C3PO being called Golden Rod or something of the like because it was done in the movies.. Please, let that end there, the point of the books is to broaden the star wars universe. Now onto the book, the characters were rather unusual unto themselves. But I enjoyed the change, I really dislike the fact that they cant seem to see the changes or even expect them some 30+ years after the trilogy. The book had feeling, which the Star Wars Universe had been lacking since about the 7th book in the NJO. Asside from Luke, Jacen, Mara and the whole gang, I can clearly say that the one who stole the show, was Admiral Gilad Palleon. Here is the empire portrayed as a military unit instead as the evil beings they are ussually portrayed in. You can tell that the Admiral care for his soldiers as well as the citizens that he has swore to protect. He has life unlike in any of the other books. I have truly found a new hero with in the Star Wars universe, and his name is Admiral Gilad Palleon. He alone carries the book eventhough he does not get the attention of someone of his importance. I hope the authors of the whole Force Heretic books keep using him. He is shown to care a great deal about those around him but still with his military prowess intact.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the wait Review: I was waiting for the book. The aftermath of the downfall of Tsvong Lah and how the enemy would regroup. Nothing. I plot and undetstanding what their goals are is unclear. Why are Mara and Luke stikcking around in a fight witha slaveship when they could be off in the unknow regions for the last month?? Poor Ben will never get to see his scatterbrained parents that way...I would like to see Jaina and Jag develop or die away and I wish someone would come along for Kyp, just like they did for Lando. It is definately a one step forward two step back novel..I would have been really mad if I had had to pay for hardcover on this.
Rating:  Summary: utter nonsense Review: I can't even believe people would give a good rating to this book. It was completely anti climatic, none of the characters were believable and more over it wasn't worth the bother to read. do your self a favor and don't buy this one. you will be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: The Shamed Ones the saviors of The Galactic Alliance? Review: First of all, I have to ask, what happened to Tesar? Saba implies that he might be dead when she's mourning BarabI. I hope not, he has become one of my fav new Jedi. The plots with Saba, Tahiri, & Nom Anor are great in this book and have me looking forward to the next one. Will Tahiri make peace with herself & bring peace to the galaxy & the Vong through the Shamed Ones? I also enjoyed the gentleman soldier, Grand Admiral Pellaeon being back & at last getting to fight on the right side. What I didn't like about this book was that it felt like it was reviewing a lot of the time. Let's face it folks, if you haven't been reading NJO so far, you're not going to start this far into the series, so 1/3 of the book doesn't need to be devoted to catching us up to speed! It felt like Jacen's & Jaina's personal growth slipped back to where they were 1 or 2 books ago and the same can be said for Jaina & Jag's relationship(who I love together!) On a personal note, I really don't care for the relationship that is forming for Danni. Her personality has never been developed that well and she keeps getting thrown from one situation to the next even though she is constantly saying she doesn't know anything about being a Jedi or whatever else they are asking her to do. Either take the time to fully develope her or get her to the sidelines where she belongs and bring some old favs back into the limelight. By the way, I agree with some of the other reviewers that it would be nice to see Wedge, Lando, Corran, Tenel Ka, etc. but remember that no one author can possibly fit all the characters in one book ( though T. Zahn might come close!) Overall, this book fits with the rest of this series, 1 or 2 moments of greatness, enjoyable, but never as good as I hope it will be. Anyway, here's to wishing for Refugee!
Rating:  Summary: The New Empire Review: I can only limit my reveiw because I do not want to give away anything. If you like the Empire and Jedi this book is a must have. The New Jedi Order are doing like the Jedi of old, going on noble quest for the sake of the galaxy. This quest is nearly impossibl, but this does not stop them. One of the back storeies will peak your interest. Everyone's favorite Yuuzhan Vong that they love to dislike Nom Anor, questions his fate. And Finally the Empire comes to a very diffiuclt decison that possibly destroy the Empire forever. Oh yes, and Jacen finally expresses his feelings for Danni.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: this book was incredible, but not really worth 5 stars, but not as low as 4, i'd give it a 4 and a half, but they amazon...won't let me. the character developement was good, even though the Jacen and Danni parts of it were weird. Jacen seems to have changed every perspective of his views, but we can chalk that up to his "learning" by Vergere's hands. Danni seems to be abl to do and know every from one side of science to another. also, she shot Jacen down about 4 years ago, and now likes him, after he's away and tortured. i didn't like them together in destiny's way, cause i love tenel ka, but she's growing on me. including saba was a great idea, we haven't heard anything from her in a while. the one thing the new jedi order has disappointed me in is wedge, kyp, gavin, and corran. they need to be included more. Some books they are center figures, then they aren't mentioned. In destiny's way, the major character of ackbar is brought back, and then he isn't mentioned. that's not cool. new characters are introduced, but not enough time is spent on each. i find i don't want to learn new characters as much because NJO kills them off so quickly. ganner had grown and become a favorite, but then they kill him off in traitor. however, this new imperial female captain seems interesting. the book back cover is misleading, as the living planet is never mentioned. i really enjoyed seeing the remnant metioned again. Admiral pelleaon has always been a favorite, and this is a time his character is finally done justice. the empire will really strengthen and unite the newly formed galactic alliance. that's one of the small problems i have with the book, this new galatic alliance thing. in destiny's way, omas says he's thinking about changing the name, maybe. by this book, its all with the changed. not cool, blindsiding the reader. The other group, Solo parents, jag, jaina, and tahiri, are off on another adventrue repairs all communications around the galaxy. while this may not appear important, it really is. they take half jag's and jaina's squads with them. jaina and jag are getting closer, but tahiri is going nearly insane it seems. jag starts to distrust her, and she starts randomly fainting. the yevetha, remember them?, Black Fleet Crisis?, apparently have built up a huge fleet to crush someone, and are in turn crushed by the Vong. the ryn are there to get the falcon out of a mess. how the ryn got there is not explained, that is one of my other problems other than how they portray Tahiri. other than some small things, this is a really great book. p.s. anakin needs to be resurrected, brought back, in a another body, in spirit, something, and you all know it
Rating:  Summary: A good addition, but a starter not a novel to itself Review: It is important to remember that when reading Remnant, you are reading book 1 of a trilogy as well as book 15 of a series. There have been complaints about the wrapping up of surprises in the book, but take in mind that this is all groundwork for the rest of the respective journey for our characters. Jacen, Luke and Co's journey to the Unknown would not work without the framework given here, and Im sure Saba will be integral to that part of the storyline. I was worried where they were taking her character as she has been a consistant point in the series. Jacen has developed into a well rounded character, taking in the lessons from Vergere, but also from those around him. Palleon makes the point with his observations of Jacen. The return of the Grand Admiral is one of the strongest points of the book, esp when one takes into account his character arc throughout the EU. The story line regarding Han, Leia, Jaina and Jag, and Tahiri is also important groundwork. The authors, while far from the best the Expanded Universe has used, bring in a mix of past worlds and challanges. The description of Han's feelings of returning to the Yevetha is well played, as is Jaina's desire to stay on the front lines. Jag is slighty off character, but as his relationship with Jaina progresses, it would make sense. Even the strongest of male leads turns out of habit when women are int he picture in a romantic sense. Tahiri's story should show good results by book 3. But bear in mind, it may take that long to develop the arc. As for the Nom Anor story line, this is a must. The quote at the beginning of the book shows how important this is to the overall NJO picture, and this is bound to play a major part in the internal strength and in its exploitation of the Vong. Overall, while not the best book in the NJO, Remnant is a good introduction to set the stage for the final act of an interesting series. Character development over a 19 book series is difficult at best, but the NJO has expanded on some wonderful characters, as well as introduced many new ones. Bringing back enemies of old, and not just the Empire, has connected the NJO to the rest of the pre-Vong Star Wars universe, and showed a truly Galactic struggle. A good read, and a must read for the rest for the rest of the series.
Rating:  Summary: A good start to a intriguing trilogy Review: This book was a wonderful start to a new star wars trilogy. Remnant had some great plot, and left me with a sense to pick up the next book and continue the adventure. Luke, Mara, Jacen, Saba, and Danni head to find Zonama Sekot, but run into some interesting trouble that requires help from an old enemy. Han and Leia argue about thier adventures and get into trouble like always. While Nom Anor is planning to be the top dog of the Vong. All in all this book was interesting and one of the top reads of the series. I enjoyed it tremendously and can't wait to continue and see how this trilogy finishes.
Rating:  Summary: Below Par Review: Overall, this book was lacking in plot development and characterization. In fact, the plot was just lame. And there was no characterization to speak of. I admit, it must be difficult to keep two seperate story plots developing, but the way the book was constructed was messy. The battle scenes were boring, the relationship between Jag and Jaina--while less painful than previous versions--is still out of place in a story about a war (and both characters are incosistent in their actions and dialouge.) Speaking of out of place, the new development with Tahiri was just weak. After Anakin's death, her character seemed to drop out of the limelight, but this attmept to bring focus to her is clumsy and over-done. Its unlikely that the style of writing will change before Refugee comes out, but one can hope that the authors will at least attmept to make things more exciting--and more consistent with the storylines laid forth by previous authors. Overall, I enjoy the NJO series very much, but this book was a disappointment--especially after such great novels such as Destiny's Way, Dark Journey, and Traitor.