Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointed Review: guess I didn't read what this book was about very good in the description. I am so disappointed that the author took what Christians have been writing about for 2000 years and used it as gospel truth of what heaven is. There is nothing new in here...it is the same biased bunk that all Christianity has been since man decided to makeup a religion after the death of Jesus. Never mind the Asian religions or what people have experienced in Near Death Experiences. Never mind that people who cremate their loved ones don't have the "body" to return to. It even spouts Judgment Day. Which of course was man made also in Revelation, and is supposed to be fire and brimstone. I happen to know and not by channelers and physics that we live many lives, and come back to learn many lessons. I know that my loved ones are happy and are totally with God. They come and help us on this plane all the time. Heaven is all around us..and yes it is physical. If you are a die hard Christian then this is the book for you. If you are an open minded person who doesn't live in a "box" then beware of the author who is making a buck out of old scripture...
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: Having recently lost a loved one, I found this book comforting and reassuring. I have already reccommended it to many friends and family members. I enjoy the 'travel' theme and think it was an ingeneous way to present a timeless subject!
Rating:  Summary: A delightful book Review: Heaven is fun! That's what I learned from reading this book, which I loved. It's full of humor and imaginative characters (like tour guides) and familiar characters too -- like guardian angels. I laughed out loud when I read this comment about guardian angels. "Have you introduced yourself to him? If not, I have a suggestion for you: stop being so rude!" What fun! And what a great book to give as a gift. Review by Mary Anne Thomas, author of "Ask and You Shall Receive," email Mindletters@aol.com.
Rating:  Summary: You've got to be joking... Review: I am agape at the number of people complimenting this author on his 'research'. How, exactly, do you go about researching something that no one (emphasis on the 'no one') alive has experienced, and that no one alive knows even the slightest thing about? This book is pure speculation, as is any book about Heaven, and is heavily flawed. Yes, we all want to be comforted and believe that nothing will really be different when we die, only better. But how can the author justify misleading people like this? I sympathise with people who want to feel some comfort and security about loved ones that have passed on. I, too, have lost loved ones, but what point is there in allowing ourselves to be misled by someone with a popcorn and cotton candy opinion of God's paradise? The truth is, if we do get into Heaven (and that is no certainty unless we accept Jesus as our Saviour), it will be wonderful beyond any of our imaginings. To promote Heaven as some sort of ongoing Fantasy Island Adventure is just plain wrong.
Rating:  Summary: Heavenly Review: I cannot remember reading a more uplifting book. In fact, I loved it so much, I read it twice in the last two days. It is filled with fabulous insights.I think the book makes a real contribution to great spiritual literature. Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: DeStefano is no C.S. Lewis! Review: I got this book expecting it to be a well-researched and documented exploration of Heaven. I was quite disappointed. In defense of the author, he does admit that he didn't want it to be too research-y and technical, but I was disappointed nonetheless. Everything he suggests is presented as absolute fact, when most of it is mere speculation. I can see how his conclusions would be nice to read because they are comforting (i.e. pets go to Heaven too) but he really doesn't back anything up, except with a few vague biblical references. Also, his writing style is reminiscent of a high school essay. He frequently says some variation of: "Most people think ______, but that's just not true!" Statements like these leave me thinking, who is "most people"? Did he ask most people? Did he read a survey? He also gets quite preachy in sections, reminding us that certain activities, like smoking marijuana, or having sex outside of marriage, are sins. Regardless of whether you agree, I don't think this book is the place for these statements. Overall, I don't know anything in this book to be flat out false, but I'm not entirely convinced of its truth either.
Rating:  Summary: Buying 10 as Christmas Gifts Review: I have been hearing about this book and last weekend I finally bought it. I read it straight through and then read it again! Wow, I have never read anything like it. Without a doubt, it is THE most consoling, uplifting book I have ever read. I am a Christian, and I believe in my Faith, but I haven't really been living it for a long time. This book actually makes me want to go to church. I can't believe it. And the part where he talks about the first morning in heaven, hugging and kissing your mother again, and then having something "wet" lick your hand and something paw at your leg, and then see that it is your old dog, only he is young again, it made me cry. But in a very happy way. I am going to buy 10 of these beautiful books and give them as my Christmas presents this year.My brother lost his wife recently, and this will definitely make him feel better. And my grandmother is 74 and has been without my grandfather for 8 years. They're all getting one.
Rating:  Summary: Scarey Review: I have never in my life read such claptrap. Heaven as Disneyland is such an utterly ignorant concept I'm at a total loss. That people read this book and are uplifted actually scares me. It's McReligion made real. I suggest books like "The Tao Te Ching" or "The Prophet" or even "Conversations With God" for a more fulfilling and reality based journey into spirituality. However, if what you're aiming for is a few hours of reality-avoidance and want heaven to be something like 1950's America, then maybe this book is the one for you.
Rating:  Summary: A Great, Great Book Review: I have read this book twice and listened to the audio CD and I must say that it is certainly a classic, if there ever was one. The author has managed to entertain, console, and articulate profound theological concepts, all at once. He has produced something totally unique, and at the same time, totally traditional and orthodox. An amazing feat. If you don't like what he says, it is obvious that you just don't like Christianity. Because that is what he presents, plain and simple. The reason why the book seems to be causing controversy is that he presents traditional Christianity in such a compelling, exciting way, that it is bound to make a lot of people want to be Christians, and that is why some of the critics are so angry at the book.
Rating:  Summary: teriffic book Review: I loved it. It is a scripture-based book that draws common sense conclusions about heaven. Although it has many biblical references and cites, it is not a theological tome. The travel motif and conversational writing style make it easy to understand and relate to.