Rating:  Summary: Atkins for life Review: The book should have arrived sooner than it did.Front page of book was creased.
Rating:  Summary: Why it works Review: The reason Atkins is such a success is because it works and the reason it works is that you don't starve yourself as in almost every other diet. As a loyal follower, I can testify that if one follows the plan and guildelines presented in this book, it will be impossible not to lose weight. And once you start, you will never again buy a coke without thinking, uh oh - 45 carbs, or eat a biscuit, drink juice, etc without thinking the same thing. The habit of lowfat eating has become ingrained in our system and it is with great joy that I can now fix an egg, bite off a hunk of cheese, grill a steak and eat butter without guilt. A general discussion of why the diet works is followed by the best feature of all - a listing of several foods from different groups in order of eat regularly, eat moderately and eat sparingly. A series of recipes is also included and many of these are quite tasteful. So cut out the fries, drop the buns, cut back on the skim milk, substitute the ice cream and eat.
Rating:  Summary: Why it works Review: The reason Atkins is such a success is because it works and the reason it works is that you don't starve yourself as in almost every other diet. As a loyal follower, I can testify that if one follows the plan and guildelines presented in this book, it will be impossible not to lose weight. And once you start, you will never again buy a coke without thinking, uh oh - 45 carbs, or eat a biscuit, drink juice, etc without thinking the same thing. The habit of lowfat eating has become ingrained in our system and it is with great joy that I can now fix an egg, bite off a hunk of cheese, grill a steak and eat butter without guilt. A general discussion of why the diet works is followed by the best feature of all - a listing of several foods from different groups in order of eat regularly, eat moderately and eat sparingly. A series of recipes is also included and many of these are quite tasteful. So cut out the fries, drop the buns, cut back on the skim milk, substitute the ice cream and eat.
Rating:  Summary: It Really Works -- But Not A Lifestyle For Everybody Review: There are a lucky few in our culture that can eat whatever they want without any observable side effects. These folks can gobble down chips, soda, donuts, burgers, cheesecake... etc. I'm not one of those lucky few. I was a carbohydrate addict that ate foods that were quick and easy to get a hold of, stuff like pizza, potato chips, waffles, and other assorted freezer foods. But it never seemed to satisfy me, I always found myself hungry an hour or so later, and I gorged again. The Atkins Diet has worked for me. I've been on the diet for a year and have followed the rules to the letter. And you know, it's not all that hard. It was difficult at first to give up food products that are the norm in our culture: breads, cereals, bagles, and a host of sweets. But now that I've found alternative for these things, I really don't miss them. As touted in the Atkins program (as well as the South Beach Diet), protein is the mainstay of this way of eating. But most importantly, this lifestyle change has taught me how to read labels -- how to identify what's good and what's not so good about the foods I used to consume. What's not so good is the amount of sugar and other empty calories that make up the majority of the food we eat. Stuff I used to ignore until I turned twenty-five and my metabolism decided to slow down a bit. While the book may seem extreme at times, its message is that we've been brainwashed by corporations hat want to push their not-so-healthy products down your throat at the expense of your health and your pocket book. Heck, if you keep coming back for more, they'll keep making it. The addictive nature of these foods almost make them as unhealthy as cigarrettes. You'll also come to see that most low fat produts will have the reverse effect on you -- you might not have to worry about the fat as much as the sugar that's added to make the product palatable. Now that I've been on the diet for a year, I've learned what my limitations are. While I do eat a lot of meat, I also eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, eggs and some whole grains. There's a balance I've come to maintain. As a result, I've lost and kept off a good twenty-five pounds. The jeans in the back of the closet fit again, my cholesterol has gone down, and I feel good. I've found that the diet seems to be more effective for males than females. Just an observation, but that's the trend I've observed. I do see that it works. But it doesn't work for everyone. As the book says, I would definitely consult your doctor before doing anything like this. That is of the utmost importance. But I have seen positive results from this way of eating and I will probably maintain this lifestyle as long as I continue to feel good and benefit from it. The key is to read the book first -- don't go by hearsay -- there are a lot of misconceptions about this way of eating out there. But look what it's done to the food industry. How many low carb alternatives are you seeing out there? And why are so many people adapting to this? Because it works. Read for yourself and see if it's for you. We as a society have been gorging ourselves and getting fat on high carb, low nutrient foods. They're quick and easy, but they are so unhealthy. And sure, there are those rare individuals that can eat anything they want -- they're the exception. But the majority of us out there aren't like that. This book may be just the thing you're looking for to lose and keep off those years of extra pounds you've reluctantly accumulated.
Rating:  Summary: If you are thinking about it... go for it (it works) Review: This book is a perfect companion book for those who have reached the pre-maintenance and maintenance stages of the Atkins Diet as outlined in the New Diet Revolution. It gives you all sorts of new and improved recipes and tips on how to keep going even when you feel burnt out on "dieting". It even has four different meal plans based on the amount on carbs you can safely eat and maintain your ideal weight. They can be easily mixed and matched to give you an idea on a day when you don't really have time to think about what to fix that day. It's very comprehensive, gives you good suggestions on what to order when you dine out, and reminds you of the health benefits you may already be receiving thanks to your success. And when I say I have had success, I truly mean it... Believe it or not, I did lost almost 80 pounds on the diet, am keeping it off and loved it so much, I wrote in to tell him about it. Still don't believe me? Check out the back cover of the book and the testimonial on page 82 (It's actually my story)
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Atkins explains his highly successful dieting program. Review: This book is a superior elaboration on Dr. Atkins' earlier diet books, and is well worth owning and reading. The Atkins diet, quite simply, works as advertised. This book explains how to manage the diet, and it is easy to read and understand. Please note that I am nobody's medical expert, nutritionist, or doctor. The comments here are those of a layman. As I explained in my review of one of Dr. Atkins' earlier books, in my experience this diet works precisely as Dr. Atkins says. I am a busy kind of guy (attorney) just like many of you. For me, a diet has to have two elements: I can't go around feeling hungry or weak while on it, and it has to work relatively quickly. Well, this diet does both. I can now wear clothes that I had never thought I would be able to wear again. In fact, I am now at the same weight I was at when I was in college. I literally never feel hungry now that I am on this diet, even at mealtime, and I go through the day never feeling that ghastly weak, craving feeling that a low-calorie regime entails. This was vitally important to me--during the day and frankly all the time, I simply must feel energised. This diet provides that in spades. When I tried the low-calorie approach I was constantly thinking about food. Not on this diet. On this diet you are in control--you are not ruled by your desire for food or looking forward to the next meal. As far as results go, all I can say is that results exceed all expectations. I'm back to where I was before I decided that there was a problem. I'm wearing suits I simply couldn't wear before I went on the Atkins program. Suits that have hung in my coatroom, staring balefully at me, for the past several years. I was on this diet for 7 years back in the 1980s and finally went off it in the late 80s because weight ceased being an issue in my life (the diet worked so well). I now see that going off of it was a mistake. I won't be repeating it. This diet is not really a diet. It is a way of life. The only downside to this diet is that you really have to watch what you order in restaurants. Restaurants love to put carbohydrate sauces and dressings on everything, and you have to watch that. However, this book tells you how to manage this problem. I eat in restaurants every day and I manage fine. Some reviewers talk negatively about the diet and imply that this diet involves chowing down on large amounts of high-fat foods. Not so. Sure, you can have real cream in your coffee and you can enjoy that nice steak. The difference is that if you do it on this diet you will not gain weight. It is as simple as that. You can have salad and certain other green vegetables in reasonable quantities. Frankly, I probably eat a better variety of green vegetables and salads than I did before I went on this diet. The Atkins program mainly involves cutting out bread, sugary cereals, and yes (alas) most fruit. The few sacrifices it involves (and they are few and well-compensated) are well rewarded by the amazing improvement in one's body, and in the way you feel. This is a great program well-explained in this book. If you are having trouble managing your body weight (and who, after age 40, is not?) this book and the Atkins program deserve your attention.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Practical Guide to Everyday Diet Review: This book is intended for those who have already completed their weight loss program. Yet is is filled with practical advice useable at any stage of the Atkins Nutrition Management Program. This book helps further debunk the myth that the Atkins approach is about eating nothing but meat and cheese. Further scientific evidence is presented which supports the Atkins approach. In fact, Atkins spends a considerable amount of time discussing which vegetables and other carbohydrate-rich foods have a minimal effect on blood sugar, and which don't. About the only "permanently forbidden" foods are the high sugar ones. Personally, I found the practical advice for substitutions especially useful. For instance, instead of sugar-rich ice cream, you can have some blueberries smothered with heavy cream or a little sour cream.
Rating:  Summary: Hope for those in OWL! Review: This book is written towards people who are moving toward or already in maintenance; however, even though I just finished Induction and have 96 pounds to lose, I found it to be very helpful. The book is well written and easy to understand. The recipes in the back are great! The best thing to me was finding most of the foods I somewhat "miss" will be available to me when I reach maintenance. Understanding the lifetime perspective of this program motivates me to keep going. Thanks, Dr. Atkins!
Rating:  Summary: Great program! I continued to lose over the Holidays! Review: This is the first time that I lost weight over the Thanksgiving holidays. I enjoyed Turkey, but when easy on the filling and followed the advice that Dr. Atkins suggests in this and In Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution.I know that there is still some controversy about the amount of fat in this diet. How about the fat you are carrying o your body? Which is really worse? In my case, my cholesterol level has never been lower. And I eat eggs several times per week, sometimes as many as four at a time.There was a time when people thought you should restrict water on a diet becuase toomuch water would cause bloating. We now know that is taboo. In the not too distant future, the fallacy of the fat in the Atkins Diet as being dangerous will also be taboo. For me, I'm not going to wait for medical science to catch up to Atkins. Besides, Atkins now has a 30+ year success history. Can the so called experts top that? Don't think so.Try Atkins. You'll be glad you did---I know I am!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book Review: This is the ultimate low carb diet book (its COMPLETE). I loved the 30 meal plans in 45,60,80,and 100 grams of carbs. Everything is spelled out for you, and I also liked the large size (it stays open on my kitchen counter) and how easy it is to read. The first week on this diet I found myself in the supermarket reading all the ingredients and carbs on everything.(I agree - NO trans fats!! this country needs to outlaw them!) I tried the Baihian Halibut recipe as well as the Pecan Waffles and both were delicious. In the first 10 days I lost about 2 pounds. I'm only 6 lbs overweight. I am never hungry because I prepared by shopping and always have low carb food on hand. (nuts, salad, tuna, salmon, chicken, Splenda, fresh vegies, low carb fruit, eggs, meat). I honestly think I ate a large amount of food. I found a wonderful desert product in my supermarket called "BIRDS Imported English Desert Mix" which only has 7grams of carbs in it per serving because you add your own sugar, (Splenda in my case)and milk, and takes just 4 minutes to prepare. You wont feel deprived if you have low carb deserts on hand (ladies)especially if you are PMS "ing", but there are plenty of desert recipes available in the book. Another great feature are eight pages of food categories (nuts, fruits, veggies etc) in three columns "eat regularly" "eat in moderation" "eat sparingly". This gives me a quick reference when I'm not sure of a food. A diet high sugar and carbs throws you on an insulin roller coaster. In my ever so humble opinion I feel that mentally I have more clarity (like I'm not in a fog). The book does not mention this but perhaps this is the "energy" the success stories refer to. A healthy lifestyle and large weight loss is about 2 things Taking yourself out of denial about #1. How much you really exercise and #2. Knowing how much and WHAT you are putting in your mouth. I personally don't plan to go back to the old way I was eating (a diet high in carbs).