Rating:  Summary: Cerulean Sins - Review: I became hooked on LKH recently and can't get enough of her "Anita" series. Cerulean Sins is a great book but I wish there had been more on the serial killer. It seemed like it was cut off quickly. I did like that Jason was given an adult outlook but was disappointed that other main characters were made to look bland. Of course the sex is great and I'm not complaining but touch up on it - don't make it the main focus. LKH did leave quite a bit open for future stories and I can't wait for "the shoe to drop" from Micah. I do like him and think he is necessary for Anita. I'm hoping that Damien will be brought to the fore instead of a backdrop. But these are my personal feelings and LKH has the best imagination I have read...It will be interesting to see what direction the Wolves will be going in. How long will Richard's followers follow? I did like this book very much and read it until the wee hours of the morning! Here's hoping that the following books get back to the "darkness"!
Rating:  Summary: What a downhill turn Hamilton has taken Review: Laurell K. Hamilton's books used to have amazing plots, interesting mystery and believable character development. Recently though, in this and her new fey series, her books consist of lots of meaningless sex and little else. This book had two interesting things: a new assasin and the Mother of All Darkness. Unfortunately, it seems that these pieces were mistakenly not edited out of the final copy. I say that because it seems that Hamilton originally planned to make them the center of the story, but she moved to other things and forgot to take out the pieces that no longer fit. I was very disappointed because we had only a few references to each, and then they disappear and there is no real closure (or pretend closure). The real storyline was nonexistent and seemed more like a subplot than anything else. I was so mad I bought this book in hardback. I knew that with the fey series I'd just get an erotic fantasy porn book, and I'm dissapointed Hamilton has gone that way with my beloved Anita Blake as well.
Rating:  Summary: An Exciting Page Turning. Review: In her usual style, Ms Hamilton ends each chapter with a reason, a desire, a need to read the next chapter. I especially like the wit and banter between the characters in this book. Reading CS was like getting back with your friends or family. You might not like everything about them, but you still love them. I can not imagine trying to pick up the series / story line without starting at the beginng. I do agree that some of the sex is past erotica; however, it is the beasts and learning to deal with these animal instincts that makes the character development so interesting. If we readers are having a difficult time with the level of sex; imagine how Anita is dealing with this (Dolph certainly expressed his opinion, do we want to be as closed minded?) I still believe that Richard is being a "baby". He needs to grow up and deal the hand he has been dealt, but then that is part of his growing process and he has the most potential for character growth and development (at this time). Also I am glad for a main character with short hair (ops sorry! spoiler-he cuts his hair); I do get tired of the detailed descriptions of the long hair on the men. (give it a rest, please!!) I feel that this is one of the more exciting books (yes I agree similar to Burnt Offerings) but a very enjoyable read. A lot has been set up in this book for future books. I eagerly await the next in the series (which is what? about 18 months away?). Being from St. Louis, I do enjoy the references to the Landmarks and areas. I live between Chesterfield and Wildwood where the murders take place.
Rating:  Summary: anita is confronted Review: CS so far is very different from most Anita Blake books. It takes a little bit of the heighten sex appeal from NiC, and focus on relationships while trying to include the mysteries of old and a new sense of maturity in the characters behavior. Before all the men in Anita's life would take her limitations without a second thought and now they rebel against her and make her question everything in her life--and its about time! Some of the plot is run over a bit too fast, but overall I like the new maturity in the relationships and the continuing search for Anita to be able to be at peace with her life. It reminds us of our own struggles, but in a more interesting way with the complications of supernatural creatures and forces. These books never seem to stop entertaining and enthralling me and I'm sick of people complaining about the sex because it is the most well done and most meaningful sex I've read.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible and entertaining, as always!! Review: I will not spend time telling you what is going on in this book. All I want to do is be able to speak out and let the "human" population know that Laurell K. Hamilton is one phenomenal writer who knows how to grab your attention and keep it from the front cover all the way through to the back cover. I have been lending the entire series out to all of my friends, none of us could wait for the 11th book "Cerulean Sins" to come out. Well, now that it has and we have read it, I honestly don't know how we will all wait till book 12 comes around! I have never taken the time or effort to RE-read a series before, but I had to start over at book ONE and go all the way through again, just to take up the slack time between books. Guess I will be doing it again! I just want to beg Laurell to write faster and keep up the wonderful work!
Rating:  Summary: Changes and revelations! Review: Laurell K. Hamilton's newest outing as Anita Blake is wonderful! I definately feel that it's an improvement over the last few books in terms of character development - particularly Anita. Although I love the books and I love Anita, I was getting tired of Anita's standoffishness. I wanted her to admit to having some feelings and to bend even just a little! Well in Cerulean Sins, Anita makes some important decisions - who she loves, who she sleeps with, who are important people to her. I think she's grown up a lot in this book. Anita becomes embroiled in more vampire politics as Musette, Belle Morte's right-hand gal, comes to pay a visit. This visit precipitates Anita's decisions about Asher and what he means to her; as well as Jean-Claude. Anita's feelings about Richard and Micah also begin to gel and the beginnings of some initial decisions are made. Of course, Anita also manages to kick butt in between her love life! She is once again involved with RPIT on a new case and with her Animating duties, as well. All in all, it's a great book with some revelatory scenes that show that all of the characters have grown and are changing - in good ways!
Rating:  Summary: A Real Thriller Review: Anita Blake keeps growing in her powers and as a person. This book has all the complexity of her moral challenges along with her personal hang-ups on sex and relationships. There is plenty of vampire action and interaction along with some werewolf interaction although not as much of the werewolves as in other books. It has the mystery that is not solved until the very end. Ms. Hamilton has done an outstanding job with this installment of Anita. Her characters are full blown people with all of their own quirks. She intersperes humor throughout to lighten Anita's otherwise intense life. This book actually takes a couple of readings to begin to fully understand it. The first is to enjoy the story and the second is to understand all of the details in it. Every line adds to the story. I loved it. I recommend reading all of the other books first to fully understand this one as each character becomes better known in previous books.
Rating:  Summary: Anita is back! Review: This book was really good. It continues the story and adds new levels to an already complicated scene. I finished it in one sitting and can't wait for more.
Rating:  Summary: Anita the Bore Review: I can remember a time when Anita Blake was the coolest literary character in town. Feisty, with a fierce personal code, too much pent-up agression, and a chip on her shoulder the size of Everest. She was also interesting. Now, even with Anita having more self-revelation moments than any fictional character should have, she feels false, tired and uninspired. If you've ever seen the term "Mary Sue", the Anita Blake of the last 2 books is a perfect definition. I've always thought Jean-Claude, the sexy but manipulative vampire, and Richard, the powerful but angst-ridden werewolf, were characters just as interesting and compelling as Anita, sometimes moreso. As the 3 characters make up a magical Triumverate, I liked when the books revolved around the 3 of them and their connection, as well as their tangled relationships with each other. Now the books are awash in more cardboard cut-out studpuppies then you can shake a stick at, with Anita having all sorts of magical connections with each of them in different ways. It wouldn't be such a bad thing if they didn't all fall madly in love with Anita with lightening speed, and exist mostly to reassure her or have sex with her. I keep hoping Edward will show back up in the series and take out some of the excess baggage that plagues this series. And of course, Anita is "in love" with all of them in different ways, which basically means she has sex with them, or wants to have sex with them. She loves Jean-Claude, no, she loves Richard, no she loves Micah (UGH, the WORST!!!), no she loves Nathanial....please, enough !! After the last book, I really was hoping that this author, who I believe is talented, would bring back the magic of her earlier works and stop confusing this series with her other sex-driven series. Sadly, I don't believe that will ever happen.
Rating:  Summary: Wham Bam? No thank you. Review: This book continues the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series. It is the 11th in the grouping. Anita and her vampire lover Jean Claude are faced with the serious threat of Belle Morte Jean Claude's creator. It was planned that a visit would occur from a group of Belle Morte's other children. They were being sent to see how Jean Claude was doing as the New Master of the City in St. Louis, but when they unexpectedly arrive three months early tension and the threat of violence is imminent. Life is far from normal in Anita's life, and this threat to the ones she holds dear seems just up her alley. Out of all the books I'd have to say this one went the fastest, the story felt too short. I can defiantly see that it is an introduction for a much larger plotline but I still feel slightly cheated out of some of what I've come to expect with an Anita Blake novel. The side story, the murder investigation, felt like an add on. It was thrown in on the side as a way to further some interpersonal relationship stuff and for the bigger plotlines to come. However, even any head way that might have been made with the interpersonal relationships(Anita and Jean Claude, Jean Claude and Asher, Anita and Richard, Nathaniel and Anita, Anita and Jason, Dolph and Anita) seemed unsteady. It might just be me, but all the talking and soul searching seemed to have taken Anita nothing more then a baby step further. I guess what I'm basically saying is that I did enjoy the book, but it was like reading "Cliff Notes to Anita Blake Vampire Hunter." It was just too short. But my dedication to the series has not wavered, I think I can see what Ms. Hamilton is doing and I expect that with the next novel there will be many surprises. Of course there were things I liked about they story. I liked how Ms. Hamiltion continues to breath life into the supporting cast. I like Jason and Nathaniel as much as I like Anita. I have always liked how she tires to give them life, feelings, and personality. I like the passion in these books. If your put off by sex, then mayhap you should go with something else, or skip the scenes, because they are hot, steamy, and very vivid. In her work, not only the physical side of sex but the emotional side of love is a strong part in the story. There is almost a fascination with the physical form of a person, sex, sexuality, and how emotions react to all of it. It's an exploration of the hang ups we have about sex and the breaking of those barriers.