Rating:  Summary: *** Review: I can't believe that anyone who has ever had a passion for Anne rice books can not tell that She did not completely write this on her own. I live in lousisana and Mrs Anne Rice has been reported to very ill, besides losing her husband this past year. She has been reported to have last stages of diabetes and has been seen needing asistance with small tasks. I just wish that she isn't obligated to produce books because of her contract. So please take heart Because everyone here in the big easy knows how fragile she is
Rating:  Summary: Stop Bashing Review: Ok, I would just like to clarify that I have not completely finished Blood Canticle. However, I was so upset by all the negative posts about this book, I had to write something before I finished it. Anne Rice is a clever writer and for anyone to say she is burned out or that she didn't even write this book is ridiculous! You can clearly tell it is Anne writing this novel, she is just bringing Lestat into modern times by switching his vocabulary. Remember, he loves humans, it's natural that he would mimick their mannerisms. I do admit that I could do without the "!!!!!!!!" over-exaggerated punctuations, but Anne is just doing something different. And having Lestat go on a quest to become a saint and end up being Lestat anyway, what do you really expect? Lestat is Lestat, he loves how he is and wouldn't change a thing. I would be terribly disappointed if he was redeemed and was cannonized. As for this being her last novel, you never know. Her husband died, her Lestat died with him. Maybe she will find another muse. Don't give up on Anne, and don't bash this book, she has written 25 amazing books (even if some weren't too good, I would like to see others do better) and has kept readers enthralled for years.
Rating:  Summary: Hello, Anne Rice, Are You There? Review: Let me start off by saying the story wasn't so bad, it was the execution of the story that was terrible.I was thrilled to see that Lestat played a major role in this story, until the dialog kicked in. He sounds like some metro, gangsta, surfer knock-off. He actually says "dude" all too frequently. Please. The story actually does a decent job tying the Mayfair Witch/Vampire scene together. It revolves around Quinn Blackwood and how he is struggling to deal with his fresh mortal life and his new vampiric existence. But, again, let me say that for the first time in any Rice book, Lestat killed it. I could not get passed the random, rambling soliloquy that popped up everywhere. Sorry, this one didn't do it for me.
Rating:  Summary: Can you possibly bomb someone any more? Review: I took the time to read through a few reviews before writing my own, for the sake of not repeating what others have already stated. What a shock I found. No, this novel was not up to par compared to her early novels, but I see things differently than most of the replies out there. First of all, in real life, people grow and change depending on their experiences. So get this through your thick sculls: Lestat will not, could not possibly be like, his orginial character from book one. This is a vampire that has #1 blood in him making him stronger than almost any other (so hell yeah I would be scared of him if I was Mona, Julien, etc.) He has gone to Heaven and Hell and back. He's even lost his body. People, Vampires, change. Second, I don't know what book you all others read, but Mona was always a spoiled, brat, who was always jeolous of Rowan. Nothing changed there. The last time Rowan was in a story, she was showing signs of burn out. Anne Rice was following through with the effects of causes which occured in her previous books. Characters must change to seem believable, they don't always change the way you wish them to. Lastly, I think Anne WAS using Lestat as her voice. I would like to think she was telling Stan that she will join him when her work is done. Much like Lestat told Rowan he would come for her when her work will be done. Like I hope one day to join those I love.
Rating:  Summary: I liked it... Review: I actually liked this book, it wasn't even close to her greatest but it was good. I don't think it was a good enough conclusion to the Vampire Chronicles though...
Rating:  Summary: Blood canticle Review: I really love anne rice and almost all her books, but this one wasnt one of her best. Since when has lestat ever used "Yo". That just wasnt in his character. The good thing about this book was bringing the mayfair witches and vampire chronicals together again. As her last book for her vampire chronicals, it didnt really tie up any loose ends with marius or armond or any of them, not even lestat. But as her last I still enjoyed reading it, but hopefully, maybe she'll make just one more.
Rating:  Summary: I Hope This Really Wasn't The End Review: As a long time fan of The Vampire Chronicles, I can't help but hope this book was not the last about all the characters we have all come to care about. While it was clever to pull the two sagas (the vampires and the Mayfairs) into one story, this book really concluded nothing, and very little actually happened in this novel. The story is rather weak and does not give us a final wrap up on Louis or Armand or Marius or David, not even on Lestat really. The end of the book leaves my hopes up for more to come and maybe a concluding novel that will do the series justice. It's worth reading if only just to visit briefly with the characters and world readers have come to know. Not Anne's best work - but we should all give the lady a break. I think (and hope) there will be more to come.
Rating:  Summary: Blood Canticle Review: I have read all of ann rice's books and have debated of them all at some point in time. though this book is one of her worst ones yet, I see no reason to slam her for it. In case you people don't keep up with the news, she's retiring the publisher's needed her to write an ending for her chronicles. She had nothing left to give, but hell at least she tried. I don't see how anyone can complain. She wrote for herself not the public so get over her book being crap.
Rating:  Summary: What are You Talking About? Review: I love the Vampire Chronicles. I love Anne Rice. I love Lestat and Louis and Marius and Armand and Daniel and even Gabrielle, though you don't typically see much of her. These are some very simple maxims. So, why don't they apply here? Well, because none of the things I loved were present in the Blood Canticle. No Louis, Amrmand, Marius, Daniel, David, or even Gabrielle. And, though I'm ashamed and sad to say it, Anne Rice wasn't even there. I am sorry to see Stan Rice go. He was a talented and wonderful man that will be missed worldwide. I can't even begin to comprehend how Anne feels right now, and I don't think I would even be able to endure that pain as well as she does. However, the Blood Canticle is a disgrace. It was poorly constructed, written, and edited. It hearkens back to all the old fanfiction I see so often created. In fact, I believe I've read at least a dozen fanfics that stay truer to the characters and to the beautiful style with which the old Anne wrote. Lestat does not say 'yo', and if he did he would put class and beauty into it. It would be ironic and funny. But when Lestat says 'little bro' as he did in the Blood Canticle, there was no taste or elegance. Description lacked severly, and the dialoge held no wonder or poetry. I'm sorry Stan died. But that is no excuse for shoveling out this 'novel' without a second glance. This is no grand finale.
Rating:  Summary: It's blithering drivel... Review: Rice ventures back to Blackwood Farm to pick up where she left off in her last novel. The newly formed young vampire, Quinn Blackwood continues his lust-affair with the sickly Mona Mayfair who has come to Blackwood Farm to die. Lestat the brat prince answers the call of this new vampire to lend a helping hand and help reveal the remaining secrets of the Taltos from the Mayfair Witch trilogy. Rice claims that with this publication she has concluded her vampire chronicles for good, and certainly this story re-affirms that intention. Dear reader is so bored with the melodramatic much ado about nothing that he will probably make this conclusion for himself. The writing is as always, a collection of beautiful prose, however Rice has suddenly adopted this annoying habit of interrupting the story with an author's comment. She explains something that new readers will only understand by reading the vampire chronicles from the very beginning.