Rating:  Summary: In the words of Oncle Julien; "That was superb!" Review: I almost didn't bother to read this book because of the first few dismal reviews on Amazon. That would have been a shame. I've read them all, as has everyone else who reads at all and this one is as good as any and is simply a 'must read' for the Chronicles fan. Thank you Anne, once again.
Rating:  Summary: Yawn, don't waste your time on this one. Review: I think my comments above say it all. This is probably the most boring/useless of the Vampire Chronicle books. Spend your time/money on something worth while...this isn't it.
Rating:  Summary: I don't even know what to say to this Review: (I'd give it 1.5 if I could) I could barely start this book. The language was completely erratic, and didn't seem to me to be Lestat. Yeah, yeah, characters evolve, blah blah blah. But it was so inconsistant! He uses "Yo" and "Dude" as well as "thee." And yes, he does say "yo" despite a review that claimed otherwise. Mona is incessantly whining and wishy-washy. "I'm not talking to you. I hate you" in one breath and "I love you, don't leave me" in another. It became ridiculous. Despite problems such as those, there were intriguing moments in the book. A few chapters flowed well and I couldn't put them down. Unfortunately, that was not a trend throughout the work. And I don't know about you guys, but I am sick of Anne using Capital Letters for everything. I'm expecting one of her creations to say, "Excuse me, I have to go to the Restroom to facilitate a Bowel Movement." It is absolutely asenine. And it started getting that way back in Memnoch. If you want to get into the Vampire Chronicles, read #1-3. Some of the more independent ones such as Pandora and Blood and Gold were also good reads. Stick to the first three for the Lestat saga. They are easily the best. I don't know much about the Mayfair witches, but I didn't find this ending all that satisfying, especially if it's supposed to be the hast hurrah. Then again, I am not looking forward to seeing the Dude Lestat in another novel. Sad, because he was such a great character. Oh, and you'll get sick of the phrase "looks like an angel and talks like a gangster." Trust me. Yo.
Rating:  Summary: Take your medicine (Finish the Chronicles) Review: I was sorely dissapointed with this book. It's the only book in the series which I didn't enjoy. While it has it's good/bad points, mostly bad, I didn't feel like it was part of the same series of books. It should have been part of the Mayfair witches series, guest starring 2 vampires! But, I respect her as a writer, and believe that no one knows the characters better than she, so it must be right. I wasn't expecting anything cataclysmic in the end, so I wasn't shocked by the ending...it left an opening for a new book, if she ever wants to pick them up in the future. Even though this book was horribly dull, "slightly racist",about everything but vampires,and drenched with religion, I would still read a new book if she continued. In conclusion, die-hard fans only need read--and get it from the library, unless you're building a collection.
Rating:  Summary: why this book deserves 5 stars Review: I think this book was great, it deserves more than what all those bad reviews gave it. They miss the true story. They want an ending some sort of a tragic ending. But how can you end a saga that doesnt have an ending. It was the perfect end to something that has or knows no ending.
Rating:  Summary: Views on Blood Canticle Review: Wow, I guess I must be in the minority considering the reviews on here, but I really enjoyed this book. Lestat is at his wonderfully evil best, and Rice breathes more spirit and gumption into this novel than in some of her previous ones (The Vampire Armand and Blackwood Farm-good books, but slow moving at times). I definitely didn't find the characters one-dimensional, it was nice to see Lestat being himself again, as he hasn't in some of the previous books (although traveling to heaven and hell would be a bit traumatizing, I'm sure). I don't think I have ever been more in love with any character I've ever read about,and that spans a lot of books, believe me! Yes, the Brat Prince does like to spend a lot of time pondering things, he is a thinker, but I don't believe that something new, he is like that in all the chronicles, its part of his appeal. I will admit this book was a bit fast-paced compared to any previous books she has written and maybe that turned some of her fans off, but I found it a nice change, and read it in two nights. I enjoyed all the action, and the mystery of the Taltos, which is a series I neglected to read previously. I don't think the Mayfair witches turned into whimps at all. After all, who could resist Lestat? Come on! Certainly not me! I think Rowan Mayfair is a wounded soul in this novel who maybe now can get past the terrible things that happened to her and finally move on, and her husband also. Lestat to the rescue! Yeah! Overall, I would definitely have to recommend this book to any serious Rice fans. She is a lovely author I would like to meet sometime. She questions the same things in life I do: Is there a God? Where do we go after this? Etc. A good read, definitely recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: i want to send it back to her Review: I have been a big fan of her's for many years and as such thought this would be a good book. It's as if she started writing with the intention of unifying the characters from the mayfair witch books and the vampire books and then 20 pages in decided it was pointless. The story lacked substance and conflict. I also found that at times it was if someone else was writing the story because she got bored with it. Overall, it was blah, blah, blah.
Rating:  Summary: This book is insulting!!! Review: Okay? Where do I begin? This book is very condescending toward those who did not like Memnoch The Devil, insulting toward them in the very first or second chapter saying how it out-sold her other vampire chronicles and that those of us who don't like it only don't like it because we don't understand it. There are those who did not like it BECAUSE they understood it! This might come off as controversial of me to state but she has Lestat, the one who questioned everything and who says "Wouldn't it be great if no one had to die in the name of God again"' in the novel The vampire Lestat. But here in Blood Canticle she has him say "Church and state should not be separated." This segregates all of Anne's non-Christian readers, and believe me, she HAD a few. And then he says The Pope is infallible. To call this maturing for the character is a sin. Now let's move on to her little blurb against us "Yankees" in the North. Deep into the book Lestat makes a comment about a man, and Lestat's saying the man was from the deep south and that's a place where people know how to treat blacks, not like intolerant Yankees. She was calling Northerners racist! And in the statement itself it gives way to the fact that in her mind African Americans are not people in saying the people there know how to treat 'blacks' as if white people are the only people and everyone else is '___ people' like they're an alien species and not Yankees or Southerners in themselves. This ain't 1865, Anne. The war is over, okay! I think she was deliberately trying to offend every one of her fans with this book. She has Lestat, LESTAT- the one who questions everything saying Church and state should not be separated. You know what this says? 'Freedom and justice but only if you're Christian.' Can you really imagine Lestat saying or believing that? Now we talk about redemption. Lestat became a rock star to have some reverence and therefor do some good, he wanted the world to see the evil that walked among them, to know the truth, and for the mythic evil that was never necessary to be wiped out. That was in The vampire Lestat novel. Not quite the same as saying Yankees are racist, that the pope can never be wrong, that church and state should not be separated and chastising a female vampire for being slutty and killing those that worship him even if they beg for their lives... All of which happen in Blood Canticle... Being good and being a religious fanatic are not the same thing, Anne. Yes, he wanted to be a teaching brother when he was twelve, and to quote her own book, he never believed in the religion. He believed in the cleanliness of the place, and he believed in the goodness of the men, but he didn't believe that God inhabited those halls. He saw their order, cleanliness, and teaching to be good- it wasn't about the religious aspect of it. He says this flat out. He never believed in the religious part, he had a secular belief, even then at age twelve, good and evil were all that mattered, it wasn't about the saints and martyrs. You can believe in goodness without believing in being rewarded for good or condemned for evil. There are atheists who believe in right and wrong. He held value to innocents because there may be nothing later. And he did not want innocents to suffer on Earth in case there was nothing after ward to justify their suffering. Doesn't she remember The Vampire Lestat at all? That wasn't about God. It was about good and evil, those were the themes, he wasn't even sure there was an after-life. In this book she has Lestat chastise a female vampire for dressing too slutty. And later the vampire girl apologizes saying Lestat's right. First off, Lestat LIKED modern fashion. His own mother dresses in drag for God's sake and he did NOT disapprove. There are no words to describe how offensive and bad Blood Canticle is. Racist, religiously bias, and sexist. If I didn't know better I'd say this book was deliberately bad and trying to ruin Lestat's reputation.
Rating:  Summary: how disappointing Review: I am sorry to say that this book realy does not live up to the previous books in this series. It seemed not to be even written by the same author. Mrs. Rice seems to be stretching to get just one more book out of the character lestat.
Rating:  Summary: How awful Review: I'm trying hard to finish this book. But it is so hard to think that Lestat would say any of the "cool" words that Anne writes. "Give ME a break" Anne, you really should have an editor or at least someone that would read your book before you send it off to print. And, let that person be honest. How very disapointing for a finale.