Rating:  Summary: a connecticut yankee in a BORING court Review: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court takes place in the late 19th century (in the begging of the book) to the mid-7th century (in the end and the middle of the book)A man by the name of Hank Morgan, travels back in time to the legendary era of King Arthur and His round table. Morgan keeps a diary of the events and happenings of what goes on during his crazy adventure at King Arthur's kingdom. Using 19th century technological advancments, Morgan fools everyone into believing that he is a great magician. After he gains the respect of the kink and the people, he becomes known as "The Boss". He goes on several adventures which result in a comical, exiting atmosphere for the book to take place in. I didn't particularly like this book for a couple of reasons. First off, none of the jokes are funny. This might be because it was writtern in the 19th century. The author (Mark Twain) was probably cracking jokes from the time it was written. Some times the jokes dept on repeating themselves. Morgan kept on using slang from the 19th century; of coarse none of the medieval characters were understood him. The book also got really boring, really fast. There was really no action in it. It seemed like the author was trying to make it funny, but couldn't. The characters were unrealistic; they would not be in the same mood for 5 minutes. In conclution I don't recommend this book if you don't like getting board (like me).
Rating:  Summary: A Connecticut Yankee In An Exciting Court Review: In this book, a man named Hank Morgan is transported from the 19th century to the Dark Ages. He lives there for about a decade living a full and exciting life. He gets by using his wits, courage, common sense and 19th century knowledge to survive. A war takes place, and England is left in ruins. Hank sees this as his oppurtunity to proclaim a republic and destroy feudalism once and for all, but he has some opposition...I really liked this book. It was very exciting and the characters were hilarious; there's King Arthur, who can't swallow his pride and will fight on suicidely. There's the maiden, Sandy, who, while accompanying Hank on a quest, drones on and on unstopably about the stupidest things! The only downside id the difficult vocabulary and the occasional archaic expressions. Words like "obstetatiously" and "obstenuating" or "hence" and "smote". Besides that, this is a great book that you can really get into whether you're 12 or 65.
Rating:  Summary: Connecticut Yankee Review: Hank Morgan, a Connecticut Yankee, travels back into time wher King Arthur rules. Needless to say, he goes on an excursion with King Arthur experiencing many events along the way. On the journey he learns lessons of how to be noble and be a knight. My opinion of this book is that it lacks something, something that is entertaining. I do not find it interesting or appealing. Mark Twain uses many details like most books he has written. The book went a bit overboard on them. Talking about how it feels to be in armor for a page doesn't entice me. Also Twain goes onto new events too fast by actually lacking in detail. He did not have a smooth entrance to the journey he that the king and him went on. Also, I didn't realize until a chapter or two after Sandy, a damsel going on the journey, was introduced that she was a woman. I thought she was a horse at first. He could have transferred details, meaning using less on particular items and more on entrances. Overall, this book did not appeal to me at all. I usually get involved in books, but for this book I was utterly oblivious.
Rating:  Summary: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Review: The main character, Hank Morgan, gets hit on the head in the 19th century and goes back in time to the year 528 in King Arthur's court. Using modern technology, he becomes more famous than evil Merlin the Magician. Hank, titled the Boss, meets humble friends like Clarence and Sandy who help him get accustomed to the Medieval Period. Hank travels around the English countryside with a down-to-earth man, King Arthur. I liked the story because it was interesting and unique. I found the story to be interesting because the 19th century meets the 6th century. Hank brings electricity, personal hygiene methods, and other modern conveniences with him to the Medieval community. It is interesting how the Middle Ages people get acquainted with these technological advances. The book also gives you insight and a new point-of-view on famous Medieval legends. King Arthur dresses up as a peasant, his sister Morgan Le Fay overturns hanging sentences, and Merlin becomes a deceiving, unfriendly magician, all as a result of Hank's magical powers and his influence on them. There are a few very intense and suspenseful events that make you wonder the fate of Medieval myths. The book has a complicated plot. There can be parts where there is little or no eventful action for a long time. However, when there is an action, it is intense and happens quickly. If you like fantasy and/or myths, you will definitely love A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. It is a mature, insightful book. Twain maintains his reputation as a master storyteller with this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Conneticuit Yankee in King Arthurs Court Review: I am reviewing the book "A Conneticuit Yankee in King Arthurs Court". A store clerk living in the 1800's named Hank Morgan went back in time to the Middle Ages when he was hit in the head and knocked unconscious. He woke up in the Middle Ages and with his 19th century knowledge tried to help the citizens The ways he helped them were he created schools for the children, he made guns for the army and brought electricity from lightning to help everybody. The main characters were Merlin, King Arthur, Clarence and the main character Hank Morgan. I did not like this book. I think the book is very boring because it is hard to understand the complicated text. The way that the text was complicated was Mark Twain was writing how Middle Ages citizens would talk and one of his sentences went like this, "Graddually as the time wore down one annoying fact still borne upon my understanding". Another reason I don't like this book is that it is to hard to know what is really going on and who is speaking in the book. At one point in this book I had a totaly different picture in my mind then what was happening in the book. I thought that Clarence and not Hank Morgan was going to get hanged and then burned. But really Hank Morgan was the one getting hanged and burned. I dont recamend this book to anybody under the age of 15 years old, and if you like boring and complicated books i think that you should check this one out!
Rating:  Summary: If I could put 0 stars, I would. 1 star is an exageration. Review: "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court" is about Hank Morgan, a man who goes back in time to Camelot, and takes over using his knowledge of the future, and science. I did not like this book at all. It had no description, and I could hardly understand it. It had no description at all. At one point, Hank-the main character-complains that no one ever uses any description. Here is a passage from the book. "Sir Gewaine went a-journeying, and fell upon Sir Kay. He smote Sir Kay down, off his horse. He went farthe and fell upon Sir Galahad. Sir Galahad smote Sir Gewaine with his sword. Then Sir Galahad went further down the road and smote down Sir James." Everyone in the book talked in either Old English, using words like prithee, thoust, and other confusing words, or they talked in 1800's Yokel Tawk. In conclusion, I think the book was boring with lack of description, and hard to understand. I would recommend this book to skitzefrenics who can't handle good description, or want to be able understand the story.
Rating:  Summary: The Connecticut Yankee in King arthurs Court Review: Hank Morgan is hit in the head with a crowbar in the 19th century and wakes up int he Middle Ages. He becomes one of the most powerful people in his country, and because of his knowledge of the future, he makes many discoveries for the 6th century. Hank also goes on many journeys like when he discovers America, and after he has lived in America with his wife for a while he comes back to the city he lived at before he moved to America to find only a few people. With those people he goes against all of England. I would not recommend this book to anybody because it was boring and there was too much gore and killing. The book is boring because in the middle of the book fo about 50 pages they are riding on horses to get to this place to save some princesses that have been turned into pigs. Also the book goes on and on about boring sujects, and the few interesting subjects are over in a few pages. This book is too gory, and there is too much killing. There are people that go around killing people for no reason at all, and at one point in the book there are 30,000 dead bodies rotting. In conclusion I did not like this book because there was too much killing and it was boring.
Rating:  Summary: A Bad Book in King Arthur's Court Review: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, is about a man name Hank Morgan who finds himself transported 1,300 years back to the middle ages. He was thought to be a spy and was put in jail, but with the help of a page named Clarence, he convinces everyone that he is a wizard. Throughout the years he invents things we have today, but they didn't have back then. He also educates and helps people of the kingdom and becomes a knight himself. I found the book to be time-consuming and dull because nothing ever eventful happened and the old English they used made it hard to comprehend. They did not have a lot of big events at all. All he did was talk, talk, and talk about what he was going to do. It would have been more stimulating if they described when he was fighting, exploring, or helping others. Another thing that made it boring was that they used old English. It baffled me when they would say "thou are pithy". You wouldn't know who "thou" was or even what "pithy" meant! You would not like this book if you like mystery or fast pace, and I do not advise reading it any way.
Rating:  Summary: Warning, Warning, Warning, Warning Review: A connecticut yankee in king arthur's court is a book about a man that lived in the 1800's and time-traveled back to the Middle Ages. He becomes King Arthur's "second-hand" and tries to make the society more modern. He does this by adding schools, a government system, and introducing more modern inventions. I found this book very boring because it didn't have much action to keep my attention. The reason why it was so boring is because the guy just sits around all day feeling proud of his high status. The story also doesn't have many characters, which would have made it more interesting. The book was also hard to understand. Because it was set in the middle ages, the characters used old-fashioned words like "Lo" "thou art" etc. that i could not understand. Another reason why I would not reccomend this book to anyone is that it went off on differenbt subjects not pertaining to the story-line. Because it went off on weird subjects, I got confused easily and i would have to read parts of the story over-again. The only good thing about this book is that it taught me the differences between daily life today and how much different it was in the middle ages. Overall, i would not reccomend this book to anyone. It is deathly boring, and very confusing.
Rating:  Summary: so good it hurts Review: A brilliant novel. Twain's best, if you ask me. This is abook that has a lot to say, and unlike many books with a lot to say,it says them all without becoming dry or straying from the story. If you don't like this book I feel sorry for you.