Rating:  Summary: The friggin' spirit of Christmas Review: Stephanie Plum realizes that she has done nothing for Christmas and doesn't really know when she'll get the time to shop and prepare for the holiday. At this point, a strange man appears in her living room, as if by magic. As a matter of fact, this man seems to have some magical powers and never really reveals who he is except to say that he might be "the friggin' spirit of Christmas". He helps Stephanie in the pursuit of bail jumper Sandy Claws, and displays some superman stunts and otherworldly powers. This short book contains all of the favorite Stephanie Plum characters and is full of the usual wise-cracking, side-splitting humor which Evanovich fans have learned to love. The plot gets a bit over-the-top at times, but hey, it's Christmas and this is a very entertaining book.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Read. Review: I want to say to the author how much I liked the book. It was really well thought out and ploted. It should win a Pulizer or some award for great writing.
Rating:  Summary: Janet Evanovich, Where Are You? This book could not have .. Review: I have purchased and read all of the Stephanie Plum books and I really have enjoyed myself going through them all more than once when I needed or wanted to relax with a good laugh. This book was anticipated and pre-ordered and I cannot describe how terribly let down and taken advantage of I felt after reading it. It was as if Janet E. either did not write it herself, or possibly she wrote it while very ill? No - to tell you the truth, my first thought was "she needed some quick cash and pushed this book out onto the public even though she was obviously not interested in writing it." That was my first reaction. My next thought consisted of two words: "RIP OFF." This book is not well constructed and as strange as Stephanie's life has always been, there was a core of self honesty and humor to the books and a feeling that "yes, life sometimes does get that strange. Thank God mine hasn't." But this book is garbage, to put it very bluntly. I won't preorder another Evanovich - I won't even buy one until I've borrowed the library copy and read it first, to see if it's worth spending my $$ on. Because if the writer is lazy once, it can happen a second time - and I won't be taken advantage of as a fan. And if I see another book this badly written, you can categorize me as a former fan.
Rating:  Summary: Not the norm but fun none the less. Review: This is not the usual Evanovich mystery novel but is still fun reading. The idea of Diesel being anything other than a "Dream" man is not what I believe Ms. Evanovich was trying to portray. Stephanie's extended family (sister and nieces) are given more "air-time" which works out great. Lulu, Connie, and Morino stop by but the real fun is with her skip and her niece the pony. Isn't Christmas meant for children anyway? There is still the regular Plum mishaps, another car bites the dust, with Stephanie taking the hit with more grace and patience. If you are looking for some light hearted fun while your significant other is watching football games this is the book for you! This book should be taken as it is meant to be - a fairy tale with a New Jersey twist.
Rating:  Summary: Calling The Produce Manager . . These Plums Are Going Bad Review: I borrowed this book from someone I'll dub Book Club Bob. Good thing too, as I can return it, and I'm not out any cash. Not to say there aren't some charming moments and usual witty dialogue, because there are. There's just not enough of them. In fact, there's not enough story, not enough plot, not enough background on Diesel. Not enough anything. For Evanovich to suspend reality with the thin premise offered, there's just not enough to back it up. Kind of like if "The Wizard Of Oz" was just a ten minute short film. It doesn't play out well. I love Stephanie Plum novels and I in turn have hooked a few people on them, and they in turn . . .you get the drift, and so on and so on and so on. I realize that this is just a novella, but what a thin one at that. It does not do justice to the other eight really good novels that are out there. Although, I did think that #8 ended too quickly. I hope that this is not a future pattern. If this is your first outing with Stephanie Plum, it would probably be your last. I reccommend waiting until this one is unleashed as a paperback, or until someone copies it on the back of a cocktail napkin for you. I'm giving it two stars if you are familiar with all the other Plum novels, which makes the characters slightly more amusing. If this is your first Plum read, I'd give it one star.
Rating:  Summary: Quickie Christmas Novel Review: Janet has joined the ranks of the Holiday Story Writers. This is a very short Holiday Novel that follows the adventures of Stephanie Plum. I've read Evanovich's numbered series and enjoy them very much but this one which included some of her continuing characters, a few new ones and the usual humor, just wasn't up to her usual standards. I could see this novel selling in Paper back as a quick amusing read, but the ... price tag was high for this one that is a one night read.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to keep reading Review: I am a big fan of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum but this book is nothing like her other books. This cannot even be called another book in the series. It lacks creativity and an attention keeping plot. We never really learn who Sandy Claws is and we really don't care by the end of the book. Stephanie has the usual car fires and explosions but they were just plain boring. The absences of Ranger and the minimal appearance of Joe Morelli were lackluster. The spark just wasn't there in this installment. I do look forward to another one of her "real books". As I read this one, I kept thinking that someone wanted to try to cash in on the holiday and the success others have had with books like Skipping Christmas.
Rating:  Summary: good things come in small packages!!!! Review: I normally would not write a review when there are so many on this book already, but seeing how many were poorly rated I felt an overwhelming desire to have my say. If you love Janet Evanovich books, if you are a fan of Stephanie Plum, if you adore her family with all their quirks and are willing to let yourself move in a world of fun and "fantasy", your going to LOVE this book. Don't try to pull it apart and analyze it, just go with it and enjoy. This book deals primarily with her family and what's not to love about them?!!! Who cares who Ring really is and what Diesel is, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter. This is not a Tolstoy classic with symbolism and scholarly views, this is Evanovich lightening your day and making you smile. I dare you to read this book and not laugh! If you are looking for a romance with sexual tension mixed with some lighthearted laughs than this is not the book for you, try reading Evanovich's "Full House", and if you looking for the same old style of a Stephanie Plum book than try rereading her first eight. So the book is short, so are "The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales" and they are always great reading. If you are willing to break out of the old mold and can't get enough of Stephanie's family and need to escape into a fun book you couldn't ask for anything better.
Rating:  Summary: Good 'Ole Stephanie Review: I enjoyed the holiday story of Stephanie Plum, but the concept was a little out there. A sort-of superhero guy that shows up in her apartment at Christmas time?! The characters were all there and in true form. However, the book was only 150 pages. I felt a little ripped-off when I realized that it was so short. But I was very happy to be able to purchase a book in between 8 and 9. It makes the wait seem a little less. So, if you're looking for some Stepanie Plum fun while you wait for the next book...pick it up and enjoy the short story.
Rating:  Summary: Just because it's a holiday novel... Review: ...doesn't mean that the author can be lazy writing it. In the past, I have enjoyed Ms. Evanovich's style of writing, her unique characters, and her humor. This novel does have a few bright rays of humor, but mostly, it is an attempt to be a different kind of holiday novel. Stephanie Plum is back, and goes on an adventure very similar to her past ones. The main problems: 1. Two of the best characters, Ranger and Morelli, are barely present. Ranger is completely absent, except for one fleeting mention. Morelli only appears to kiss Stephanie's head (is he her father or her boyfriend?) and then disappear again. 2. I originally was excited to begin reading this novel because I thought that the suspension of reality would have an interesting twist. Alas, it fizzles out and ends up not really explained on the premise of retaining mystery. 3. The brevity of the novel works to its detriment ultimately, since the climax is quickly acheived and the novel BOOM ends. This novel started out good and went slowly downhill. Even Rex was a mild disappointment!