Rating:  Summary: OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!! Review: This book is outstanding!! MacArthur does a fantastic job of not only telling us why the seeker sensitive ecumenical movement is so dangerous, but he also defines a true believer as defined by the Bible. If you didn't believe in total depravity before, MacArthur will not only convince you of it, but also make you feel it. What a great work!!
Rating:  Summary: typical "i'm in the club" christian viewpoint Review: this book pretty much negates itself because no one will be changed by it. if you like this book, it means you agree with the "we are the chosen ones" banter that macarthur projects so well. if you are someone seeking God and his love for us, if you take this book seriously, you will have a hard time finding what the point of believing would be in the first place. of course being a believer is not all fun and games, but the attraction of it is learning to live the life that God wants for you, which includes more purpose and happiness, if followed in the way Jesus calls us to. we need to remember that those who were furthest from the "religious systems" of the biblical times were the ones most drawn to Jesus and his message. to say that churches don't teach the gospel well enough for the "non elect" to reject it is so far from the attitude of Jesus, it's laughable. if you actually read the gospels and study what Jesus said and how he said it, i don't think the before mentioned statement would be recognizable to the apostles or early church. i wonder if John MacArther has any children. if so, i wonder which of them he elected to love him and obey him. maybe he elected all of his children to obey and love him. if so, i guess non of his children enjoy the free will that all God's children have within this amazing world in which we live. if you want to come to a better understanding of God's love for us and how he wants us to live, please avoid this book. maybe pick up "The Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard.
Rating:  Summary: A magnificent book by the USA's greatest preacher Review: This is a magnificent book by the best preacher in the USA today. I cannot recommend it highly enough - it tells you Christianity as is really is, as opposed to all the many watered down versions that the Church is suffering from today. This is a life changing book - buy 10 copies and make sure that your pastor is one of them.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This is only the second of John MacArthur's books that I've read. But I do listen to him on the radio and have a couple of his teaching tapes. In my humble opinion, this book is MacArthur at his very best. John MacArthur will tell it like it is. He is a very straight shooter and pulls no punches. The whole "easy believism" craze has concerned me greatly for sometime. As does the incredibly high number of backsliders that is produces. One of the things that I respect most about John MacArthur is his willingness to preach on difficult subjects and his willingness to make his listeners uncomfortable. John definitely not not sugarcoat the truth, but I don't think he crosses the line into "hellfire" preaching either. I think this is a very well thought out and convicting book. It clearly shows MacArthur's concern for his readers/listeners and comes straight from his heart. There is no doubting his passion and sincerity. This is not a book to read for enjoyment. This is a book to ponder, digest and apply. I believe this book will change your life, if you read it with an open mind and an open heart.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect follow-on to The Gospel According to Jesus Review: This is, as usual from Dr. MacArthur, a fantastic book. What simplicity; what hard-hitting truths.
Books like this plow the soul; they move the heart to genuine joy.
Read this book slowly with an open Bible.
Rating:  Summary: A breath of Fresh Air Review: We all owe a debt of gratitude to John MacArthur for having the courage to tell the truth about the seeker-sensitive, feel good heresy that has infiltrated the Evangelical church! My only disappointment is that he didn't write it 5 years ago! A must read!
Rating:  Summary: the typical "i'm in the club" version of Christianity Review: we need to remember that those who were furthest from the "religious systems" of the biblical times were the ones most drawn to Jesus and his message. to say that churches don't teach the gospel well enough for the "non elect" to reject it is so far from the attitude of Jesus, it's laughable. if you actually read the gospels and studied what Jesus said and how he said it, i don't think the before mentioned statement would be recognizable to the apostles or early church. something to consider, the last shall be first and the first shall be last. i wonder if John MacArther has any children. if so, i wonder which of them he elected to love him and obey him. maybe he elected all of his children to obey and love him. if so, i guess none of his children enjoy the free will that all God's children have within this amazing world in which we live. if you want to come to a better understanding of God's love for us and how he wants us to live, please avoid this book. maybe pick up "The Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard and learn a little about the "non exclusive" club of the body of Christ.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful refutation of rampant easy-believism/consumerism Review: When churches start marketing themselves to customers, they get consumers. When churches get back to the Book of Acts and proclaim the Whole Gospel (Discipleship, Follow Me) to the Whole World, they get communers. When Jesus, Salvation, Sin, the Cross, Repentance and Commitment to Self-Denial are downplayed or 'saved for believer-time only', you get seekers. When the Hard-to-Believe Full Gospel of the Crucified/Risen Jesus Who commands all people to repent or else is preached and taught sans apology in a loving but uncompromising way, you get sinners seeking salvation in Christ alone. When Love is offered with no mention of Judgment, Gospel with no Law, Justification with no Sanctification, Heaven with no Hell or Earthly emphasis (God will heal you, things will go better, you will feel more connected, me me me I I I), it is a convoluted, truncated Madison Avenue consumerism pseudo-gospel. For those who are struggling so much with what MacArthur is saying in this challenging book, please read the sermons of Peter and Paul in Acts to the crowds of Jews & Gentiles. Then compare to what you're hearing in your comfy evangelical pew. Let the Holy Spirit convict and correct pulpits accordingly!
Rating:  Summary: This book overflows with Truth. Review: Wow, Zach. If you view the clear, biblical doctrine of Soveriegnity/Pre-destination as an arrogant "I'm in the club" doctrine, you are wholly wrong. Free Will obviously caters to human wants. It gives the human all the credit. Pre-destination is all about the Glory of God and Him being Glorified. The all knowing, all powerful God I know didn't make an earth and then go sit down and watch what happens, hoping people get saved. That is ridiculous. Pre-destination glorifies Himself, which is what God is about, and why we are here in the first place. Souls being elected to heaven glorifies God, showing His love and Grace just as much as souls elected to Hell glorifies Him by showing His Wrath. Don't believe me? It's in your Bible, read it. It's all about Grace. Why don't you look at how Paul opens almost all of his letters, especially Ephesians. Argue to me what he says. Feel free to attempt to back up your Free Will stance biblically, without vauge, out of context verses alluding to other things. I pray it's God's will that the Truth be made known to you. I honestly believe it is God's hand that saves people, and His will that gives us Grace. It's not up to us, it's up to Him. I believe that a person cannot fully know God's love and Grace without believeing they were soverignly elected as believers in Christ. -k2snowboards311@aol.com