Rating:  Summary: Excellent but not the best CWG book! Review: Being a huge fan of all the Conversations With God books, I am almost reluctant to offer any kind of criticism... but I will! "Communion With God" is a fitting conclusion to the series, but I personally prefer the more autobiographical approach of "Friendship With God", or the powerful simplicity of CWG book one. I feel they speak to me more directly than this, but read them all and decide for yourself.The text here is presented as a monologue, with God speaking straight to the reader. Many of the insights have of course been presented in the previous books, but Walsch and God do present further gems here. In fact it's almost worth buying the book for the first page of the introduction alone. As with all the Conversations With God books, the writing is exceptionally enlightening and of outstanding quality. There are three sections - "The Ten Illusions" (need, failure, disunity, insufficiency, requirement, judgment, condemnation, conditionality, superiority, ignorance), "Mastering The Illusions" and "Meeting The Creator Within". Walsch/God ends with a call to "seize the day". "Begin as you awaken, by seeing yourself as Who You Really Are, by praising all that you ever have been, and all that you have become. And begin by choosing, in this moment of grace, to become more than you have ever been or ever dreamed of being..." :o) ;o)
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: Having read all of the CWG books, I doubt that this book would've had the impact wihout the foundation that the other books have laid. Having just finished it, however, I know that I have never read, nor expect to read in the near future any book as powerful and life changing. Since reading the first book I have been trying to live the principles that are recommended. I have now stopped trying and just started doing. It is amazing the improvement in your own quality of life when you see every single person you meet as another beautiful part of God and feel the love that is there! Obviously, this book is not for everyone, but for those who are willing to examine their paradigm and look forward to shedding the illusions that society has placed upon you, this book will open your eyes to the possibility of a true heaven on earth. Namaste
Rating:  Summary: Interesting... Review: As someone who works for a hotel which has housed the "Conversations With God" seminars, I can safely say that the author of this text is amazingly rude for someone who claims to speak to God. Remember Mr. Walsh, the Divine loves all people, even those underlings who work the front desk and arrange your overpriced 'classes' :)
Rating:  Summary: Some Great Truths Here Review: I would recommend this book to anyone who feels that they have experienced life on a profound level on occasion, but has a hard time alligning those deep wonderfully-personal feelings with an existing system of beliefs. Even if you haven't read the first four "With God" books, this one is more than worth your time, I promise. It's basic message is a very simple but profound one, and one that may be difficult for many people to easily agree with. The idea is that we are all God, that everything in existence is a facet of God, and that we are not actually separate from each other or from "God," but that are rather under the illusion that we are in order to have the relative experience of ourselves. There can't be light if there is no dark. If an artist drew a beautiful soul-filling, awe-inspiring drawing in white ink, you couldn't see it if it were on white paper. That's why we need darkness in order to fully experience ourselves. In this book, Neale Donald Walsch does a very good, concrete job of laying out the 10 illusions that he believes have caused humanity the most pain and trouble throughout our history. It all starts with the necessary, but danger illusion that we are separate from each other. Each of the other illusion builds off the previous one. I was not raised in a religious household, but I have enough religious experiences of passionate living to believe in God. Even though I am not religious, I feel I came to these books with the skepticism of one that might feel these writings are blasphemous. But I'll have to say, that even though Walsch has a tendency to get too cute in his wording, his basic concepts are very sound, and that while I don't always believe in his style of presenting his ideas, I think the ideas themselve are very sound, and very ispiring. It's hard not to agree that you should trust yourself and find your truth in yourself.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest book ever Review: If you are at all familiar with CWG series you know how powerful and transformational these books can be. Well, believe it or not, this book is even BETTER and more revealing than any of the other books! I couldn't put the book down and I read the entire thing the first day I bought it. The book transformed the way I see myself and the world. the 10 grand illusions, one by one, explain fully and deeply why the human experience can cause so much pain, confusion, anger and bitterness. Then it grandly explains how to escape from the illusions and USE them for their intended purpose. If you learn how to master these illusions (which is mastery of life on Earth) you will not be the same person, and the world will not be the same place. I highly recommend this book to anyone. These books have been such a great gift for me that I have created my own website dedicated to enlightening the world that has a lot of completely FREE resources: www.kulshreshtha.org
Rating:  Summary: Interesting... Review: As someone who works for a hotel which has housed the "Conversations With God" seminars, I can safely say that the author of this text is amazingly rude for someone who claims to speak to God. Remember Mr. Walsh, the Divine loves all people, even those underlings who work the front desk and arrange your overpriced 'classes' :)
Rating:  Summary: God Logic Review: Communion With God is the most logical and comprehensive explanation of GOD and our existence that I have ever experienced. Neale has expressed our connection to Source and each other with clarity and humility. While reading this book, I found my own truth validated by yet another person. I highly recommend all of Neale's books and videos to all people of all spiritual paths.
Rating:  Summary: Everyone Should Read This Book Review: I have read Neale Donald Walsh's first two COnversations with God books and was impressed especially with the first one. So, I checked into this one and found that it was by far the most impressive book I have ever read. My attitude and outlook on life has changed. Everything seems lighter and anything seems possible. Your life is what you make it and this book has helped me to understand how that is possible. I got my book from the library and I bought this one for my best friend.
Rating:  Summary: OK, but lacks compared to Will Shad's books Review: This book starts off well,in the first few chapters, but then goes into repeatng the same stuff from the first books of the series. I would reccommend Will Shad's 'The Truth' and 'The Whole Truth' if you want similiar, but slightly different, material. Neale seems to be running of things to say, and so he repeats the same stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Let Synchronicity be your Guide Review: This is the most recent in the CWG series, and it begins a shift. No longer is the format a question and answer dialogue, but rather just God/Neale with one voice. Personally this if fine with me. I sometimes found myself thinking "Neale, get a clue" in the earlier books. One of the things I have notice about divinely inspired information is an extraordinary command of the language, and an ability to say a great deal with few words. You will find that within this book. You know... there are no accidents... It is not an accident that you are reading these words. It may have different meaning relative to you, but it is no accident. There is no doubt in my mind that CWG is from a divine source. And even if it is not, I don't care... I'll take brilliance and genius wherever I can get it. There may be those of you who doubt whether these could actually be the words of God, and I have no quarrel with that. A valuable addage is "Know a tree by it's fruits" And the fruits of this book are Love, and Understanding, and Happines, and Connection... And that's good enough for me. --Frank Boyd