Rating:  Summary: "Oops I did it again" Review: Like a broken record, repeating it over and over again. How many times does a reader need to be reminded that Aes Sedai pierce you with a stare and the world is so complex and so much is happening (Oedipus complex maybe). Oops, I lost the plot somewhere. This story "Crossroads of Winters Heart in Twilight" is the culmination of 3 very bad books. I fear there is no end in sight. Jordan has become entangled in his own web of mistrust, deceit, and perhaps is himself tainted by the source (whiskey that is). I enjoyed this series, for years, eagerly awaiting the next installment. I have lost my interest and am contemplating putting this series to rest, COT has done nothing to change my mind. What started so well, has spun out of control. Maybe next time.
Rating:  Summary: Skip this one and you won't even notice Review: I may be the 1,003rd person to say this, but this is absolutely the worst, most disappointing book in the series. I enjoyed every other book in the series, some more than others. But this -- almost nothing happens. Its hundreds of pages with twenty pages of plot development.At the end of the ninth book, I was literally distraught that I was done with the book because I enjoyed it so much. After the first two hundred pages of this book, I was wondering when anything of interest was going to happen. There were maybe two paragraphs regarding the cleansing of saidin. Virtually nothing happened regarding split in the Aes Saedai. Nothing regarding Nynaeve and Lan. Elayne is still not on the Lion or Sun thrones. Nothing with Taim and the Black Tower. No confrontations with the any of the Foresaken. I read the book a week ago, and I am having great difficulty remembering if anything of import happened except for the very last few pages. In fact, you literally could skip this book altogether except for reading the last 10 pages and you would miss nothing in terms of plot development (or character development for that matter). Seriously, Jordan has really .... us all with this book. He knows that if we've bought and read the first ten, we're going to buy the eleventh as well. I have to wonder if maybe the original draft for this was much longer and the publisher decided to split it into two books to milk us for all we're worth. The publisher should have done some editing instead. Maybe Jordan's made so much money, he doesn't care anymore. All I can say is I have not been so disappointed by anything in a very long time.
Rating:  Summary: WOT: Waste of Time Review: We are now ten books into this series and everyone is ready for something to happen that will answer some of the questions that Jordan has used to leave us all hanging. Yet, to my utter amazement Jordan chooses to go back in time rather than take the series forward. He goes through the painstaking process of telling us where every character was at the exact moment that Rand cleansed the Source in book 9. There is no development whatsoever in the plot. All of the major characters are doing exactly what they were doing back in book 9. What's Elayne up to these days? Still trying to secure the Lion Throne. How about good old Perrin? Sorry to disappoint you, but he's still chasing Faile and the Shaido. Surely, Egwene unites the Tower? Nope, she's still sitting outside of the Tower where Robert Jordan left her two years ago. Believe me, I already wasted my time on this book, don't bother wasting yours.
Rating:  Summary: This was (and still is) a very boring book Review: I am still trying to wade through this book. I am only on page 70 and it has been at least a month and a half since I began. In the past I have finished these books off in a week or so. Something "something" seems to be putting me to sleep before I can read 2 pages, and I am having difficulty taking any time out to read this book. I think Robert needs to get working on some action "very soon".
Rating:  Summary: Book 10 of a 9 Book series Review: Originally this series was to be nine books. The publisher asked Jordan to extend it to 15 books so that they could get more money out of the series. The last four books of the series are the unfortunate consequence of this request. We're ten books into the series, and it's still buildup. Of these last four books, I believe this is the best written (how's that for a glowing review!) Of these four books, this one is laid out well and is very readable. For example, the various unrelated events are linked in time through the purification of Saidin. In addition, the worst and most unbelievable character of the series (Nynaeve) is ignored. Plus the relationship that is developing between Mat Cauthen and Tuon is well written and enjoyable. We finally get to like this character. The negatives of this book are numerous, and include: -- (Spoiler here) nothing happens in over 600 pages of an adventure novel!! -- Entire sections of the book drone on. For instance, Perrin spends chapter after chapter talking about rescuing the love of his life(Faile), and then (drum roll please) .... he buys some food so that he has more time to talk about it. It's a wonder that any of his troops are still following him. -- Jordan spends an enormous effort demonstrating how shrewd Egwene is at manipulating much more experienced women. (Spoiler, kind of--) Then she pulls a positively bonehead stunt at the end of the book to get into trouble. Her actions don't fit her character, at all! If Egwene were the type of character trying to prove herself to the other Aes Sedai, her carelessness would make sense -- but she has not been written with these characteristics. As a result, her actions smell of plot manipulation. -- Book 9 ended with the Dragon purifying Saidin, thus removing the taint from the male half of the source. Then why do we now read how much of a struggle for Rand to seize the source? I grew tired of reading these descriptions books ago. Ten books into the series and I'm stuck. If you haven't started -- save yourself!! At the rate he's moving it's going to be another ten years until the series is finished. Let's just hope that Jordan can figure out how to tie these together in a way that makes sense.
Rating:  Summary: 672 pages of limbo! Review: If I had it to do over again, I would wait until book 11 comes out and then read COT. In this volume each of the major characters makes a small, incremental step toward the next book while managing not to do anything interesting. Very disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: Worst WOT book by far Review: I just finished the book and I am so annoyed. Not only did Robert Jordan not advance the story at all (in actual time only a week or so passes from the end of Book 9 to the end of Book 10) but NOTHING is resolved. There are so many subplots that the main plot has been buried and the books have started to move at a snail's pace. Additionally in this book Jordan at some times kept information from us readers, he allowed characters to share secrets that we were not privy too. Are we supposed to remember these things for 2 years while also remembering the countless names and subplots that he has invented? Please. I will not buy the next WOT book, enough is enough. If the series ever ends maybe I'll buy all the books from 11 to whatever and read them all at once, but otherwise it isn't worth my time or money to continue reading this series. It takes over 500 pages in this book for Rand to appear, and what does he do? Nothing. Faile was captured at the end of book 8, guess what? She is still captured. Guess what else? only 32 days have passed since the end of Book 8 (Perrin keeps track). Mazrim and Halima are still wonderfully able to avoid discovery, and darkfriends are popping up all over. Egwene at one point wonders where Gawain is, musing that he is either in Caemlyn or the White Tower. Hello, she talks to Elayne in the dream world frequently enough that she would have known if he was in Caemlyn. The Aes Sedai spend hours debating what happened at Shadar Logoth, yet no one brings up the Dragon Reborn once. They're real geniuses. You know what else? Jordan has the audacity to introduce even more subplots in this book. How he ever expects to finish is beyond me. The bottom line? DON'T BUY IT. Wait until he actually finishes the series, your experience will be much better reading one after the other instead of waiting 2 years inbetween. Infact you would be fine just reading a summary of this book, since nothing at all happens.
Rating:  Summary: Read this review before reading COT!! Review: I can't say anything that hasn't been stated 50 different ways before. Seriously, I got more enjoyment from spending a couple of hours reading the angry reviews on this website than I got from RJ's latest 700 page thesis on the merits of stout Two-Rivers wool. Some of the reviews are downright hilarious! I wish I'd written down some of the things people had to say, because they would make a better book than the book was.... Summary: don't buy the book (or even bother to read it), Read the reviews instead!
Rating:  Summary: Please memorize 500 Aes Sedai names and associations Review: Getting through this book was painful. So many pages for so little action. And who are these hundreds of Aes Sedai? Am I supposed to remember the associations and intentions of channelers with such similar names as Makuri Makira and Mikara? (I'm making those up, but similar examples abound in this book.) What a waste of time. And Perrin and Faile love each other. We get it. Do we need to be berated for 200 pages (in every book!) over how useless Perrin is without his wife?
Rating:  Summary: over and over again Review: Didn't we have this discussion before? i've had it with your complains, it's been running for over five series. i like fantasy novels, i enjoy reading them. it looks to me that most of the costumer reviewers here are not exactly fantasy fans. i pick this genre plainly for entertainment not intellectual advancement. so what's your cup of tea? enough with the bashing. just don't buy the books and leave the fans of Jordan alone. quit the whinining already, donate your money to some charitable institution and you might even feel better of it.