Rating:  Summary: I was punk'd Review: ok book nine was fantastic the way it ended leaving us all on the edge of the cliff, oh how we longed for book 10 (paying full price for immediate delivery) and what is in it? what is new for us? NOTHING book 10 tells us what everyone else in the world was doing when book 9 ended. very disapointing just doesnt seem to cover it. So will book 11 give us new information? Who knows he has started writing prequals AARRRGGGHHHHHH
Rating:  Summary: Dont malign the author of the Drag-on Story Review: It pains me that so many fans(or should i say ex-fans) are trashing this great series and its even greater author.This is the only reason i am writing this review.I think this man has been wrongly treated.His talent for misdirection It was not only saidin that was tainted by the dark one but saidar as well.For example,Nynaeve,Egwene,Elayne and Aviendha have all grown progressively worse over the series.This is why every Aes Sedai(and to be fair,the Aiel Wise Ones and their apprentices) seem to be spoilt,idiotic and bullying(because of the long usage of the power). They hide information when there is no reason to do so.And their actions border on the senseless.They have more concern about their dresses than about awakening of the dark one (who for the present is content to stay in his prison because he and the forsaken have realised that the Aes Sedai and Ashaman's capacity for self destruction is unequalled).This is what he has been hinting all along the series and we fans were not enlightened enough to recognise it.That is why we see no mention of the Forsaken or the dark one in this book.Political maneuvering at its best!! His innovativeness .... ..... in keeping the interest in his series alive.He has never answered who killed Asmodean.He has never answered who freed Fain in the Great Hunt? These are only two of the many questions which have never been answered.how could he.The message boards cannot be filled with the various dresses the women wear. His foresight he cannot resolve all the plotlines.He has covered his back by saying that he doesnt beleive in happy endings. So if a lot of plotlines are unresolved in the end,well,he told us before didnt he? His daring writing prequels before the main series is complete.which self-respecting author has done it? His compassion Hearing the pleas from his fans, Jordan has condescended to resolve a few things in his next book(even though he would like every plotline to run for ever).Never mind that all the currently running plot lines have nothing to do with the Shadow.So even if all the current plotlines are resolved, there is material left for at least 5 more books. With all these great qualities, how could any one find fault with the books written by him?
Rating:  Summary: WOT a Waste of Time! Review: This is an excerpt from an interview Dragonmount.com did with Harriet McDougal, Chief Editor at TOR and Robert Jordan's WIFE (which explains a lot if you ask me): DM: From a professional point of view as RJ's editor, how many books do you think the series will end up running? HARRIET: I think twelve. DM: How much influence over that number do you have as an editor do you think? HARRIET: Something approaching zip. It will depend on how many it takes for him to tell the story as he wants/needs to tell it. This made me so unbelievably outraged because it's an outright lie. As Chief Editor at TOR Harriet's JOB is to edit. Period. She controls what goes into print and how much of it. Exactly what does she think an editor does? The editors at TOR turn down over 3,000 manuscripts a year YET Harriet can't manage to get her own husband in line? This smacks hard of unprofessional behavior. I'm sure Harriet has no problem editing other author's work, probably trashing entire chapters as editors are known to do. Yet she continues to humor RJ with a woman's love and blind devotion that her husband can do no wrong. She can't separate business from pleasure. Other authors are forced to make heartwrenching decisions about what to include in their story on a daily basis while Jordan continues to be virtually immune. As authors are forced to decide whether a death scene is particularly crucial RJ is allowed to produce long, boring diatribes of prose, plots and climaxes that lead nowhere, characters that act more like spoiled, indolent brats than true human beings. Why? Because dear old wifey is his editor. Boy, RJ really hit pay dirt when he married her didn't he? He's living every author's dream -- being able to tell his own editor what to do. This is how the interview SHOULD have read if Harriet was acting in a professional manner and not in wife mode: DM: From a professional point of view as RJ's editor, how many books do you think the series will end up running? HARRIET: Twelve. It's a nice even number and I think it's about time the fans of the series had closure. DM: How much influence over that number do you have as an editor do you think? HARRIET: Well as Chief Editor at TOR I obviously have the final say. I do love my husband and I try to give him as much leeway as I can to tell the story he wants to, but in the end I have to do my job and keep the readers happy. My job is to guide and hone any story, getting rid of excess chapters and characters that may not be necessary -- basically cleaning out the clutter -- so that the end result is a fun, clean read, that'll satisfy readers and keep them coming back for more. I'd like to think I do my job well and can separate business from pleasure. Robert knows that it's nothing personal. I do my job and he does his. That is the answer of a strong, capable woman. The type RJ claims he models his female characters after. Characters I, as a strong woman, can not even relate to anymore. After all, no strong woman I know would be willing to share a man with two other females without so much as a mild protest. They'd tell that male he better choose and stick by it. Strong women also wouldn't pout constantly and act like muddleheaded, spoiled teenagers; fall apart at the most crucial times or bumble with important decisions. They also wouldn't make absolutely ludicrous -- yet highly convenient -- mistakes that not only vault logical reasoning but insult a reader's intelligence. I have been a fan of WOT since the very beginning back in 1990. By fan, I mean rabid fan. That was until book 6. By books 7-10 I accepted the ever increasing lull in action, the inconsistencies in character traits, the verbose descriptions of braid tugging, naked women, and embroidered dresses that verged on methodical and a meandering plot that would make the sway of a drunken sailor look straight. "So what? It's WOT!" I'd say. Then I started reading the interviews with RJ and it soon hit me how utterly pompous and pretentious the man acts. The RAFO answers are the worse! You can almost pin point when "Read and Find Out" stopped being a tease and became a man with an over bloated sense of self who couldn't be bothered to answer that particular question, didn't know the actual answer, and couldn't even be bothered to be congenial about it anymore. Granted he can't give away all the goods or no one would buy his books but he can at least be humble and pleasant to the people who've made him who he is today. The reason I posted this review is to illustrate exactly how such a disappointing piece of fiction like COT could possibly see the light of day. As everyone else has stated NOTHING HAPPENS IN THIS BOOK! By nothing, I do not refer to the few pitiful excuses for plot advancements that RJ was magnanimous enough to dribble throughout the book (most, I suspect to just keep readers hopes up). I mean, on a whole this book is unnecessary. There is no major plot elements included here that couldn't have been mentioned within 10 pages of the next volume. The fact is RJ couldn't be bothered to continue at the high caliber of epic writing he started this series out with and it seems no one at TOR is bothering to make him. Certainly not his editor/wife. Because of this I no longer can be bothered to line his pockets anymore. I still have my library card and from here on out, as far as the Wheel of Time is concerned, I plan on using it.
Rating:  Summary: Read the review below this one, then read this one. Review: This is SO typical of defenders of this piece of sh...um, I mean book. Instead of giving reasons why they think this book is good, they attack negative reviewers instead. This is the best so far: "If you don't like the book(s); don't READ THEM." How do you know whether or not you like the book in question UNTIL AFTER YOU READ IT? ***SIGH*** Another quote: "I don't like a lot of authors; and yet I manage day after day not to talk about them." Umm, the whole purpose of these reviews IS to talk (or, in this case, write) about them. That's why there are ratings you can give the books that you are reviewing. If, according to the title of the review below you should "Stop Complaining", then why did Amazon.com arrange ratings of as low 1 star out of 5? If this "critic" had his or her way, he or she would have only one rating available, 5 stars. (Well, ok, maybe two ratings, 4 or 5 stars, since they only rated this "book" with 4 stars). Anyway, another splendid example of a Robert Jordan reviewer. "So here's an idea if you can write better than him... do it." I AM a writer, thank you, and I certainly CAN write better than him. But I would feel very guilty if I wrote as poorly as Robert Jordan and robbed so many people of their hard earned cash. If I were him, I'd like to think that the money I was making was WELL-EARNED.
Rating:  Summary: Quit complaining Review: If you don't like the book(s); don't READ THEM. Wow that was really complicated. If these book(s) are so horrible why do you waste time disscussing them, I don't like a lot of authors; and yet I manage day after day not to talk about them. So here's an idea if you can write better than him... do it.
Rating:  Summary: The Wheel is falling off the axle. Review: I was fortunate enough to meet Robert Jordan at a book signing for in New York. Someone in front of me in line asked the question on everyone's mind: How many more books until the story is completed? Robert responded by saying he doesn't know himself, but expected there to be about 3 more volumes before the story is completed. Since the signing was for Winter's Heart (book 9), and Crossroads is book 10, that means RJ will have to wrap up all the loose ends in 2 volumes. Unfortunately, I just don't see that happening, and this book helped little to persuade me otherwise. Crossroads of Twilight is aptly named. Most of the characters here are indeed at a crossroads, where they will have to make a major decision. Unfortunately, little is accomplished in this novel. There is an overall theme of waiting that permeates this book. Now, after reading all of the books in this series, a slower pace to recoup and assess the Wheel of Time environment is a welcome pace from the rapid pace of the earlier novels. But an entire novel worth of waiting just makes me feel as if I have contributed to the "RJ needs a summer home foundation." When the last pages have been read, almost nothing at all has happened. True some decisions have been made by Mat, Perrin, and Egwene, and Rand (I will not tell spoilers), but was it necessary to force the reader to flounder through hundreds of pages of boredom to reach them? And once the characters have chosen their own personal paths at the crossroads, the book abruptly ends! It is a shame to see this wonderful series starting to unravel. Despite the flak Mr. Jordan has (deservedly) received for this and the last couple of Wheel of Time novels, the first several were excellent fiction. I personally feel Mr. Jordan just kept expanding and expanding his story, but now there are simply too many characters to follow, and because of the extended time between novels, the casual Jordan reader (including myself) forgets most of the minor characters and is required to search online at a Wheel of Time website for a refresher. Novels shouldn't require homework. Also, there are too many loose ends that are dangling for a couple of novels to wrap up. In addition to Rand's destiny to defeat the Shadow and save (and break)the world, what about the Seanchan? The Aiel? The Shaido? The Aes Sedai? The Forsaken? The Black tower? The Whitecloaks? and Perrin and Faile? and Matt and Tuon? What about the Sea Folk? Whatever happened to Moiraine and Lanfear? Who is Cadsuane really? And Moridin? And on, and on, and on.... In a USA Today interview, Robert Jordan sticks to his guns, and is shooting for an even dozen to complete the series. However, based on the legion of major and minor characters, and a looooong laundry list of plots and subplots that require closure, this is a near-impossible goal. Although I could see this concluding in about 4 or 5 books myself, I would be very impressed if he is able to conclude the storyline in just 2 more books. Regardless, the story has expanded as far as it will go, and must now contract to an epic end. The tools, the story, and the writing talent are all here. And if Robert Jordan succeeds, I am willing to forgive him for writing this one particularly dull book. Instead, I will regard Crossroads of Twilight as part of a greater whole, where in this novel, we merely experience the calm before the storm.
Rating:  Summary: diatribe Review: This book was awful. The last two before it were bad, but this one was painful to read. In one word, diatribe. Actually, put it in the dictionary, "Crossroads of Twilight" = Diatribe.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, Dear God No! Review: I'll never forget the time a buddy of mine insisted I read the "Eye Of the World". This story was great. I couldn't get enough of it. I Bought the first five books in hardback, mainly because I wanted these to last and possibly, share this wonderful story with others. While I'm glad I own several of these books, I just can't help but to come to the conclusion of severe disappointment over the last two novels. I've made mistakes in my life, I guess Jordan does too. It's too bad that I've made two mistakes in buying his last pair of pages, horrible things, with covers. COT has to be the most recklessly useless part of this wonderful story that drearly turns into absolute cesspool material. He could have taken it into fantasy porn and it would have been better. I honestly do not believe that this novel would have been published under any other author's name. Hopefully, Mr. Jordan will relinquish his obsession with the formalaties with tea and wrinkle-free skirts. Instead, I hope he concentrates on the conflicts which orignally gained him notability in this genre. This is a poster-child of a good story gone bad. Don't waste your money on this "book". Hopefully, Jordan and TORĀ® will stop milking this cow and try to return to something less disapointing.
Rating:  Summary: It isn't all that bad Review: While I agree this is hardly Jordan's best in the series, We all have to remember he is human and prone to failure from time to time. I found myself skimming over some parts, but in general I like his style of writing and look forward to a, hopefully, better followup novel.
Rating:  Summary: I'm in Hell! Review: This is not a book, its more like a portal into Hell. Avoid at all cost unless misery loves company.