Rating:  Summary: Just a prologue of book 9! Review: I took my time and read this book slowly in order to savor the experience. In stead, I should have skipped it and waited another year for the next one. How can someone write this many pages about 2 days? The sad thing is, there is no development in the characters, or the plot. The last 10 pages held a glimmer of the early books, but every sub-plot touched upon in this book went nowhere. I was looking forward to a stunning last hundred pages like in book 9, but as I turned the last page, I was still waiting. I sat staring at the first page of the glossary wondering if I was missing some pages. Jordan fans should skip this book and wait for 11, then read this in the couple weeks before it is released, so you can be thoroughly confused upon opening book 11. I seldom got half a page in before falling asleep, and by page 100 I was thinking about rereading books 1-9 just to figure out what was happening. By page 550, I was suprised to discover I was still reading about the last 2 days of book 9! What an utter disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Stop Buying the Books! Review: I've already reviewed this book once a few months ago. It is simply awful! Review after review prior to and since mine say basically the same thing. Does anyone really want to just go on buying more of these endless plotless monstrosities? How about this...Anyone who agrees with me should write a "review" stating that he or she won't buy another volume of W.o.T unless the next one is the LAST one and finally ends this long overcooked story! It really is a shame because Mr. Jordan has talent....he has just left it in the safety deposit box where he keeps all the cash the publisher paid him to go on and on and on....
Rating:  Summary: Apathy Review: I write this review not to add any more commentary on the book. Everyone has already spoken to the paucity of interest this last novel spawned. I write now in the hope that RJ reads this and knows he lost another huge fan of the early series. In fact...the early series was written by RJ. The last several books (series II) was actually writeen by Bizzaro RJ. Let us hope the original returns someday. I will never read this series again until the final book and then only the ending of it while I stand in the bookstore. Thanks for a love lost RJ.
Rating:  Summary: No More Wheel of Time Review: I Have been waiting for years for this tenth book and am very disapointed in the author. It's been a long series and used to be fairly good but the author only had the main character appear only once in the entire book for one chapter. I believe this is called milking the reader for all the bucks he can get out of the series. I am very mad and would like the author to get on with the series or get off and quit. Finish it Mr. Jordon and don't milk me for more money. You used to be a decent author but you fooled the public.
Rating:  Summary: How could something so good become so bad Review: Like many reviewers here, I was very disappointed in this sequel, and strongly recommend skipping it in favor of (hopefully) a better next release. Having been a diehard fan of WOT since 1990, I purchased both the e-book sequel "Glimmers" and COT when they came available, however, that finally did it for me - Mr. Jordan has to prove he can recapture the magic of the first 5 books before he gets any more of my money and time. In the early books, he started so many interesting plotlines & characters, only to later desert them for thousands of pages of useless detail and characters that no one cares about. Why, Mr. Jordan, why? You started something truly extraordinary - doesn't it make sense to finish it? Or is this a case of egomaniacal self indulgence, money, or are you simply being cruel? Interestingly enough, RJ remains unrepentant - on the Dragonmount site, there is a link to a March 13 interview where the host mentioned all the negative Amazon reviews. RJ's response: hasn't read them, and as far as the criticism, he writes WOT for himself, not his fans. So, sadly enough, I guess all we can do is vote with our pocketbooks and hope that will get his (or at least TOR's) attention and resurrect this series.
Rating:  Summary: This was not a novel Review: It was an excercise in spelling strings of words that, while were syntactically correct, amounted to a negligible amount more than vaccum in deep space. Does it matter how many books in the beginning of the series I cherished, how I spent hours upon hours relishing the PLOT and the UNIQUE characters, how excited I got with cataclysmic EVENTS and sudden INSIGHTS on character DEVELOPMENT, or how the multi-layered plot lines almost DANCED in their PROGRESSION? In the end this is the singly most shameful release of a fiction book I have ever come across. I will not buy the next one until I get a chance to read it from the library.
Rating:  Summary: Typically Jordan, and that's a good thing Review: I rated this book five stars (it's probably really 3-4) just to counteract the 1.5 stars I saw coming to amazon and which frightened me into thinking that I was in for a poor read. That's not true AT ALL. What we have instead is Robert Jordan expanding on the action and continuing to build up. Now, I haven't read many of the reviews on this site, but I can already guess what they're about "Waaa! Waaa! Jordan didn't have enough action, enough plot advancement in this one!" or "Why does he focus on different characters or different places than _I_ want him to?". Come on, people! Who among YOU has tried to write a truly grand (10+ book) fantasy epic? He's taking his time and doing it RIGHT! If he did any less, we'd be sorry when it was over. In sum, I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Keep up the good work! Guys, don't be frightened away by the whiners; Read it and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Slow and tiresome!!! Great characters, bad plotting!!! Review: As with all the other reviews, we have seen a downward spiral in this series. Each book gets progressively slower and shorter seemingly to make the series ongoing. Unfortunately I am getting the feeling that robert Jordan is doing this for money since each book ends up on NY times bestsellers list. I hope it is not true!!! Even if he ends story, any future books will sell Huge!!! I also see that his writing style is backfiring on him. Attention to detail and detailed descriptions are Robert Jordan's trademark, but in a small, clearly defined world where characters travel back and forth between the same locations, his detailed desrciption becomes very tiresome. For example: why does Jordan feel the need to decribe in vivid detail every part of Perrin's camp EVERY time he leaves and returns?!!! He does this probably 5 times in about fifty pages!!! In retrospect, if you think back carefully on the whole book you will realize that these repeat descriptions make up almost the whole book. I have never seen another book, let alone another Robert Jordan book with less dialogue than this one!!! There are some chapters where we don't actually see any characters for the first 3 or 4 pages!!! Mr. Jordan needs to do some reflecting and rethink his writing strategy!!! Readers are getting fed up with being strung along!!! Compared to the first six books, Crossroads of twilight is Atrociousand does nothing to continue the series. I am sorry to feel this way since I have a lot of respect for Robert Jordan and I read his old Conan books well before anyone knew what the Wheel of Time was.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight: Disappointment Central Review: I found reading this book to be an exercise in tedium. I hated it. My disappointment with Robert Jordan couldn't be greater. He created an intriguing world of characters, complete with history and nuance. However, that was ten books ago. His writing has since degenerated into stagnation and trivia. There are so many minor characters that I can't remember all of them. Sadly, I don't care who they are. There are about 12 main characters I enjoy reading about. Jordan neglected all of them. Some of them didn't appear but in a few paragraphs, and the rest of them didn't do anything worth writing about. There is no reason for this book to be 680 pages long. Nothing happened. The book is filled with a bunch of skirt smoothing, embroidery, tired sexism jokes, rattling dice, worn-out clichés, and overwhelming inanity. I skipped an entire chapter because I didn't recognize any of the names of the characters in it. I'm sick and tired of reading 680 page Robert Jordan books filled with drivel until the last 20 pages wherein some cliff-hanging non sequitur occurs. Egwene's capture might have been interesting if I had some vague idea of why she risked herself, other than the end of the book was near and something had to happen. I don't understand Jordan's writing choices. Faile is still captive. It's so easy, Robert. Watch. 'Under the cover of darkness, Faile sneaks out of the Aiel camp and returns to Perrin.' See how easy that was? Flesh it out a little if you like, Robert. The only interesting thing Perrin did in the entire book was discovering this ghost town. But Robert wrote that Perrin left the town behind to go and save Faile. Why, Robert? Why do you do set up something interesting only to return to boring junk? It's so frustrating. Get on with it, Robert. Surprise us with a sudden attack by the Dark Lord. Force everyone to put aside his or her insipid plotline and confront the absent but ever-present *evil* Dark Lord. Open a rift, bring back Moiraine (the only Aes Sedai this book really needs), gather the characters on a battlefield, kill the Dark Lord, kill Rand, etc. The End. Then if you're compelled or need the money, write a whole sequel about the Tarabon embroidery patterns favored by green Aes Sedai but not Browns, or some other nonsense. But, Robert, finish the story already. Jeez.
Rating:  Summary: This is turning into a soap opera. And a bad one at that... Review: I first began reading the Wheel of Time series when I was about 15 and read all the books which had been written in this series in about a year. Since then, I have waited with baited breath for each installment of the best contemporary fantasy series. For me the series really kicked off with "The Great Hunt" (Volume 2) but has decayed after the 5th volume. "Crossroads of Twilight" is probably the worst in the series. Aside from the abundant spelling and grammatical errors, I find it difficult to believe that it took Robert Jordan (who has proven himself to be a genius) so long to come out with this huge volume and nothing happens in it. It is simply a compendium of meeting after meeting after meeting. That's all that happens! What is Jordan thinking that these meetings are supposed to impress the readers with how pivotal they are??? I remember one of the recent volumes where I read about 200 pages of it and all that had happened was that a group of people had gone down into a valley to meet another group of people. There is absolutely no sense of adventure in these latest installments which is a shame as this is what made the series so absorbing to begin with. I think either Robert Jordan is getting the wrong advice from his agent (in which case he needs to fire his agent) or he is not listening to reason. Either way, someone needs to tell him the way things are and he needs to listen otherwise he is well on the road to ruining a masterpiece. Still, as a real testament to how he has captivated his audience, I will still be looking forward to the next installment nonetheless...