Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable comments Review: I'm giving this one another one-star performance due to the insulting and sanctimonious comments offered by defenders of the book. To be told that people like myself must be a part of the "TV" generation and must have not read the previous nine novels only helps prove the level of delusion many of these defenders are suffering from. Look at the endless list of one-star reviews....THAT says it all, my friends.
Rating:  Summary: RJ is George Lucas Review: Does anyone else see striking similarities between the recent "novels" put out by RJ and the recent "movies" put out by George Lucas? Both of them appear to be happily languishing in their piles of money while laughing at the buying public which continues to purchase their pointless melodramatic duds. It's as though the two of them got together and said "Want to have a contest to see just how bad a piece of media we can create and yet still have millions pay for it?" I think the most scathing (and heartfelt) thing I can say about this book that has not already been said is that it is WORSE than Attack of the Clowns.
Rating:  Summary: These critics are morons Review: before I began reading all of these reviews I had no idea that the series had began "slowing down at # 7." In fact I was confused lots of things happened in # 7. I do agree however that this book is not as good as the other nine especially when compared to the last chapter of #9, but it is still a wonderful and captivating book. Even though it annoyed me by wrapping up virtually nothing, things still happened, maybe you morons were just so confused by the # of characters and subplots that you just didn't notice. (If you have not read this book skip over this next 2 paragraphs because I reveal some plot elements) Matt falls in love with the daughter of the nine moons and courts her(though he probably would not admit it even to himself), matt is trying to avoid seanchan detection, a band of seanchan goes in search of tuons kidnapper, perrin finds the Aiel that have falon, perrin throws away his axe, Aes sedai with perrin begin visiting masema without his permission,perrin trys to figure out how to get her out(a blacksmith's puzzle), he could of course get her out simply by traveling into the camp and leaving a "gaishain" ashaman to find her, but it seems that perrin will not use this method (he hasn't even thought of it) but will use a method that gets rid of all his problems at once (they are all part of the same puzzle), rand had been resting from clensing the source and decides that he needs to make a truce with the sean chan, and many more events that I wont even get into. Most importantly the shadow seems to be growing in power: Weevils are everywhere, so harbor is haunted with ghosts, Aes Sedai cannot get rid of weavils, and other events. also as others have said, this book is setup for the next one. The shadow is growing stronger. matt's and perrin's pathes appear to be moving towards each other(yes perrin is sitting still but his blacksmith's puzzle involves the seanchan. Rand has freed himself from the seanchn or soon will with his truce and will be able to concentrate on other matters. The tower is cut off from food by egweenes work with cuendialar chains, which means the conflict between the two towers must soon progress. egweene herself is captured which means there will be fresh new plots there as well. This book is wonderfull, with all is detail characterizations and sublots, so if you morons who dislike WOT's complexity and think nothing happened (even though things did)don't bother writing a review saying this book sucks nothing happens, that has been said so just give it one star and move on, you obviously are not intelligent enough to be reading a complex involved series like WOT.
Rating:  Summary: An amazing novel Review: I was really suprised at how much I liked this novel after reading many of the posted reviews. Jordan did an excellent job with what he wrote. I found it all interesting and most of it exciting. My only complaints are that he did not deal much with Rand, and he never delevoped the plot of any other character very far. I have to agree with others that the next book is going to be very good. His last two novels are a return to his earlier novels, in that, I am enjoying his novels again. What happens. The prologue seems like it contains hundreds of new plots, but really only a few. Mat and those with him leave Ebou Dar and journey north. Mat and Tuon's relationship begins to grow. Elayne is attempting to secure the throne, although little of the novel deals with her. Egwene has begun her siege of Tar Valon and is forming wrong conclusions about Rand. I think most of the novel actually deals with Perrin and his efforts to rescue his wife. He finds the camp of seventy thousand Shaido where his wife is being held. Logain and Bashere join Rand in Tear. My overall opinion is this is a good novel by itself. If Jordan can get his next novel out in a year, it will be a great novel, because it is a crossroads. The series has gained something that wasn't there before. I am anticipating his next novel again.
Rating:  Summary: 10 books of repetition - Jordan screwed up a good thing Review: Like other reviewers I used to enjoy and look forward to Jordan's next book always hoping for the conclusion. The first three books were wonderful with extensive fantasy and new worlds to imagine. Not anymore. By book 7 it was getting monotonous. By book 10, the repetition is torture. This book has absolutely nothing in it. Nothing happens that didn't happen in the first 9 books. The Wise ones are arrogant. The Aile are silent, weird, and have naked slaves. The Aes Sedai plot and scheme and back bite with no action of consequence. On and on and on until it is so repetitious you want to cry. The only big thing that happens in the book (something Rand does) you don't get to see or understand at all. Robert Jordan has to end the series. Write the conclusion. he is like relatives that came for the weekend and stayed 21 days too long. It was fun but it isn't anymore. Jordan is out of creative imagination, low on gas. There is no reason to hear Nyneve pulled her damn hair knot again. Or Elayne loves Rand and wants to wring his neck. 10 volumes of the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Jordan needs to finish the series, get to the conclusion. I wont buy these books anymore, I'll just go to the library. They aren't worth owning anymore. I'm never going to read this stuff a second time and wouldn't suggest anyone else even start it.
Rating:  Summary: SHAWL SHIFTING SKIRT SMOOTHING Review: I have read thousands of books. This is the worst. It went no where in 700 pages and I paid twenty dollars for a lesson I will not repeat. This guy should be ashamed of himself. WMA
Rating:  Summary: *shiver* Review: I loved these books. 1-7, at least. Book eight was kind of a stumbling lurch, and I've no intention of reading it again. Book nine was OK, so long as you can skim read well. Book ten, though, sucked. The freaking prologue was the best chapter! Nothing at all happened, ever, in the book. If you feel the need to read it, I emplore you to speed-read up to the first chapter from a female point of view, then skip till the next male chapter. It's only about 14 chapters, each filled with descriptions of cloths. Who cares what Elyane wears? OH, what a beutiful silver net you're wearing in your hair, Elyane! I was on the verge of violently mutalating the book with a steak knife after reading that. I couldn't decide what the climax was, a chick I hated getting shot or a chick I hate getting captured. Perhaps in book eleven they'll dress her up real nice, then make her a triple amputee. My friend and I have a theory. We think that after book seven, Robert Jordan died, and ever scince then his wife has been writing the Wheel of Time. Book eight sucked because it was her first, book nine was OK because she copied his style, and book ten really sucked because she reolized she wasn't very good and decided to milk what she had and use her own style. I can't beleve I baught it in hard cover. That will NEVER happen again, thanks to the public library. I'd give it no stars, but 1 is as low as it'll go. Alas.
Rating:  Summary: What the heck happened? Review: I have found the rest of this collection to be quite good, so mush so that I'm reading the series again. Howerver this book was a HUGE let down. I'm still trying to figure out how this book adds to the over all story line. I mean nothing happened! there are a few parts that were intersting, such as finding out how Mat will mary the Daughter of the Nine Moons, and Egwene being capured. Other than that the book was lacking of any plot climax what so ever, no wait, it was lacking plot period. I recomend reading it when it comes to your local library and hope the next book will make up for this one.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads to Nowhere Review: I really can't remember the last time I have been so dissapointed in a fantasy series. The Wheel of Time started off great, got a little convoluted in books 5-6-7, and now seems to be nothing more than a money making machine for the author and publishing house. I know other readers have echoed this sentiment before, but: this entire book could have been summarized in about 50 pages, and I would have enjoyed it MUCH MORE that way. I mean, the main character of the series (Rand) doesn't even appear until the VERY end. Some of the previously "important" characters do not even have a line of dialogue. Lan? Nynaeve? Oh, there's Lan practicing his swordfighting, and Nynaeve sitting on a bench watching... The Forsaken? I think one of them is mentioned and given about 10 pages to work with. The Dark One? Nothing. NOTHING?!? But back to more important things like what type of tea Egwene is drinking today as opposed to yesterday, and how bad her headache is, and what type of clothing her maid has laid out for her to wear this morning, and describing the Ajahs for the thousandth time in excrutiating detail. It's utterly ridiculous. Now there are so many minor characters that he spends 20-30 pages writing about, I have serious trouble just keeping track of who is who. He is trying to write about 5 different stories at once at this point, and as a result NOTHING happens in any of the varous storylines. There are no monumentous events in this book, none. I'm not kidding. No clashing armies, no awesome displays of magic, no huge turn of events at the end. Some interesting things happen the prologue that have nothing to do with the rest of the book. Maybe he put in the prologue to book 11 by mistake? At least half the book is spent describing what each person in the room is wearing, what they are eating and drinking, and what their facial expression is. Why do I care about that stuff? Oh, that's right, I DON'T. And now, sadly, I don't care about this series anymore.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight Review: I'll keep it simple. I bought the book the day it was released and just now finished. The only good thing about the book- it helped me sleep at night. Robert Jordan should be ashamed. His interest in storytelling has been replaced by his ambition to make money. Buy a different book.