Rating:  Summary: Don't Bother Review: The reviews - even reviews by the blindly devoted - are an order of magnitude more entertaining than this book. Luckily, I got my copy from the public library. Pick your explanation:(1) Author senility. (2) Author greed. (3) Author cynicism. (4) Editorial incompetence. (5) RJ is dead and some hack is writing this drivel. (6) It's a marketing experiment - how low can you go? (7) RJ's painted himself into a corner and can't get out. Can you imagine a new author taking this . . . opus . . . to a publisher and trying to sell it? Don't bother with this one. Join me in hoping for an end.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: This is number ten in a long series and probably the most disappointing. It seems to mark time and leave strange gaps where a fuller description is needed. The hero hardly gets a mention. Still, I brought and read it and will probably buy the next one as well. I would prefer if I knew how many there would be though.
Rating:  Summary: This series is shameful... Review: There were two elements to the Wheel of Time that made it great (to begin with). The first was the originality of the world that Robert Jordan created. The second was the almost relentless pace at which the plot moved forward (and that doesn't mean that there has to be action taking place, although there was quite a bit of that as well, but that the story continued to unfold). One thing that has always been present, and which I always found extremely irratating, were the characters and how they behaved. They never seemed very real to me. They never curse (unless you think "Blood and bloody ashes" is a curse). You never see them have sex. You never see them defecate. Also, they don't have the emotions of real people. The genders in this series all the act same way: most of the women have massive superiority complexes and the men don't understand what is happening. As I said, this trait of the series always irratated me, but for the first half-dozen books, this flaw was more than compensated for. THAT COMPENSATION IS NOW GONE. The originality of the world that Jordan created has not been added to, and the plot has stopped moving forward. Now there's nothing left to hold my interest anymore. Moreover, I remember a while back when I found the prologue for a Crown of Swords on the net (yes, it was free). Now, Robert Jordan would have us buy the Prologue ($3-4) and then the novel after that (~$25, 75 pages of which WE'VE ALREADY PAID FOR PREVIOUSLY!) Seldom has greed been so plain to see. The the ineptitude and raw naked greed of this man have truly disgusted me. I'm glad that I stopped reading this series after Book 8. I'm actually hoping that his series will fail so that Robert Jordan will be punished for his lust for money and his insensitivity toward his readers.
Rating:  Summary: a total joke Review: ohhhh maannnnnn what a terrible book. I mean, I love the Wheel of Time books, Jordan's a great author and all, and I give all the other books five stars, but book ten.....? Two Thumbs Down. no, better yet, three. Man, I was so into the books I read books six, seven, eight, and nine in a period of one month. When I got book ten I expected, like all the other books, that there would be huge development and stuff. Was there? Noooooo. From the first sentence, practically, I was just kinda like, yeah, wow, who cares about some random Domani soldier? Let's hear about Rand and co., please....? My hopes of seeing more of Rand were utterly dashed. Approximately one short chapter has Rand in it, and then the page and a half epilogue. All MAT does is kind of lounge about acting like a pessimistic bum. Perrin just kind of talks to his wolf friends and tries to stay away from Masema. Oooh. Great development. And ELAYNE?!?!?!?! She's like my least favorite character, and all she does is what.....? Hang around with bad-tempered Birgitte and the Sea Folk, drink tea, whimper like an idiot about how she misses Rand....grrrr. Oh, and wow, she learns she might have twins. Oooohh. Nothing of the Forsaken whatsoever. Nothing! Egwene walks around her camp, that's about all. I would suggest just get CoT from your local library. I personally had no choice but to buy it, but....I really Really REALLY hope that Book 11 isn't as disappointing. what is Crossroads of Twilight? A WASTE!
Rating:  Summary: Anti-Literature Review: This book was so bad I actually emailed Amazon asking them to consider adding "0" stars as a rating option
Rating:  Summary: Still going strong Review: I think that this book was great. Not brilliant, but great. I looked forward to getting home and reading it. Sure, it was YET ANOTHER build-up. But that will just makes the end of the series even better. Some people say Robert Jordan doesn't know how to end this series. Would you be able to, and do it justice? I know I wouldn't. I've read series before that I've hated seing the end of. I for one would love there to be another 20 books of this series. I read them for the enjoyment and entertainment or reading, not so that I could see the end of it. If you're looking for a conclusion, you might not enjoy this book - read it anyway, it's worth it
Rating:  Summary: ***GULP*** Review: Robert Jordan moves me to tooth-chattering wrath; he has inflicted upon his fans a barrage of sheer piffle, and maundering insult which cries out to the Heavens for atonement. ...
Rating:  Summary: Yes, I loved it... *dodges the rotten tomatoes* Review: Firstly, I'd like to start by saying that I'm pretty bemused by all the pot-shots on BOTH sides of the argument. I've heard people who think CoT is good claiming that those who dislike it are brainless. At the same time, people who rate it lowly have been martyring themselves by saying that all the RJ supporters keep badmouthing them but then the anti-RJ reviewers go on to insult the grammar of high raters! I don't think either side is right in doing this and I think a review should just be that... reviewing the book. I know that I've broken my own rule but I'm not supporting either side in this - I think you're only weakening the authenticity of your reviews by attacking each other at all. I'm sure that everyone can see that I and many of my fellow RJ supporters have perfectly good grammar but at the same time, I'm not aware that any of those against RJ are lacking in brains. Now to the important business at hand... Yes I did enjoy Crossroads and no I'm not too blind to realize that I'm in a minority... but I'm afraid that's just me. I can understand why many people are feeling very miffed - there is no massive climax at the end and in fact the cliffhanger is extremely irritating... but also tantalizing. What I really enjoyed about this book was all the political developments and meetings of the Hall - and I think therein also lies the reasons that so many dislike it. Being a great fan of law and politics, I am always excited when RJ includes such things. Yet I remember lots of people complaining about how PoD was too concerned with the petty business of Egwene and her manipulations of the Hall... if you didn't enjoy that in PoD, then I'm afraid you're going to have a long slog through this book. For me though, it's been a luxury to see all these squabbling Aes Sedai and a very nice chapter where a guilty pleasure of mine (Elaida a'Roihan) shows her claws. There is also a very unexpected revelation, which came from an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah that left me practically drooling for further developments. I'll say read and find out of course but what happened certainly came left of centre for me. On the other hand - I can see the point of those who disliked it as well of course - NONE of the plots that we were expecting to be resolved were resolved, I'll be quite blunt about that. But for those wanting action, I promise that it will be there in book 11 - and even I will be lost as a fan if I'm wrong. I do believe that book 10 was necessary to set up for the true action and I know a lot of people have told you this to death already but let me reiterate it. There is going to be an explosion and it will be in book 11. I will stake my life on that! Keep reading and have faith...
Rating:  Summary: What the hell he is thinking ? Review: Robert Jordan probably think that the readers are going to buy his book just because the words "Wheel Of Time" are written on it, because there is no other reason to read this book. HELLO ROBERT! the detailes are very important but where is the story? Maybe the next one will be better ( this one is so bad and it's not going to be a big problem to write a better one) but i don't suggest you to spend your time on it , you won't miss anything and you alredy spent enogh time on reding this review.
Rating:  Summary: Worse book I have ever read Review: I love attention to detail and a complexed book or series. The first 5 books in this series are fantastic. The next 4 were not as good, but still I enjoyed them. I even enjoyed book 9 and thought many critics were a bit hard. I'm sure my enjoying book 9 more than most is because I do enjoy suspense being built even if it is at a slower pace than most would wish for. With all that said, book 10 is the worse book I have ever read in my life. I can not say enough horrible things about it. Imagine the worse book you have ever read, times that by 10, and then hope you are lucky enough to read that book instead of book 10.