Rating:  Summary: It's terrible what Jordan has done to the series Review: I began reading the Wheel of Time series many years ago, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. The recent books, however, have gotten progressively worse. Instead of writing about the characters we love and *progessing the plot*, Jordan fills his books with 1000 characters we don't care about, pages and pages of pointless descriptions, and never moves the story forward. One wonders if his ego has gotten in the way of his writing, or if greed has caused him to drag this series on forever... (and it's getting worse, he's going backwards now by writing prequels. *groan*)Unfortunately, CoT is the worst book to date. I could barely finish the book without screaming in frustration. I was forced to skim large portions of it to keep my sanity. There is no other way to put it: this book is horrible. My advice: if you haven't started reading the WoT series yet, don't start. There are a hundred other good authors out there waiting to be read, and who won't break your heart by the time you get to the end of their series. If you find youself, like me, stuck in the WoT because you just want to find out what happens, DO NOT buy this book. Borrow it from the library if you have to, but don't give another penny to Robert Jordan. The only way to get this series back on track is to show him we won't buy pages drivel just because his name is on it.
Rating:  Summary: I'm Going To Stab Someone In The Eye Review: Do you know what I liked about this book? The cover didn't fall off the paperback edition like with the beginning books. This book actually manages to move the plot backwards since the last book. Please note that 800 pages of building suspense isn't suspenseful at all when you are introducing completely new characters and even more plot lines that have nothing to do with the original narrative. Oh yeah, the two stars here are only in comparison with Jordan's other books, not with everything out there right now. Because this book is well written, it's just that nothing happens. And the thing that gets me the most - there is not one battle in this book. The death toll has to be the lowest of any of Jordan's books, I think maybe one guy dies. But no battles? Grraarrghhh! There are no words to express my anger right now. Remember the first four books when Shadowspawn were around every corner and we felt that any character could die at any moment? Now we get 10 page long scenes of Elayne walking around the palace in Caemlyn. Good work Jordan, maybe next time you should try not sucking. Bring back the Fades, bring back the Trollocs, bring back the Forsaken who are actually threatening (remember Ismael?). And instead of introducing more characters, how about killing off a few. I do not need to know every Aes Sedai's full name, where she is from and where she shops.
Rating:  Summary: My first WOT review... Review: I started reading this series about 5 months ago. It was really nice to start a long series, where so many of the books were completed and I didn't have to wait for months for a new one to come out. Bought most the books at Half-Price books...very cool. Finally got to the last published book in the series, and had to go to Barnes & Nobles to get it. Finished Crossroads of Twilight yesterday. This is the only book in the series that I felt compelled to write a review. It was horrible. Now, to be fair, I have to say I really enjoyed the first 9. After looking at the reviews, I see I may be alone in that regard. But, being able to read them all back to back, I found they flowed pretty well and I stayed enthusiastic. I know they can be long winded and overly descriptive...but, still had enough going on for me to enjoy them all. Until I got to #10. This book does absolutely nothing. Nothing happens. It's all politics. In each of the main characters little scenerio, myriads of new political characters are introduced. I have completely lost track of who they are. There musta been 20-30 political characters introduced just in ELAYNE's little world of ANDOR. Her succession to the throne, and the politics of it all musta took up 1/3 of the book. Who cares?! Similar thing happened with Egwene. Tons of Aes Sedai politics in her little world, pages and pages...but, not much else. Well, ok...the one big development that happened in this book was Elayne moved the Aes Sedai, and they are now outside the walls of Tar Valon in seige mode. That's it. If you know that little tidbit, you do not have to read this book. Basically nothing happened with Rand. Matt basically hasnt moved much...and Perrin is still frustrated at trying to get Faille. There you have it. This book can be skipped. Something just HAS to happen in the next one...it just has to! You do not have to read this one to enjoy the next one...methinks. But, if your like me...you probably will :) I'll keep reading. This book is the only one that I found boring. I musta skipped as much of this book as I read. I'm sure I'll get the next one. However, if the next book doesn't actually do something... :)
Rating:  Summary: My Apologies Review: I was one of those fans who called the critics "unenlightened," or "not mature enough" for these "masterpieces." What was I thinking? I should have known better than to criticize those who didn't like the book without weighing the merits of their complaints. But no, I blindly worshipped Jordan simply because it was exactly the kind of thing other Jr. High students would do. (O.K., perhaps it's really a grade-school kind of thing, and I'm just not adult enough to admit that my behavior was SO childish). I kept buying these books and defending them as clever or brilliant....and then I realized one day that I want my characters to be likeable. I don't want to have to wonder if one of the male Forsaken is truly dead at the end simply because Jordan was stupidly vague (like with Sammael). I don't want to hate characters NOT because of their actions, but because they are all poorly written. Somehow I didn't realize, until I went back and re-read them all in a row) that the characters behave the same way, over and over and over, and that there really isn't any difference between them. Plus, the plot gets sillier all the time: Why is it that these super-powerful people can't communicate? How hard is it for Egwene or Elayne to figure out what Rand is up to when they can communicate in the dream world with each other and with the Wise Ones? Why is Perrin so stupid? And to make matters worse, I really started to hate these books when I realized how much of the first 6 (which were better than 7-10) stole so many characters out of other author's books. Why isn't this guy being sued? Geez. Well, I'm truly sorry if I misled anyone into buying the other books. If you're thinking about buying this one, PLEASE don't, unless you're in the target age range: 10-12. Thank You
Rating:  Summary: Only for the weak of mind Review: There are some people out there who think "Married With Children" and "Scooby Doo" are "deep," "gorgeous," "profound," etc. Those are exactly the kind of people who would LOVE this book. For the rest of us, however, this is simply garbage. Men and women still treat each other like morons, the Forsaken are neither scary nor interesting, and the main characters, when they do appear, are pathetic. This kind of book could have been written by any hack, as most of these reviews suggest. Jordan's style does not add depth, only volume for his books. Minute details without plot advancement simply leaves the adult reader bored, and that is the majority of this "book." The kinds of clothing someone wears might be interesting in brief bits, but when an entire chapter (!!!) is devoted to meaningless detail, critical readers suddenly realize they have a stinker on their hands. Neither Jordan nor his characters seem to mature with this volume, and given that the previous 3 were also quite awful, it's clear that this is one writer who has lost whatever touch he might have had. It's clear now that only Jordan's relatives and his wife (perhaps RJ, too) are writing reviews on his behalf. The rest of the world has wisely moved on. If you're thinking about buying this book, don't. If you're thinking about reading this book, well, don't say you weren't warned. A 1.5 rating here is really 1/2 of a star, since 0 stars isn't an option.
Rating:  Summary: disapointment Review: I have read so far all the series with great enthusiasm, I hope to keep doing it but it is more difficult every day. This last book was too slow for me. The plot has no progress, instead of action in every scene we get the color of the dress, the place in the room where they sit, the personal history of the cabinet maker who made the chair ... you know where i'm getting to. The name and personal history thoughts and philosophy of yet another character that does nothing to advance the plot is not what I payed for. So for a series with great promise, and strong and interesting main characters, I am a disappointed. In summary of the 800 pages, Rand only shows on page 600 and we get 200 pages of plot. And then the book ends abruptly. The first book was amazing, I hope the next one can live to earlier expectations.
Rating:  Summary: Only for the enlightened. . . Review: After reading naive and misinformed review after review, I can't help but laugh. I laugh because book 10 is by far the most rewarding, intricate, gorgeous ballet of physics, fantasy, and storytelling that this genre has ever seen. The color of an Aes Sedai's clothing. . . the deliciously complicated Elayne taking stock of a life that defies description. . . the suspense of the political intrigue (one gets the impression that today's leaders use these stories as a model for their own complex webs of political doings). This book takes fantasy to a different plane of esoteric thought, and is easily misunderstood by those who are not capable of such intellectual magnitude. You want "action": go rent a Vin Diesel movie. RJ has never pretended to be in the business of "fast food" literature. Instant gratification is for simpletons, and if you aren't capable of understanding this work of genius-don't read it! You taint the story and it's brilliance with your petty, short-sighted whining. MORE Mr. Jordan! No pace is too slow when every word is so graceful. Thank you from this loyal reader and shame on those who cannot see true beauty. . . true genius. The Wheel of Time? Indeed.
Rating:  Summary: My sincerest thanks to all previous reviewers! Review: I have peeked at this book in the bookstore and fully agree that it is NOT a "must read". IF I live long enough I fully intend to read all of the novels which eventually end up comprising the Wheel of Time series - BUT, SERIOUSLY (and sadly) ... Robert Jordan has finally managed to make it a chore rather than an enjoyable pastime. If ever the final installment comes out in paperback I will buy it, along with any others (after WH) that are needed to complete the set. I should be able to pick them up as cheap used copies by then. Not that I'm stingy - just that I think price should reflect value. Meanwhile, I have found some other excellent authors who focus more on writing and less on marketing. I thought I would really miss the WOT series, but it turns out that I don't.
Rating:  Summary: Someone Please help me!!! Review: This series has to end!!! The only thing interesting about this series is reading the online reviews from those who hate the series because they are spot on and the reviews of the idiots who love the series because they have no clue. The characters stopped being interesting after book3. Why is every female character exactly alike? Why is every male character exactly alike? The only interesting characters are the Forsaken but we don't ever find out much about them except when they die. Why does every female character think she is superior to every man and highly critical of them(using the same thoughts words and attitudes). Can you tell the difference between Aes Sedai,Seafolk,Wise Ones or Seanchan women? Why is every male character such a wuss? The only ones that don't follow this routine are the Forsaken of course but we don't learn much about them except when they die. Why does every character who fights for good winds up doing stupid things, acts petty, doesn't share information with other characters, is extremely selfish yet still manages to win or complete their mission successfully? Evil has very bad luck because they are losing to a bunch of idiots. Why is Rand who is supposed to be a powerful being always so afraid to use his power even when his life is threatened? Why is he always being saved from death and destruction by the lesser characters? What is the use of having power if you can't save your butt with it and you always need someone to bail you out? Rand is a scared punk and lets his own hangups about hurting women and his love of 3 women get in his way,along with being stubborn. He is a pathetic hero. Perrin: is a dope who constanly whines about using his axe and making Faile happy Nynave: is a stupid girl who is so stubborn she hurts more than helps,always tugging her braid and has a temper yet we have no idea why she loves Lan. Elayne: what a waste of a character always acts like a princess. . .whatever Egweyne: how she goes from silly farmgirl to knowledgeable,savvy Amyrilyn in a year I will never figure it out. Matt: the only interesting original character because of his adcventures. Actually Matt is the only LIKEABLE character. The rest suck and engender no sympathy. The book numbs you with the same repetitive and wordy descriptions and situations and plots. 10% of each book actually advances the plot somewhat. The rest is pure drivel. It used to take me 3 weeks to read a WOT book now I do it in a week because I skip over every description of a dress, meal, city, tunic, coat, characters features, or thoughts. I only read the actual dialouge between characters and their actions, out of 1000 pages that would only entail 250.
Rating:  Summary: How to bait a hook and catch a million Review: I sincerely hope Mr. Jordan reads all these reviews. He has managed to take what he learned in Vietnam and apply it to writing i.e.; How to take a great opportunity to succeed and turn it into a 10 year war with no real ending and no winners. This book drags on for hundreds of pages building characters to sickening heights then unfortunately doesn't push them over the edge to their well deserved deaths. I am sure he is building his loyal reader base up to a final battle between good and evil but he used his readership and sucked bucks without delivering the action and excitement that made this series so good. This book is a rip off of epic proportions. I don't mind paying for a quality product but this was like reading the Ishtar sequel screen play. The only way I will read the next book is if someone gives it to me because I have bought my last.