Rating:  Summary: Wretched Review: I feel unclean. I forced myself to finish this book just in case I might have found an enjoyable chapter somewhere inside it. Sadly, Robert Jordan fails to deliver even one. The writing of this series once appeared great, but in retrospect, Jordan is a hack. The man got lucky, and is now trying to milk his early success for every penny. I for one, will not contribute to his royalty checks ever again. This book truly is awful, please, don't encourage him.
Rating:  Summary: Whoever compared Jordan to Tolkein should have been fired Review: I must confess that I didn't even bother to finish book 10 in the Wheel of Time series. I decided to delay buying this book until I had a really long airplane trip that would allow me to make use of Jordan's dense style and high wordcount. It turned out I couldn't even make it past the first twenty pages. Let me remind you: me and a big book stuck in an airplane for eight hours with nothing else to do. The book is that boring. Do you want to know what I read instead? The Duty Free Catalog. Yes, the Duty Free Catalog. Jordan's work has gotten progressively worse over the years. Four (or was it five?) books ago, I thought to myself "the only way to protest this blatant fleecing of the fans is to refrain from buying the books" but, back then, I still enjoyed them enough that I couldn't resist buying the latest installment as soon as possible. I didn't have that problem with this book: I didn't buy it until just before Xmas (paperback edition)and even then I was doubtful. I decided that instead of me serving Robert Jordan's financial interests, his book would have to serve me. Hence, the wait for the long airplane trip. I figured if nothing else I'd at least be entertained for the eight hours of the plane trip and that should be worth the cost of the paperback. After all, I'd have to read SOMEthing. But the book doesn't even meet that measly requirement. It's just so dull. I'm not planning to buy any more RJ books. To all those who think Jordan is just an incompetent writer, I must beg to differ. We're all agreed that the first book in the series was fantastic. That proves he has the ability. He is just trying to take advantage of the fans' pocketbooks by padding the series infinitely. I don't mind a long story but this sort of padding does not add to the story. Does Jordan honestly think I am willing to pay him to bore me? Is he aware that when I talk about this book it is only to cite him as an author to avoid? My advice to others: Avoid Robert Jordan. If you must read this series then wait until he finishes it in a decade or so, and then check your local garbage bins, where hundreds of disgruntled onetime Wheel of Time fans will have thrown the entire series in disgust. To help yourself resist buying these awful books, try the hilarious Series of Unfortunate Events, by Lemony Snicket, in which each installment is a complete story.
Rating:  Summary: Oh it isn't all that bad Review: It's true that you wouldn't lose a stitch of the story as a whole if you skipped this one. It is amazing how so much was written without moving the story a day beyond the book before this one...it is like a politician chanting his campaign speech... I'm a WoT follower, the story as a whole is fantastic and even though this particular book doesn't push the story along I still had to give it two stars because it is still a well written book. Creative and intricate...just like a politician's speel. Colorful yet empty. You are going to want to read it. I wouldn't buy it if I were you...get a copy from the library, borrow it from a friend who like you was aching for the series to continue and couldn't refrain from buying the hardcover version...but don't you buy it. I wouldn't have added this one to my collection, but I got it as a gift. And I'll keep it just to fillout the whole set. AGAIN, you are going to want to read it, even with all the negative comments...do so...but just enter the story with the frame of mind that it is just filler and you might even enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: average customer reviews ---- 1.5 stars.(over 1300 reviews!) Review: Possibly achieveing the lowest score on amazon ever, this book has downright defined how bad an author can write a story. While I love hearing about Rand's brown shirt over the course of 687 pages, there is no plot. Jordan just writes now to make money. He doesn't care at all about his readers. He decided to write about what appeals to him, and what appeals to him is "fashion designer". I have never read a book so terrible. This book is crap. You could skip this book and be fine in book 11 probably, because nothing happens.
Rating:  Summary: Enough Already Review: Yes, this series has really ground to a halt and is slowly suffocating under the weight of it's own hubris. But I will still read each new book, though it's a lot easier to wait for the paperbacks, now. One thing bugs the ever living crap out of me though: what is Jordan's obsession with fashion? He spends four or five pages setting up every scene by describing EXACTLY what each person, important or not, is wearing down to the buttons (LITERALLY, HE DESCRIBES THE BUTTONS!). Was he an aspiring fashion editor who's dreams were dashed? I think he created the whoel dreamworld thing solely based on the idea that people could change what they were wearing with mere thoughts, fulfilling his fantasy of describing a new outfit every 5 seconds. Anyways, this book is nothing special. If you're deep into the series, then you know what you're getting yourself into. If not, well, reading war and peace will be quicker and make you look smarter.
Rating:  Summary: This is a book not a chapter Review: To all the reviewers saying Book 11 will be great and the last few have just set up for future volumes to come: THIS IS A BOOK, NOT A CHAPTER WITHIN. IT OUGHT TO HAVE ITS OWN PLOT. George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series is fantastic. One might notice that although the books are each a part of what the finished product will eventually be, they are still books on their own. I quote George R.R. Martin from his website www.georgerrmartin.com/nextbook.html "Each volume is a part of the overall story, but also needs its own beginning, middle, climax, and end to make for a satisfying read. As I have said here before, I am writing as fast as I can, but my first priority is to make the novel as good as it be." For all WoT fans, make sure you're breathing deeply into that paper bag. Each book with it's own enjoyable plot...and STILL being part of the entire set? It's a frightening prospect, I know.
Rating:  Summary: Snatching mediocrity from the hands of greatness Review: Robert Jordan is an incredibly gifted author. The book is nearly captivating. The reason it falls short of top honors is because so many plots have developed in the series that it has become confusing. Think of a three-ring circus with several side shows. It becomes a chore to keep track of what is going on to the point of lost emphasis on the main plot. I was hoping for some plot consolidation in this work. Unfortunately this didn't happen. This work left us hanging like the several that preceded it. I hope that in his next book, Robert Jordan consolidates the plots into an azimuth towards finale. He has laid the basis for possibilities for several other series if he wishes to do so. I recommend the book. Yet, like books six through nine, this one again falls short of expectations.
Rating:  Summary: a boycott Review: We all agree that CoT was a terrible book. But we all know the second book 11 comes out we'll pay the $25 and buy it. Well, here's a crazy idea. Don't! Sure, we want to know what happens, but that's what libraries are for. Until RJ starts to feel the burn in his wallet he's got no reason to improve the quality of the drek he's been spewing for the last 1600 pages.
Rating:  Summary: The Bible According to Robert Jordan Review: It took me only a month to read the first five books in this series. I had never tried the fantasy genre before and Mr. Jordan made me believe I was missing out. There are still scenes that burn in my memory; I will never, EVER forget the Rhuidean chapters in book four. That was the pinnacle Mr. Jordan was building up to, that's why he put in all these pesky details. It made me see the true scope of this battle between Good and Evil. There was the Creator (God), there was the Dark One (Lucifer), and there was our misfortunate hero who wanted nothing to do with this but had recieved a higher calling (Rand, of course. Just like Jesus.). It's a retelling of religion. That's why it works so well. Hasn't the bible been a bestseller for centuries? Mr. Jordan is savvy to this. He understand that humans have a crippling need to know where they came from. Rand'al Thor is the tool he uses to get his point across. Admit it! He's the character you want to know the most about, he's the one who DEFINTELY has to be in "the last scene of the last book" which Robert Jordan says he's known for years now. I stopped reading the series at Lord of Chaos, vowing never to touch another installment until the saga was declared over. Light, it's been a decade and Tar Ma'Gaidon is still not upon us! (Doesn't Tar Ma'Gaidon sound suspiciouly like Armagaddan? Say it out loud, see for yourself.)
Rating:  Summary: In a word, Irritating Review: 10 books. The first seven are great. those last three...are so disapointing it hurts. The hardcore fans will still love it. And there's indeed something to like, but I expected more consistency. The story is advancing at a wormlike pace. the main character hardly make an appearance. The only thing of interest in the last three book. is the cleansing of the source and the appearance of matt's wife. period. Nevertheless 3 stars. it's still a good book. It's just sooooooooo frustratingly slow. I could even forgive that if the main focus was Rand who is after all the darn main character or Matt who is always interesting. but it's not. The only thing positive I can say, is that only a story I love can annoy me so. Hope the series recover some of the original fire