Rating:  Summary: Finish the series already! Review: Just when I thought the WOT series couldn't get any slower, Robert Jordan is more than happy to prove me wrong. If you've enjoyed the pace of the last 2 books then you'll absolutely love Crossroads of Twilight. But if you want a fast pace and riveting plot developments, this book will easily fall short of your expectations. Let me put it this way: the first half of the book doesn't even progress past the climatic event in book nine. The ending to Crossroads of Twilight left me feeling dissapointed and not at all excited to pick up its sequel. Although Jordan's world is undoubtedly rich, the sheer number of characters has bogged it down. The plot in Crossroads moves along at a snail's pace and the ending is far from satisfying. The book felt like it was missing another 200 pages, or that Jordan just cut things short so he would have material for book 11. The book does suggest that the Last Battle will arrive soon, hopefully in no more than 2 books. If you can, wait until Crossroads of Twilight comes out in paperback. That way, you'll feel like you've wasted only $8 instead of $30.
Rating:  Summary: Was there a point? Review: I've been reading Mr. Jordan's books since day one and I can't believe that the author who wrote the first four books wrote this one.Not one single thing was accomplished in this book except to increase the publishers coffers. When I closed the back cover I wondered why I had waited two years to read it. Mr. Jordan automatically gets a two stars due to the richness of his world. Resolving nothing with his plotlines plus adding a cliffhanger at the end just increased my frustration with the direction this series has been going in. If this was Jordan's first book, I would have never have continued reading the series.
Rating:  Summary: Please make it stop... Review: I really, really, REALLY wanted to like this book and desperately hoped some of the previous plot lines would be resolved. Alas, this is not to be and we the fans have been milked out of 20 more dollars and two years of our lives. Given enough time, a monkey in front of a typewriter will by sheer chance reproduce one of Shakespear's great works and that is what I'm reminded of here, although what we're getting is certainly not Shakespear quality.
Rating:  Summary: Read the First Four Books, Stop, then Read the Last One! Review: I WAS a die hard Robert Jordan fan. His first four books in the Wheel of Time series were masterpieces: great writing, thought out story arc, new ideas in the science fiction/fantasy realm, foreshadowing everywhere. I remember the anticipation before a new book in the series came out, to see what was going to happen next. Now I do not care any more. Starting with books 5 and 6, things started slipping. As the series became widely popular, the editing went by the wayside. Endless new characters, new plot threads, no conclusions to old plot threads, major milestones just suddenly happening in the last chapter of the books, seeming to be tacked on just to have something happen. This series started out to be a masterpiece, now, its a sad legacy to what might have been. Aren't the folks at Tor taking notice?
Rating:  Summary: Where's the beef? Review: Just like the old lady on that Wendy's commercial from years ago, I am wondering where the beef is in the burger. This book has the bun and all of the "fixins" but the main ingredient seems to have been left out, dropped on the floor, or stolen. I realize that this analogy is somewhat poor and rather drawn out... but so is this book. I don't mind having read Crossroads, but it is disappointing to have waited 2 years for the bun with no beef.... and have to go hungry for another 2 years until the next offering is served up.
Rating:  Summary: Wast of time and money Review: I have just finished the book and Robert Jordan could not have put a greater effort into filling up space with nothing. I got so bored with his flowery descriptions at points that I started skipping whole paragraphs. Believe me, I didn't miss anything either. At one point it takes him a whole page to describe a table. As far as the plot is concerned, nothing happens. This book could have been much better represented as a 100 page prologue to a book that actually does something. Not worth the money. I refuse to support Jordan anymore. I may go to the library for the next book but only if I am really bored. Don't waste your money on this book.
Rating:  Summary: Robert Jordan is Ishamael Review: I Give Up! It saddens me, but I cannot stomach reading anymore of these books. I sincerely loved the first 6 books; they were wonderful. Book 7 was a little weak, and I suspected the story was intentionally "drug out" a bit, but it was still pretty good so I let it slide. Book 8 was worse, much worse. On finishing the book, I felt that nothing really much had happened. Book 9 seemed a little better mainly because something happened at the end of the book, and I hoped against hope that things had finally turned the corner for the better. This book is by far the worst in the series. It is absolutely the most boring book I have read. I'll concede that I've read some that were worse, but not more boring unless you consider badly written math or history textbooks. Many people have already said the same things I'm about to say, but here goes. One-half of the book (at least) consists of either long descriptions of clothes and chairs and clothes etc... or boring/trivial conversations where very little if anything interesting and useful actually occurs. CoT, even more than PoD, seems like only part of a book with a lot of worthless extra filler added for bulk. I actually stopped every 2 or 3 chapters and thought out loud "Is anything going to happen?" Well, no nothing much really does happen. The book begins with one of the main characters, basically where they were the last book (if not the last 2 or 3 books), until it appears like something might actually happen at which time Jordan switches to another character (repeating the process) and so on and so on. The only truly interesting part of the book is the end because of the cliffhangers that Jordan writes to sucker us into buying the next installment. Most books have some level of conflict/rising action/ climax/resolution etc, but this one doesn't. Maybe the scene depicted on the cover is supposed to be a climax, but it falls way short, especially for a book of close to 700 pages. Reading should be a joy, but I found this book a struggle with my driving motivation being hope that things will improve and that the story would move forward again. Well, my hope has been betrayed, and I no longer have any faith in Mr. Jordan so I'm done wasting my time and money on this. I'll wait and perhaps when and if Jordan finishes the series and given that I'm still alive, I'll purchase the last book, because I really DO want to know what happens to everybody. Perhaps, if the gaps in my knowledge of the story are compelling enough maybe I'll buy the other 10-15 books (in used paperback form). There has to be many much better and more interesting books out there than CoT. I'd rather take my chances with other writers than continue with one who has definitely lost his touch (or just doesn't care).
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: Robert Jordon is easily one of my favorite authors, but the last few books and especially this one have been a disappointment. I enjoy the main characters, but in the latest books of the series he spends far too much time on insignificant characters, which made large parts of the books very boring. In fact, I skimmed large portions of this book and the last several because I couldn't bear to read them. And, I lost nothing of the story for my inattention to large parts of the books. I have to agree with the others and I said the same to my wife just as I finished this book - almost nothing happened in this book. I wouldn't care if he drug this series out to 20 books as long as there is a story to tell. There was little to tell in this book and the almost 700 pages should have been cut to 200 pages. It took over half the book to even have the other characters catch up to the climax of the previous book. I was really looking forward to this book. The long wait was not worth it!!! That said, Robert Jordon is a master storyteller. His descriptions and world building are incredible. I have been reading science fiction and fantasy for over 25 years and I can say that Jordon is among the best. It pains me to only give this book 3 stars, but if I hadn't read the previous books and enjoyed the characters so much, it would have probably only earned one star. I will buy the next book in this series when it is available and hope that Jordon regains my trust and praise in his writing skills.
Rating:  Summary: Summary Review: I wish I'd gotten a summary before I read the book, it can be summed up in two words-nothing happens. I'd thought book 10 was going to be the last but after 100 pages of boring dribble realized it might never end. In the future I will read it at a bookstore rather than wait for a year in anticipation
Rating:  Summary: Twilight -the end of a writer. Review: Its sad that the end of a story is all twilight and fizzle, the first books and story was engrossing and whetted my mind. The need to end this saga by either starting four new books with the main players or just finishing the damn story and let the story end. I feel the author will die and we will never end this "wheel", but by the way he responds, maybe he is dead.