Rating:  Summary: Don't Bother. Review: After reading the previous 9 books of the series multiple times, recommending this series to several friends, and now after reading this tenth book I have two words for anyone interested in picking up the series: "DON'T BOTHER". The only thing you will be able to take away from this book is that either RJ is in desperate need of money and is looking to line his pockets or that he has absolutely no clue as to where this series is headed. The first six books of this series were outstanding, seven through nine could be stomached, but ten is a very bad soap opera. Nothing happens in this book and it goes nowhere. Anyone considering picking up the series should wait until RJ finishes it, if he ever does. Otherwise, you could be waiting around for years until he produces another book that in all likelihood would be the same as this one a load of [junk]
Rating:  Summary: Stupid Stupid Stupid Review: I'd give this stupid book .5 stars if I could. This is the biggest load of garbage Jordan has tried to put on readers since Path of Daggers. NOTHING HAPPENS in this book. At least in the other books, there were some memorable scenes I'd remember when I finished. There aren't ANY of that here. I'm so mad. What is this guy thinking? This series could be so great, there are so many threads he could follow, but instead he throws names around like crazy and ignores the multitude of interesting characters he's already developed. I can sympathize with someone suffering from a bit of writer's block, as it appears Jordan has lost the inspiration that marked the first 4-5 books. However, it doesn't make the book any better to read. A COMPLETE waste of money, but unfortunately you're probably like me- you have the other nine, so you almost feel obligated to own the "complete" collection.
Rating:  Summary: A toss of the dice Review: The blade master was very good, he had beat everybody. Each person who wanted it got ten tries, to try and defeat a well trained fighter. They each failed, but still most did not give up. Some will quit now and maybe come back and watch on the others 11th and 12th and even 13th try, no matter how long it takes most will stay and await the outcome, wanting to be victorious in the end. There will be transitions slow to fast and then back again. The blade master will still be wielding his heron marked blade with flawless precison and experience. With enough practice and patience some if not all can beat him,in time. Do not give up on waiting nor on learning from a master at work. The best things in life take time. All will see that it was well worth the wait, because after it is over what will you do next. High praise for the master of fantasy. Robert Jordan continues to do what he set out to do. Enjoy the game or hate it. And remeber there are always other books to read in the mean time.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Happens,...again!!! Review: If you loved book eight(which I most certainly didn't) you'll like this one two because it's the same:nothing happens. If you can't wait to borrow the book, just read the publishers spiel about it and you'll know everything that happens. And if you need it for your collection a one page summary slipped in between books 9 and 11(assuming that one will be worth reading)should suffice.
Rating:  Summary: Gesh, for Pete's Sake Review: RJ needs to really pick things up. I have been a total WOT fan since the series began. It's realy difficult to wait 2 years to find out whats going to happen next and continually get disappointed in the results. This book is very short compared to others in the series (perhaps that is a good thing as it means less of the monontonous diatribe we have been subjected to thus far). Going back in time with the series his first 3 (maybe 4) books were great and hinted at a wonderful and rich plot made very complex by the great number of characters and increasing number of subplots. After book 4 though things slowly went down hill, there was increasingly more time spent with character introspection and unnessasarily over detailed descriptive writing, plus alot of the self reflection done by the characters was a way for Jordan to reiterate events and knowledge already learned in the previous installments. This book is no different in the trend and has actually gotten worse. Jordan could have easily condensed the extra garbage in the last book and made Winters Heart climax into a mini climax, condensed this book and added it to the last and actually would have had a decent book. His decision to cut off where he did in book nine didn't leave enough material here so there is alot of fill inbetween the really important stuff. Here is one fan hoping the wrapup to this series harkens back to the beggining style of writing us fans enjoyed. Give us alittle more action for God sakes and spare us the uneeded ....
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Boring Review: Jordan has a way of sucking you in with great characters, good story lines and action. But he also can spend 678 pages to tell you nothing. Sorry folks but this is one of the later. I could not wait to get this book. Winters Heart was great , Mat was back ,people got to meet up at last, and Rand had a plan. It ended leaving you wanting more. Crossroads well where to start . Mat is sparking and spooning his new girl. Perrin chases his one true love over hill and dale. But decides to take his army to lunch instead. Elayne and Aviendha spend the whole time trying to figure out what to eat and drink and what to ware. and so on and so on with all the characters And when people finally meet they say nothing to help each other. You see, it would not be polite . The rest of the book just gives background info to people who may not have read the first nine books. The only good thing was Jordan did not introduce many new characters as he did in earlier books. Just for the record .I will buy the next book. When Jordan gets the action rolling it is great. Just don't spend 400 pages telling us what they are wearing.
Rating:  Summary: Major Disappointment. Many will stop reading WOT Review: I do not recommend this book at all. You are better off reading chapter summaries. This book goes no where. It is one big prologue. Book 9 left off with some real good subplots that should have been drawn out in this book, but nothing happened. Nothing was answered. Only more questions came up. This is a fantasy series and this book was nothing in the realm of fantasy. Save your money. Robert Jordon has lost his tough. Im sticking to free chapter summaries for the rest of this epic. I want to find out what happens to Rand and crew but not at RJ's drawn out money hungry drab. Tor and RJ should be ashamed.
Rating:  Summary: Very very very slow ... Review: And very very disappointing. I don't know. In Winter's Heart, it seemed like the pace was being picked up a little bit (after two really slow books)and a couple of momentous things actually happened. Can someone tell me what actually happened in "Crossroads"? This whole series has turned into a soap opera, except that Jordan's production rate would disqualify him from working on any show. Seriously, how could it possibly take more than two years to produce this drivel? At least, if the quality of the writing is going to be this bad, Jordan should give us a book every six months! Finish the story already dammit!
Rating:  Summary: sleeping Witches Review: The book was the slowest ever! The women you want to strangle; and where was Rand and Nyneave in the story. Nothing happened! We were left hanging for the last two books. RJ leave out some of the background and move the story on.
Rating:  Summary: Needed Something to Happen Review: The book was slow from the beginning until only a fourth of the book was left. It started to pick up and things looked like they might get interesting, then it ended. Don't buy this book until it comes out in paperback. Seriously absolutely nothing was accomplished in this book, other than to set things up for book 11.