Rating:  Summary: Opinions show the TV generation Review: I'm not sure what others expect anymore from Robert Jordan, but he nevers fails to deliver a fascinating novel for us to enjoy. I'm often disappointed in how many people I see "give up" on this series. Have you ever seen such depth and scope in a series before? No, you haven't, and probably won't. True, there is very little "action" in this book, but after the last couple, what did you expect. I must say, however, that at no time, ever, did this book get boring. There are so many characters, so many plot lines, so much going on, that if the series was suddenly resolved in 1 or even 2 books, I'd be severly upset with Mr. Jordan. Can you imagine Tarmon Gaidon being fought and over with in the next book? I hope not. In an era a quick cuts, fast action, and summer blockbusters with only effect to save them, take the time to read a book that makes you slow down and use your brain. Buy this book, buy the whole series, and be prepared to be amazed.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book with a pencil Review: First: if you want to do a favor for yourself and others, read this book with a pencil in hand and just "X" out the paragraphs that say nothing, do nothing, and speak of nothing. It will be about 3/4's of the book. So when book 11 comes out you can then review this volume in about 45 minutes.And let's get real, this is all about money. How much is Jordan getting per book? How much have I sunk into this series already? (Hint: I have a first addition hardcover of book 2, and have bought hard cover copies of each book since.) But this book is ridiculous. Just get on with the story already! Jordan has it in him, and I hope he's as frustrated as we are (I doubt it though, we write the checks, he receives them.) He can obviously write a fast moving, engaging, full length book, but this delving into the personal thoughts, dress, and customs of characters 3 levels (or more) below the main characters is boring, tedious, and a shameless abusing of loyal fans. This latest book is boring, confusing, and introduces you to hundreds of people NO ONE can keep straight anymore. (Jordan's story plot program must have a file in the gigabytes by now. (Is this what computers have brought us to, novels so complex even the author can't possibly keep it straight without a computer program to help?)) I find myself just skimming over pages with meaningless characters having conversations with each other over trivial matters. Has TOR assigned staff writers to just pick a minor character, develop it, and write dialog for it? Are there 15 staff writers all submitting their meaningless drivel and the editor just publishing it all knowing we are stupid enough to buy it, in hardcover?! If you must, buy this book now, but I'd wait a month or two, this one will end up in the "bargain book bin" very quickly.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing is resolved Review: I had the same criticism of book 10 that I had of book 8 - nothing major happens. All the plot lines progress a little bit, but just when you think something major could happen, the novel ends. And it doesn't even seem like a good stopping point, it just ENDS. I've read somewhere that this is part of Jordan's plan, to make every other book a more intense book, which I can believe because book 9 was great. You might want to even put off reading book 10 until book 11 is due to come out, otherwise you'll end up like many of us, disappointed at the end of 10 and frustrated that you have to wait another 2 years for anything to happen.
Rating:  Summary: Three books of Exposition is Plenty! Review: I'm torn. I'm one of the readers who have made a 10-year committment to this series. I understand that Jordan, one of the most talented writers to come out of fantasy in a long time, needs to put the characters in certain places, is all of this excruciating detail absolutely necessary? I mean, the plot has to advance here at some point. Some editing is definitely necessary. That being said, I'm really enjoying some of the psychology going on here. I like how each little group is trying to deal with the massive emanations of the One Power. I also like the plotlines of Perrin and Mat. That being said, I don't know exactly how necessary it is to tell me every time what Egwyne's choices of dresses are today. I'd probably give it two and a half stars, if I could.
Rating:  Summary: Two mysteries . . . Review: To the list of life's mysteries we must add two more: First, what in the WORLD were Jordan and his editors THINKING when they published this book? Sure, the book will make lots of money for them, but at the certain expense of Jordan's legacy and their ultimate profits (a lot of readers, myself included, will never again purchase another Jordan hardback book as long as we live). Secondly, what are the (thankfully few) five star ratings of this book based on? How can a book that simply rehashes numerous Jordan cliches, stereotypes and descriptions be considered worthy of five stars? How can a book that spends pages and pages on the inane thoughts of minor players yet ignores the motivations and thoughts of key characters be considered great? Granted, a writer can do whatever he or she wants to do. No one is forcing us to purchase the books we buy. But when an author begins a series, I think common decency requires an effort on the writer's part to move the story (however slowly) toward a conclusion, because it is only natural for readers to want to know (once they've begun the series) how it will end. In sum, reading this tenth book in the series was like going to a theatre to see the third part of Lord of the Rings, only to find out that the movie was sold out and you had to see another movie instead (and not a particularly good one at that). Naturally you're going to be disappointed. Well, the last four times I've gone to that theatre, I've been shoved into another movie, and I'm beginning to wonder if they will ever let me see that last part.
Rating:  Summary: I have to agree with the others. Review: This book covered nothing and went nowhere with the plot. Most of the events covered in this book happen just before and during the cleansing of the male half of the source and we end up right where we were at the end of Winters Heart. There is no development of Mat or Perrins situations, lots of descriptions of them, but no development. Rand at the end is seen to have surrvived, but there is little or no mention of what effect the cleansing of the male half has had. I really expected better from Robert. This book almost seems like he suddenly discovered that he only had 11 books worth of material and a contract for 12. The only good thing is that I didn't put out the money for this book. The bad thing is that someone who loves me did pay for this.
Rating:  Summary: I understand but please listen Review: I think most fans agree on this but to the few hardcore jordan freaks i just want to bring up some points. This was an excellent book for character development and interaction. You can obviously see that Mr Jordan loves his characters and wants us to love them as well . But as a book it is hard to go through 1400 or so pages of character development. An author could go on and on about their characters to the point of explaining when they go to the bathroom and how they don't get along with their mother in law . These are not useless insights just boring . We all know a coworker who cant seem to tell a simple story in under a few minutes they just drone on and on to the point where you want to chew your own leg off to escape . I respect Mr Jordans ability as a writer and i am a hard core fan but he has to get back to basics of moving a story along so he doesnt water down the excellent world he has created. To make one more example I compare it to tolkien or dickens both good writers but you get sentences like this in their books " the emerald green leaf of the maple tree was so green, it was like something really green, i mean you cant understand the depth of the green of this green , green leaf" get over it i know what a leaf looks like I do not need that much description of something in my everyday life. Time in the book would be better spent describing strange new things or moving the story along. And as one previewer already said ,by this time things like aiel , Aes sedai are no longer strange to us fanatics. Good Luck Mr Jordan
Rating:  Summary: Wheel of Time standard in harmony with the telecom market Review: And that's about it. The quality is hopelessly falling with no major trend-changes near the horizon. One can only wish for Mr. Jordan to improve his skill at narration... Obviously he can write when putting a mind to it so I guess I'ts a real bad case of writers block. Or the much needed editor has finally lost the battle and Mr. Jordan is now roaming free to leave every word ever typed to the press. Or whatever... Is it too much to ask for ANYTHING to happen in 600 pages? Anything at all? The pathetic "too be continued" end is on the same level as the Jason movies. I can't wait for the next book but only because of nostalgia of the milieu and action presented in books 1-6. There seems to be some pressure on the writer to rectify himself. Doubtfylly Mr. Jordan will deliver...
Rating:  Summary: Desperately In Need Of An Editor Review: I had thought Tom Clancy and Stephen King had retired the title for Bestselling Author Most In Need Of An Editor, but with this volume, Robert Jordan has surpassed them. Like many other reviewers, the first six books of this series captivated me; a great, complex tale, interesting characters who act as if they are the focal points of the story, and a truly new view of magic. Unfortunately, the last four books have been completely different - wordier and wordier, with less and less actually happening. It amazes me that ten books in, Jordan can still get away with spending two and a half pages describing Elayne and Aviendha's appearance and characters when they first appear. My God, we know! Aviendha is an apprentice! She looks young! Aiel humor is hard for others to understand! They both love Rand! Elayne can't believe she is willing to share a man! For the love of God, stop writing this ... over and over again! I started reading this series when the first book came out. I now seriously worry that Jordan will die before he ever brings this monstrosity to an end. My wife gave up after book four, and plans to wait until the series is finished before she reads any more. I never thought it would come to this, but I've decided to do the same.
Rating:  Summary: You are going to buy it anyways.... Review: I am a huge WOT fan and I think Robert Jordan is an great writer. This book has long been anticipated by his fans. I was disappointed with the book. Not to give any of it away, but it did not advance the plot too much.