Rating:  Summary: unless the next book is out in a month, a waste of paper Review: It took him 300 pages to get back to the point where Rand was cleansing the source (from the other characters perspectives). And another 300 to describe how the characters were talking to each other and nothing at all was happening. Even when some action did happen he moves quickly on. Every character is in exactly the same point as when we left them in the previous book.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: Everybody seems to be bashing this book. No one seems to think that anything important happened in Crossroads of Twilight. On the contrary, eveything that happens in this novel is absolutely integral to the story. With Crossroads of Twilight Jordan sets up the final part of this long series. The first 3/4 of the book essentialy brings the reader up to speed on the current whereabouts and situations of the main characters, and is quite good. The last part of the book is fantastic. It sets the stage for the consolidation of the peoples of Jordan's world, and the events leading up to the Last Battle, although it ends on quite a cliffhanger leaving the reader with a craving for more. This is definitely the caliber of book I expect from Robert Jordan. I strongly recommend this book to any who have followed this series, and I anxiously await the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: Calm before the Storm? Review: Now, a lot of people are saying that this Vol. doesn't match the quality of the previous books. So far as i can see, the quality is Fine. The real problem is that folk dont want to wait years between books, only for the book to advance the campaign plot just a few days. Strange as it seems, this is a Robert Jordan Novel that is actually Too short!
Rating:  Summary: Reads Like a Textbook Review: I started reading the Wheel of Time series before book 9 came out and finished the 8th just as the 9th was released. Subsequently between 9 and 10 was my first wait between books. My first aniticipation. I have always worked hard to defend Robert Jordan's books, especially 7-9 because, despite the drop in pace, I still very much enjoyed those books. After reading book 10 however I wish I hadn't bothered defending this series. It was literally "work" to complete this book. I had to think to myself "I better not go out, I should sit down and get some of book 10 finished." I think a great number of us fantasy readers have been spoiled by the Song of Ice and Fire series by Martin. In those books the pace is fast and almost every chapter contains significant advancement to the plot, or at least has some stellar microplotting. At first I thought this was the equivalent to liking action movies more than award winning dramas. But now I don't think it's such a bad thing. If this is the future of fantasy then I'm afraid Robert Jordan needs to either pick up the pace or be left in the past.Some specific points of the book that I disliked were the time setting and lack of a climax. Anyone who read the 9th book was, like me, salivating at the thought of finding out how the events in the final chapter of book 9 will reshape the entire world. However this result isn't meantioned outright for about 530 pages, which constitutes about 80% of the book. Going back to Martin's works, when something in the world of Westeros happens, the next chapter has someone's reaction. Apperantly Jordan takes 2 books to give us what we want, assuming we will actually get those reactions in 11. The book has no climax at all. It just ends. Even the little thing that could almost be called a climax could have been drawn out in an action packed exciting way. But it just builds and builds then has a paragraph at the end of something happening then it's over. Jordan can draw out shirt washing for pages but squeezes the only action into a paragraph? I know Jordan has said many times he knows exactly what will happen for the rest of the books but I hope he pays attention to what his fans are saying. This is more than just the griping that was seen after books 7, 8 and 9. This is serious, almost unanimous concern over the integrity of a series we have all put a lot of time into.
Rating:  Summary: Will this Age ever end? Review: If you are anticipating Robert Jordan's newest Wheel of Time installment to merely weave the tale more tightly and leave even more questions without a single answer, then I strongly recommend "Crossroads of Twilight." However, if you are expecting book ten to reveal even a glimmer of an answer or wrap up any of the subplots, I would not- at least not until the eleventh book is released! Most of the characters are revisited and their situations updated, but no real advancements in the plot or subplots are made. We know barely any more at the end of "Crossroads..." then we do at the beginning. You must eventually read this book to continue on to the next. But, since we probably have another two years to wait for book eleven, I see no reason to read it now. Whether you read it now or wait until the next Wheel of Time release, remember patience is a virtue.
Rating:  Summary: Why was this book released? Review: I do not see why this book was released. The plot is not significantly advanced. The comedy of errors in the 'plot' is grotesque. In volume 9 the male half of the source is cleansed, yet NEVER do any of the Aes Sedai involved notify any others, Nynaeve never notifies her close friends, leaving everyone else in the dark? HUH?!?! Charcters are growing 1 dimensional. Matt has dice rolling in his head. Perrin has Golden eyes. Nynaeve tugs her braid. All the women deny ever being wrong about anything. It is all the men's fault. OK you now have the next 4-5 books save your time waiting and save your money. The series started out great, then pulled defeat from the very jaws of victory.
Rating:  Summary: Why all the whining? Review: Like most Jordan fans, I got hooked on the series because Of his ability to write an extremy vivid and detailed world. This book did not disappoint! It was just as good as the last 3 installments, and I will buy it in paperback the day they release it!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointment- Why Mr Jordan needs to get his act together Review: I have gone beyond disappointment and into the realm of being irked. Like others I waited a long time for this latest installment to come out and like the others I was totally disappointed. I concur with the previous writer who said this series started going down hill around book 6. The plot goes nowhere. I'm at a loss to determine if it's Mr Jordan, or his editor that deserve the blame for this. The second time I read the book, I read thru it to determine why I didn't like it and I've figured out why. It appears that Mr Jordan has decided to put 3 to 5 paragraphs of descriptive scenary for every line of dialogue. Don't get me wrong, the vibrant descriptions of the WOT are a key element, but in this case it's over the edge. Maybe he's getting paid by the word. You could have put the entire story down in 1/3 of the space. I'm not buying another one of his works in hardcover, I'll wait until they come out in paperback from here on out.
Rating:  Summary: Like watching the travel channel Review: I can sum up the Latest WOT book in one sentence. People went places and talked to other people. True there were a few nuggets of information thrown in to tantalise the people who haunt internet message boards with clues as to what it going on behind the scenes..... But Nothing Happened! Unbelievably, instead of attempting to join and resolve plot issues Jordan has added a whole bucket full of new issues. I dont believe this series will ever end. It would take ten more books just to sort out the loose ends enough to have a Last Battle. Everyone in this book is so busy being mysterious and keeping their plans concealed from everyone including their own internal monologue, that by the end you dont even care that a main character is captured by her worst enemies. Some one needs to hand jordan a copy of the fires of heaven or the lord of chaos and then erase his computer database of characters so he might actually stick with the main three or four and abandon the five hundred bit players he has introduced. I am so sick of reading the same description of Thom Merrilon over and over again. While i am on character specific rants.... Why is Perrin out in the middle of nowhere? Why is Matt content to take four months to get back to Rand? Why are elayne and egwene so painful to read about any more? I feel like i am digesting a text book so i wont fail a test when i read chapters devoted to shopping for grain in So Habor, while Rand is practically left out of the book. Do your self a favor, start the entire series at the beginning before you read this installment, that way you will have eight good books to off set the 2 bad ones. And you might not remember that we have to wait another 3 years for about another week of plot. Thanks for letting me rant.
Rating:  Summary: In Jordan we Trust Review: Jordan spends more than half of this book catching the other main characters up to the time when Rand and Nyaneave cleansed saidin. In other words, he tells us what Elayne, Egwene, Mat and Perrin were doing while Rand and Nyaneave were busy at the end of book 9. I felt like those 400 pages of Crossroads should have been included in Winter's Heart. The book has its moments though. Mat comes one significant step closer to marrying the Daughter of the Nine Moons while Rand is simultaneously negotating a truce with the Seanchin. Hmmmm. Elayne makes progress in her bid for the throne. Egwene is mired in Aes Sedai politics and seems to be getting nowhere. Perrin finally gets rid of the axe. The Seafolk are electing a new leader and Jordan hints that something monumental is happening in their homeland, but doesn't tell us what. Darkfriends seem to have infiltrated all the highest circles. All in all, I agree with everyone that it is a very slow book. However, the fact that Jordan is forecasting so many different events bodes well. It convinces me that he does indeed have the main plot threads for the next few books worked out. And that gives me hope. In the meantime, thank God for the Song of Ice and Fire series :).