Rating:  Summary: Can anyone tell me whar really happened? Review: I believe the answer to this question is nothing happened in this book. Now I am a livid fan of this series, but honestly the characters did nothing but mosey around thier plots and nothing was accomplished. The descriptions were as always good, the dialogue was consistant with the other volumes, but the complete lack of any action, story conclusions, plot tie ups, or any progression of the story left me wondering if it is going to be worth picking up the 11th volume. (is it just me or were there only supposed to be 10 volumes three or so years ago) In addition I feel jipped, this book wasn't worth the twenty or so dollars I spent on it. In all actuallity I think it might be worth the hassle of skipping the tenth novel and simply wait for the eleventh, I don't see where any one will miss anything. Sorry if this offends.
Rating:  Summary: 4,200 pages to cover 3 months of action Review: Ever since Book 4 (Shadow Rising), it seems like 3 months of action has happened over the next 7 books (at 600 pages per book, that's 4,200 pages). It's clear that Robert Jordan is willing to drag out this series until "they nail shut his coffin" (Jordan's words) so that he can suck in more money to publish this dreck. I seriously recommend you read the first 4 books and then read this synopsis:1. Rand leaves the Aiel waste and gets it on with Aviendha, Elaine and Min. Aviendha and Elain become "first sisters" which mean they're happy to share Rand between them. Between bouts of fooling around, Rand contemplates his impending madness over many thousands of pages, forms the Ashaman (a group of men who can channel) in preparation for the Last Battle, kills a few of the Forsaken (Rahvin and Sammael) and just generally wastes a lot of time. Of course, killing the Forsake doesn't do anything because they get reincarnated again in different forms and get reintroduced as new characters. Blah. 2. Mat forms his band and keeps winning battles with the experience of his past lives. Mat adopts "Olver," who is Gaidal Cain reincarnated, and the boy is destind to tame the "foxes and snakes" that gave Mat his scar and weapon. Mat fools around with lots of women, including the knife-wielding queen of Ghealdan and discovers that the gholam have been released to kill. Eventually, Mat meets the daughter of the nine moons he has been destined to marry and easily kidnaps her (the security for a head of state is ridiculous). 3. Perrin becomes the Lord of the Two Rivers, marries Faile and then becomes the object of a weird bizzare love triangle game between Faile and Berelain. Eventually, Faile is kidnapped and Perrin hunts after her while fending off Berelain's sexual advances, even though everyone else (including Faile) believes that Berelain has successfully seduced Perrin. 4. Elayne rips Birgitte out of the World of Dreams and makes Birgitte her warder. Elayne, Nynavae and Aviendha find the Bowl of the Winds and use it to break the hot weather imposed by the Dark One. During this search, they travel with a circus and engage in all sorts of stupid gossip over clothes, who is acting more silly around men and other useless minutiae which are dragged out over thousands of pages. Eventually Elayne ends up in Andor where she tries to regain the Rose Throne, which Morgase abdicated when she was ensorceled by Rahvin, one of the Forsake, whom Rand eventually blows away. 5. Siuan Sanche is deposed as Amyrlin Seat by Elaida. Siuan gets back by spreading a rumor that Elaida and the Reds have set up Logain as a false Dragon. Siuan and Logain are stilled by Nyavae finds out how to cure this so they both regain their power, although Siuan is weaker than before. This causes a split in the White Tower and Egwene is elected to head the rebels. The Aes Sedai are in disarray as the Black Ajah takes over the White Tower led by Alviarin, Elaida's keeper, and others try to stop them. Other Aes Sedai allied with the Shaido capture Rand and intend to chain him but he is freed by his Maidens. Some Aes Sedai are imprisoned by the Shaido, who are dominated by big-breasted, jewel-encrusted, power hungry Wise Ones, some Aes Sedai are forced to pledge personal alliegance to Rand, the rest are either afraid of Elaida, the Black Ajah, the rebels or themselves. Jordan keeps saying how powerful and resepected the Aes Sedai are, but they believe every far-fetched lie, get manipulated by every other faction, beaten up by Ashaman, Windfinders, Wise Ones, Shaido, Rand. 6. The Shaido run amok and the Aiel who can't accept Rand join them. 7. The Whitecloaks are getting killed by Masema's fanatics and in the general chaos, but the "great" general Pedron Niall has a plan that even Sun Tzu couldn't figure out. While losing every battle, Niall sees plots everywhere and displays no evidence of competence whatsoever. Other crud happens with minor characters, but I can't remember and I just don't care anymore. It's a shame that this series which started out with such promise has become nothing more than a shameless churn of drivel designed to generate as much money as possible, much like what happened with Piers Anthony's 80 book Xanth series.
Rating:  Summary: Like Path of Daggers with less excitement. Review: This is possibly the most pointless book I've ever read. It is 700 pages of eloquently written tripe that could have easily been compressed into 3 chapters at most. There is no action whatsoever and it somehow manages to end up in nearly the same place as the last book.
Rating:  Summary: Looking at the book in a differant light Review: The much anticipated 10th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordon has left may fans reeling in the aisles crying mutany. Though this book does lack the fast pace of the first books it does bring all the story plots to the same moment in time. There are many moments in the book which draw the reader in and leave some plot lines to be further developed. Much of "Crossroads of Twilight" deal with what the other caracters were doing ath the time of the climactic event in the last book. Thus I would more likely dub this book being instead of book 10 more like book 9b. I don't know about you but I would be intimidated to read a 1200 page novel. With that though process I give the book a four star rating.
Rating:  Summary: disappointing Review: I think Jordan has painted himself in a corner. He seems to not know what to do and where to go. How else can one explain the snail's pace where nothing happens in a hundred pages?! There is little excitement; there are few new developments. And there are pages and pages of absolutely pointless descriptions of Aes Sedai and their dresses... I came to really like the characters in the WOT series but I must say that the book is really boring.
Rating:  Summary: I wish I could give a negative star rating Review: This book is bad. Very very bad. I now know how to hand wash silk clothing without damaging it, and how to get out ash stains, but as far as a plot line advancing? nope. Jordan can't write about that. What's worse, the interesting bits happen "off screen." Specifically, The former Red ruler of the White Tower, is able to escape the influence of her "Keeper" but we don't see how she is able to rebuild her powerbase, nor is it terribly clear why the Keeper left for so long. Rand just got done cleaning the male half of the source, but we only see him breifly, and almost fully recovered. His female partner was last seen unconsious with her Key melted, this isn't even touched upon. Seige of White Tower - still didn't start Black Ajah hunt - still just starting Taim/Logan conflict in the Black Tower - nope, none there Perrin rescue his wife - nada Rand meet up with his half-brother - none Whitecloaks - zip Fain's activities - nope Seanchan - they have 4 horned goats, but otherwise nothing Mat - no real progress, just moves physically None of the unanswered questions get answered either. Don't bother reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: My patience is at an end Review: With "Crossroads of Twilight," Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series becomes only the second fantasy series I've ever given up on. I've been strongly considering it since "The Path of Daggers," and now my patience is finally at an end. The series' forward progress has slowed over the past few books until now it's almost at a standstill. What is resolved here?. I have defended the series in the past against detractors who said that Jordan is happily drawing this out with a sadistic cackle and dollar signs in his eyes, but this is too much. The first few books were great, so if you want to experience the Wheel of Time, read up through "Lord of Chaos." Only imagine that the Dark One himself showed up at Dumai's Wells, Tarmon Gai'Don was won, and the world continued happily into the next Age. of adult characters who behave like spoiled children almost as much as I do of the never-ending plotlines. Farewell,
Rating:  Summary: very poor showing. Review: now the story is bland boring and SLOOOWWWW. all the characters do is sit on thier duffs and chat for chapters on end. absolutely NOTHING is accomplished in this book, nothing. there is no action to speak of. im beginnig to hate how jordan hands us something exciting right at the END of a book, then makes us wait a year for the NEXT book and then wildly disapoints us by making this new "plot twist" drag on for the entire book with no conclusion in sight. im tired of hearing about the "icy stares of aes sedai" and the "bloody dice" and "my name is perrin and i can smell this and that." so boring and overdone it makes me want to CRY
Rating:  Summary: A Fork in the Road Review: When it comes right down to it, Robert Jordan has made a choice. After writing the first 6 books of his series, Jordan realised that he had many loyal fans who would buy his next book(s) regardless of their content. Robert Jordan made a choice, between being remembered as the author of a great fast moving series of books that's main purpose was to please the fans, or, he could draw the series out as looong as he possible could, milking every dime he could from his loyal sheep. He chose the latter.
Rating:  Summary: went know where. Review: just wanted to say it isn't worth the wait nothing change but more ?????? then answear should of gave us something.