Rating:  Summary: What happened to the action? Review: I keep waiting for some action to happen in this book. Instead we get a broadstroke overview of all the main characters and then some with no real movement forward in the story line. I hate to dislike this book because I've spent a year waiting for it's release. Rand the main character in the story did absolutely nothing in this new book and all the other main characters took one step forward in thier saga's but no more. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. If I didn't have so much time invested in reading this series I would bouycot his next release. Come on RJ get on with the story already.
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic, incompetent, and ultimately impotent. Review: Robert Jordan, whose real name is James Oliver Rigney, Jr., is married to Tor Executive Editor Harriet McDougal.You do the math. This book is a sore reminder of a sad trend in publishing today; "if they bought one, they'll buy another." It's the manufacture of indignity that we see in so many mega-series today. Why else would anyone tell a story in thirteen books that could have been finished in six? I mean is it truly fun for a reader to get into every grueling aspect of the "stout woolen" wardrobe of a woman or the horseback riding style of a man? The sad fact is that the Wheel of Time series is being stretched out to sell, not to read, and there simply is no excuse for an author of Jordan's caliber to fail to write a compelling and focused close to this series. Read George R.R. Martin, Robin Hobb, or even Bernard Cornwell's exhilirating The Archer's Tale for some of the best action in print today. If I had the means to award Jordan a zero-star rating, this book would merit it.
Rating:  Summary: Can this book be any more boring? Review: First off, don't get me wrong...I love the WoT series-I have since I read the first pages of Eye of the World. I have read the whole series at least ten times, and I have come to care for the characters in different ways..well except for a few, not mentioning any names Egw...never mind. That's not the point. Like many of the other reviewers, I too have been getting a little annoyed with the last books. Book 7 was pretty good, Book 8 was just plain bad. My hopes came back with 9..the pace did pick up, a lot of surprising things happened...and then book 10...I was so excited...from all of the hype, I had hoped it would be the beginning of the end.... Hardly...how could a book be so long and not accomplish anything? First off, Rand, the Dragon Reborn mind you (i'm sorry, but if you don't know that one by now, read the first one) had, what, three pages? *~minor Spoiler~* Rand cleansed saidin, and yet, Jordan hardly goes into it at all... When is he going to stop acting like a walking piece of ice? When is he going to have to deal with Lewis Therin? So, he is thinking of a deal with the Seanchan...big deal...what about the battle between the Asha'man? What about the remaining forsaken? Moridin? Paidin Fain? When is he going to run into Tam? He might not be the most likable character anymore, but he still is THE main character... And Mat...I had desperately hoped (DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED BOOK 5) that he and Tom would finally deal with the snakes and foxes and get Moraine back...Oddly enough, I actually miss her character..I must admit, I enjoyed his interactions with Tuon though... Perrin...I'm sorry, but his character is just becoming annoying.. we know he loves Faile, but all he does is mope around scratching his beard wishing to free Faile...I'm sorry, but he could be doing more important things with his time than that... I could rant all day about it: Egwene's plot line has moved a little (although I still don't like her...how can she be dumb enough not to wonder about Halima?) Elayne did nothing...the Aes Sedai in the White Tower have not accomplished much...ARGH! I'm sorry Mr. Jordan, but enough is enough...I love your series to death, but if you don't like writing it anymore, why not end it before you lose all of your fans? Please?
Rating:  Summary: Better than books 6 through 8 Review: Book 9 was fantastic because stuff happened. Book 10 is still fantastic, although not as much happened in this book, but then it was a bit short. Still, we got to see lots more of Mat and Tuon than before, and for those who like Perrin and Faile, they were in it too. Even Elaida (where has she been for the past four books?) was in it. Read book 10 and you'll be eagerly waiting for book 11.
Rating:  Summary: I've put my last dollar in RJ'S pocket Review: Like many WOT fans, I have followed this series for many years. I still think that books 1-5 are as good as fantasy novels get. However, since book 5, readers have been exposed to endless dribble and nonexistent plot advancement. In this book, readers get to well over 400 pages and realize that the timeline is still at the point where Winter's Heart ended. I've endured all I can. I will not be buying book 11. It has become abundantly clear that Mr. Jordan intends to milk this series for all that it is worth. I don't believe that an end is in sight, unlike some. There are far too many unresolved issues to work through in one or two books. If anyone doubts this, tell me what was resolved in the 680 pages of book 10. What was once one of the most action packed series in the fantasy genre is now unquestionably the genre's biggest dud. The only physical conflict in the first 500 pages occurs between a very minor character (one of Elayne's soldiers) and someone readers don't know. I firmly believe that money is the only concern here. Jordan understands the following that his first 5 masterpieces created. Each book now shots immediately to number one on the bestseller list as soon as it is released. What a huge cash cow!! Jordan has no intention of giving that up by bringing this series to a decent end. Again, look at books 1-5 and tell me that Jordan can't do better than he has since The Fires of Heaven. Obviously he can. He just hasn't cared. Well his poor efforts and lack of plot advancement has caused him to lose one reader, and I think many more will soon follow. If you haven't bought this book, don't. If you are considering the WOT series, I would advise against it, and you can't imagine how it pains me to say that. Still, there are many good fantasy books and series out there, and other writers seem to have the integrity to consider more than there own financial well being.
Rating:  Summary: Will Robert Jodan Just get on with it. Review: The wheel of time started as a great series but Jordan in his last few books has not progressed the story much rather he seems to have lost control of the threads and doesn't seem to know how to bring them together again. I loved the first 5 books but have struggled through the remaining. It is almost like he is milking the popularity of the series with a load of padded books- which is a shame given that the base story and concept is fantastic- hurry up and bring the plot together. I mean what did Rand do in the last book???
Rating:  Summary: Another mediocre offering Review: For another fantasy series, this book would be a great offering. For The Wheel of Time, it's not. Jordan seems to have switched away from the fast paced action oriented bent of the first several novels, in favor of a slower style, marked by political intrigue. There's nothing wrong with this per se, it's just frustrating when compared to the earlier novels. Jordan spends a lot of time telling us what the characters are thinking and how they're feeling. Far less time is devoted to what they're doing. As a result, nothing really happens in the novel: Mat is still fleeing Ebou Dar, Perrin's quest continues and the White Tower is still rent. Nevertheless, there are some intriguing hints that may portend momentous happenings in future novels. Among them are the reunion of the White Tower and the reunion of the ancient Aes Sedai. However, despite those hints, "Crossroads of Twilight" too often seems like filler. The ending is suspenseful, but after almost 700 pages, the reader is left wondering why it took so long to get to the point.
Rating:  Summary: Robert Jordan Retirement Fund Review: I have now donated a couple a hundred dollars to the Robert Jordan retirement fund. Hey Rob! stop miliking your investors and write something that moves faster than a one-legged tutrle. Give us a little ROI. I picked this up one figuring that after 1500 pages of INTENSE character explenation and no plot movement, that we were in store for big events. I now feel like a Cub fan waiting for the world series. I will give it one more shot with book 11 three years from now and if it tanks then I thats it.
Rating:  Summary: Crossing into Boredom Review: I really love the whole Wheel of Time series, but this last book is not even remotely good. I had really high hopes after, Winters Heart picked up the pace a bit from "Path of Daggers", but those hopes was crushed with this book. Now I'm begining to wonder if he'll really ever finish this series. I give this book 2 stars beacuse, 1 star is the lowest grade and it gets an extra star for being a part of the "Wheel of Time" series.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Nothing Review: Nothing happens? Absolutely nothing! 680 pages and the characters do nothing. Oh wait...you do get a bunch of tertiary new characters who do nothing but confuse. Jordan has said on NUMEROUS occasions he knows what the last scene is in this series. I begin to believe he doesn't know how to get there.