Rating:  Summary: What happened? Review: Oh, how the mighty have fallen. What started out as one of the most promising fantasy series EVER has become...this. Robert Jordan and TOR, since you seem to want to milk as much money as possible from this, some advice: I hope that you know that the longer this series becomes, the harder it will be to sell the rights to the miniseries (you can forget about movies, no studio in their right mind would pay for the film rights of a 20 volume series).How is it possible to write almost 700 pages and have nothing happen? I don't get it. Do I really need five or six pages describing the thoughts of Alviaran as she walks from the basement of the Tower to Elaida's rooms? Especially since they are thoughts that we pretty much already knew she would be thinking. They added nothing to her character. Nynaeve and Lan (who I figure most people would consider main characters) are barely mentioned. They don't even speak. I guess that could be better understood with so many characters, but therein lies a major problem with the series. Too many characters. At least too many who RJ seems to want to be essential. It leaves readers confused. The only character who grows any is this book is Tuon, and she only marginally. You can completely skip this book and not really have missed anything dealing with Perrin, Faile, Elayne or Avhiendha. And you really ought to throw Rand in that list as well. There are some questions that arise with the book. What's going to happen to Egwene? Who is Rand going to meet with (since it doesn't seem like it can possibly be who is mentioned)? Of course, it doesn't mean that they will be answered any time soon. We still don't know who killed Asmodean. Book 10 and the series seems to be barely halfay through.
Rating:  Summary: Back to the Future II Review: That's basically what this book is. It's a bridge between the events in book 9 and the resolutions that will, hopefully, be coming in the next installment. Not the best book in the series, but certainly not the complete waste that some people seem to think it. Were it not for this book we would have to have all these decisive moments uncerimoniously crammed in with the events of the next book, which might then ruin the pace of a more active set of turns to these story lines. I'm willing to hang in there with a little slow paced read because I know that the next book will bring the action we're all clammoring for and this book sets us up for that and explains how these characters get there, both physically and mentally. Personally, when I saw the number of pages in this book, I knew there weren't going to be any great resolutions or earth shaking events. R.J. likes to be descriptive and the more action the more there is to detail. It did it's job ... it left me wanting more and I'm not sorry I read it, but were I someone who has yet to purchase this book, I'd wait for it on paperback.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight Review: Very dissappointed in this book. It did not go anywere. I thought the one before this one did not go anywere but I was wrong. The first half of this book takes place before the end of the last book. Then the last few chapters just updates a few chars. I think we progressed two weeks past the cleaning of the male half of the source. Very Disappointing... :(
Rating:  Summary: Disappointment, thy name is Jordan Review: As with many others, I was exceedingly disappointed with this book. I've been able to accept the relative lulls in the last couple of books, but this one was simply atrocious. How can ANYONE spend 680 words to say nothing? I don't understand it. Want my honest opinion? It is beginning to seem as though Mr. Jordan and company have determined that the WOT series is a goldmine, and they should play it out as long as possible. Well, guess what, folks? Keep up this sorry state of writing, and you're going to completely lose your audience. Mr. Jordan, dear sir, it is time to finally wrap up what you have begun. Or will you go down in flames, known forever as the author who couldn't end his story?
Rating:  Summary: Tedious and quite evident cash-in Review: Pur-leeeese! Mr Jordan - do you take your fans for MUGS? In the pages of Crossroads of Twilight you wittered on and on about your seventeen thousand characters and plots within subplots, without making the slightest bit of plot progession or significant differences to the story at all! No wonder you predict another two or three books before you finish the series if this is the pace you have set for yourself. Clearly someone is trying to cash in on your success and it is insulting to have to wait for two years to eventually buy a book you have been dying to read, only to find you are skipping pages to find something remotely interesting in its content. As a fan I am insulted that you think you can get away with it. Had a less established writer published such literary junk it wouldn't have been published let alone reached the best seller lists internationally. Now I have to wait for the next two years (or so) to trot down to my local library (as I do not intend wasting any more money on you now too-long series) to see what happens in the next two days of the convuluted world that ios now the Wheel of Time. Can we start winding this up soon? Lets get Rand to the Last Battle, have a big war with the Power, and find out what pseudo-pilosophical lesson you are all trying to teach us about history repeating itself, the nature of good and evil and so on. You can then sit on your laurels content that after 11 or 12 books you have perhaps the longest fantasy series on record and maybe you can salvage some dignity (and a fan-base of sorts) by winding the epic up before it becomes duller than leaflet on Haemorrhoids. Give us some credit please!
Rating:  Summary: went no where :( Review: I started reading this series many over ten years ago and fell in love with the fast pace of the story line and the awesome fight scenes. In the lastest book there is nothing that goes on. No fight scenes, no intruge, no time went by. I got the feeling from reading it that only a matter of days has gone by and NOTHING. I am on the verge of ending my affair with this series. I am wondering if he know how to end it??? While he is still a well written author there is nothing in this book to hold my attention. It used to be that I would read his books till all hours of the night and get down in like two or three days. This one took me almost two weeks to get through because I fell asleep all the time. I think everyone should write to the publisher and voice the fact it better get better or we shall stop buying this junk.
Rating:  Summary: Save your money Review: Buy this one at your library's used book sale. Don't spend more than a buck. That's all it's worth.
Rating:  Summary: 600 + pages of puke Review: I cannot express my anger towards the WOT. When I first started reading it I was hooked. I ate, slept, and dreamed the WOT, finishing the first 8 books in about 4 or 5 months. Then I had to wait for book 9 to come out, and when it did I read the whole series over again. Let me tell you, books 7, 8, 9, and 10 are .... 9 shows a little promise at the end, but 10 is .... What's wrong with you Jordan? Too busy cashing your paycheck to worry about what you are writing? This book goes absolutely nowhere. There are now so many characters that I don't even try to keep up with them. The story doesn't progress at all, it makes me sick! How many more women are going to sniff and pull their braids? Are the rumors that Jordans' wife is his editor true? I just can't understand what is happening here. This had the potential to be the best Fantasy series ever, topping even LOTR. Now it is just .... Jordan, you need to write one more book, titled Tarmon Gaidon and just end this thing. You are a talented author. You can write so many books. Start a different series about Lews Theron, or the original Band of the Red Hand. You have so much history in your WOT books that we'd love to read about them, but please, PLEASE finish this series. I'm sick of buying your books only to be more confused and more sick than I previously was. We're the ones putting money in your pocket, our voices need to be heard. Finish this series.
Rating:  Summary: I Did Not Get Suckered This Time Review: I am proud to say that I did not get suckered into buying this book. I have gotten suckered into buying all of the rest of the series, but with the last couple of books I could see that Jordan really no longer cares about making a good story, but rather milking this financial situation for all it is worth. I won't be party to that, though he is smart enough to know that many of you will be.
Rating:  Summary: so slow I want to cry Review: The last few reviews hit the nail on the head. Way, way, way too slow. Way too many unneeded details. Volume 10 is more of a 500 page status alert covering a few moments than a novel. It seems the last four books cover about a day or two each. Robert, if you are out there, ignore your editor, we really don't need to be brought up to speed on every character, what they look like, what their affiliation is, etc. in each book. I got to page 350 before any new information was added. Don't worry about new readers. Nobody starts a huge series on volume 10. If they do, tough. Just get on with the story as if it was the next chapter in the book please. Escape fantasy should not be a pain in the butt to read. I am still a huge fan. I got at least 20 people hooked on your series over the years, even people who hate fantasy/sci fi. But let me tell you, this is ridiculous. New readers: beware the epic version of the neverending story. If Jordan can somehow pull this together and end it in book 11, all is well and good. Otherwise the only ones reading this stuff will be the few who got hooked a while back and need to fulfill all of our herculean efforts up to date. Mr. Jordan, keep up the good work, but just get things moving please.