Rating:  Summary: And yet again Jordan fails to deliver Review: An avid Wheel of Time reader, I eagerly snap up each new volume. Those like me can save their time and money. If you feel you simply must read this book, check it out of the library and avoid buyer's remorse. Better plan: Assuming the WOT will eventually roll to a conclusion wait for the final book. If future volumes have the same impact as recent volumes we will be easily able to pick up the final book not having missed a thing. I am beyond frustrated with this author and can no longer recommend the series. Yes there is often a less than stellar book in the midst of a great series, but COT gives us the third? fourth? plodding volume. I will reread the early volumes again, as I have before, and savor every word. But I'm done holding my breath in anticipation of the next installment and will not be suckered into spending my money on another book. I deeply resent Jordan having 'done' this to his so faithful readers.
Rating:  Summary: The Wheel of Time has stopped dead... Review: The only reason I bought this book was because I started this series how long ago? 10 years? and I feel like there is some void to be filled, since the Last Battle, the elusive Tarmon Gaidon, is what we all got into this epic dinasaur for. Not that I want the lead character to kick the bucket, but it is definitely time for some action. This book was a complete waste of time... practically one meagre day in the life of every important character in the book... and after 9 installments, there are MANY. However pleasurable the author's writing style, absolutely NOTHING happens to advance the plot... the only saving grace is that the end must be in site, because there is only so much that intelligent readers, and current and former fans, will stomach of this incessant plot thickening process... Jordan spends 700 pages expounding on the nervous twitches of the Aes Sedai, and Elayne's pre-natal problems... get on with it already!! Thank goodness we actually meet the Dark One this trip... however fleetingly... I was beginning to think he was a figment of my imagination!!
Rating:  Summary: No end in sight... Review: Quite frankly, I'm at the point of giving up on this series. The latest addition, which we've all waited more than a year for, does very little to move the story forward. For all those out there who "love" the way Jordan is building up to the conclusion, I have to disagree. It's becoming obvious to me that Mr. Jordan is milking this for every dime he can get out of it. The last page of the book says that he plans to "continue until they nail shut his coffin". I believe it. The question should really be whether or not he'll finish the story before they nail shut his coffin. I've tried to be optimistic and I'll probably still buy the remainder of the books, no matter how many, because I buy them to read AND to add to my library. However, if I had known 11 years ago what I was undertaking (long waits between minimal plot advances and what is steadily becoming mediocre writing) I would have thought twice. Additionally, having recently starting reading the Ice & Fire series by George R.R. Martin, I have to say that Mr. Martin is a far superior writer than Mr. Jordan. Martin's work is rich with detail without being overbearing. Minor characters are not fleshed out ad nauseam just for added length. Wish I could say the same about the WoT series. The bottom line here is that I would only recommend this book if you wanted to "complete" your collection. As far as a read, my enjoyment of this series is long past and I now see the book as just another task to complete.
Rating:  Summary: The Wheel of Times grinds to a halt Review: Greetings all I used to be a big fan of Robert Jordans work but no more. After putting up with the last few lacklustre books and convincing myself that things would improve my patience finally snapped upon completing Crossroads of Twilight. I don't know how Jordans editor could actually let him release what for me has to rate as the worse piece of literary work I've read in a very long time. Crossroads of Twilight is a book that goes nowhere anytime soon, its more a mismash of plots that don't really add anything new to the overall story. The lack of progression to Jordans epic is truely painful to endure at times and the conclusion to the book is so lacklustre and such a bolt out of the blue that I was left wondering if the other 400 or so pages that contained all the interesting parts of the novel had fallen out of my copy. I'm not sure if I'm old fashioned when it comes to books in the sense that I actually like them to have some semblance of a beggining, middle and end or at least the very slightest hint of a conclusion. Jordans latest novel may yet be one part of a greater story but thats no reason why that individual chapter cannot have its own theme and dare I say its own sense of resolution relative purely to it. For him to have to write a 700 page book after 9 others which does nothing other than to set the stage for another shows a considerable lack of skill on his part. The flaws in Jordans writing are becoming gaping chasms. It is however not just the lack of movement in the overall story that is becoming increasingly infuriating. Jordans characters seem to be regressing rather than developing. While early on in the series they were interesting they now seem extremly 1-dimensional. Their individual character traits have simply ceased to intrigue me, they now just irritate, like the story itself they have become very worn indeed. This is particually evident in Jordans female characters and their seemingly pathological hatred of all things male. While at first this made for interesting byplay between the characters it rapidly lost its lustre after reading almost 8000 pages of it. The plot itself, while stalling in book 10 is now starting to creak under its own weight. In order to justify characters doing things Jordan is having to invent increasingly stupid reasons to push the story in the direction he wants. Primarily this takes the form of characters simply not communicating with each other but its becomes increasingly hard to believe this when most of Jordans main players can instantly travel anywhere in Randland or hold meetings in the world of dreams. In fact one of the original strengths of the Wheel of Time, its level of depth and detail has now become its biggest problem. Jordan has so fleshed out his world and so clearly set the limits for what the characters can do, particually with regards to magic that its hard to understand why the characters make life so difficult for themselves given the resources made available to them. In short all I can say is DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. Skip it and go right to book 11. The most damning thing I can say is that I've been more entertained reading the negative reviews the book itself has garned than the book itself. One almost wonders wether Jordan is creating a new form of novel where the readers reaction to it will be more eagerly anticipated than the work itself. yours Bennett Oppel
Rating:  Summary: "Wheel of Time 10 Attack of the Weevels" Review: You know I think I could of forgiven this book if it had another 100 or so pages in it that dealt with Rand, I have been waiting for several books for Logain to show up........well lets skim over that very important meeting and get back to Perrin Brooding. Even a little bit of talk of what went on in the last book would of helped, Rand did nothing and said nothing, heck he barely appeared, there were some major things that happened in this book, but they happened "off screen" while we got to learn how to hand wash silk and how Elayne likes her tea. The influence of the dark one is spreading, and how do we know this.... weevels in the grain. Give me a break, this was so obviously a rush job thrown out to cover a deadline (a deadline they missed the first time around) that it is just crazy. You want to skip the book well I'll cover the high points for you: Perrin made camp, Elayne took a bath, Mat flirted with a girl, Egwene went to bed after a long day at work and Rand made a guest appearance in the book that is supposed to be about him. Now off to book 11 with you, you know all you need to know about book 10.
Rating:  Summary: Total and utter TRASH Review: [name], I want my money back. ... This book is terrible terrible terrible. Go look at the people who gave the book 4 or 5 stars, SOME SAID THEY HAVEN'T EVEN READ IT YET! the rest admit it has serious problems. Hello! if a book as serious problems but is still pretty good it should get a 3 NOT A 4 OR 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Wait till the paperback Review: Jordan keeps stinging me. I waited to buy Winter's Heart when it was in paperback, then wanted to kick myself when I read it because I enjoyed it as much as many of the earlier books. So I rushed out to buy Crossroads, hoping it would keep up the momentum from Winter's Heart. Well, sorry, it doesn't. It won't spoil anything to tell you (except maybe your hopes) that two-thirds of this book takes place BEFORE the climax of Winter's Heart (Rand and company at Shadar Logoth). This isn't a bad book. Far from it. But it is the worst volume yet in terms of being standalone. Everyone's separate plotlines move a little further forward, but no plotline reaches any sort of climax. I could have dealt with this if just ONE plotline had reached a turning point (as in Winter's Heart). But no. What is funny, even as I lament about how the size of this story seems to be spinning out of control, the parts I enjoy most are the new characters Jordan keeps throwing into the mix, many of them point-of-view characters. Still, taken chapter by chapter, there are still great things here. A chapter told from Alviarin's point-of-view that probably needs to be reread several times to catch all that is revealed or foreshadowed. More of Cadsuane, who is rapidly becoming the most intriguing character. Lots about Mat's foretold bride-to-be, who promises to become even more important in the next book. And tons and tons of set-up for things to come. If you only view the book as chapters 710 to 743 of the novel The Wheel of Time, there's nothing to have a problem with. but if you were hoping to have your Wheel of Time itch scratched, well, the itch is going to be ten times worse after this one. My recommendation, wait till the next book comes out in hardcover, then read this one and that one together.
Rating:  Summary: kill all of the characters Review: kil them all. end it in the next book. i can't take anymore.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads....... Review: Seriously, after reading the reviews here I am greatly dismayed at the lack of intelligent thought by the RJ readers that have been posting here. Did you even read the title of the book?!(much less the contents?!) This is one of the rare cases in which a book CAN be judged by its title. For this lession we will start with "Crossroads..." which to me, brings forth an image of a road with multiple directions to be traveled. Now to "Twilight" which represnts the moments prior to night (end/darkness?). Now to recap: obviously this book would be a book of people deciding which road to take that will ultimately take them to the end. Did the book not accomplish this? Every book cannot be action packed, someone has to make decisions at some point. The difference between RJ and most other authors in the genre, is that RJ does not leave loose ends. It seems to me that some poeple just need to have something to gripe about, if RJ had left this book out and jumped straight to the ending, you would be whining "How did we arrive at this particular ending...?" So, I challenge you to not gripe and throw little fits until you have read the final word of the series, then come back and whine if you must. I for one believe that RJ knows exactly what he is doing and has an end in mind, and I look forward to what's next.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to Follow Review: So many characters to keep up with, plot keeps expanding. Losing track of storyline as it was in beginning books. He's still worth reading. I will continue to buy and read Jordan, as soon as he publishes. It's taking too long to move in the story. Rand, as one of the main characters, comes in almost at the end of the book.