Rating:  Summary: Marathon Review: This book along with book 8 was almost as excrutiating as reading the play by play on a marathon. He takes a step... he takes another step... he drinks some gatorade... he takes another step.The entire plot advancement contained in this book could have been confined in the first three or four chapters. Then maybe something could have happened! Book 9 was a promising turn-around, but... At least George R. R. Martin's new book is coming out in August.
Rating:  Summary: Tedium was never so boring Review: Ironic words that, which explain this 10th installment in the WoT series. 1 page descriptions of clothing, paragraphs devoted to the way tea tastes, Even 500 pages into the book you were getting detailed and complex descriptions of major characters from previous books, trends that are in style in Altara or Murandy, or some other places of little importance. I get tired and bored with the way Jordan continually plays the sexes against each other, apparently all men think all women are nothing but giggling [people] that need to be protected, and all women think all men are brainless "woolheads" that need the women to guide them and tell them what to do. This is old and worn out, and he desperately needs to move away from this theme. What point did this book serve really? The events in this book, literally, span the course of a few days time since Winters Heart ended, the interesting thing is that the vast majority of this book is written of events going on when Rand was cleansing the male source. In all, I find this book tired, uneventful and an utter failure if it was an attempt to propell the storyline. I can understand the descriptive paragraphs (which when compounded, more likely than not take up more than 2/3rds of this book) if this was one of the first books in the series, but to continue to reiterate that Dominai women are flirty, that borderlanders are hard men, that Cairhienians play the Game of Houses the best of all, that the Aiel just cannot understand wasting so much water as to take a bath in it, etc etc is just not needed. Give us more story and less descriptions....PLEASE
Rating:  Summary: Not even a novel Review: Egads, its indescribable. Unbelievably boring and repetitive without a semblance of the basic requirements to be considered a novel: plot development, character development, beginning, middle, end; this book is just...I don't know. Its just [poor]. I'd really like to know what Jordan has been doing for the past two years (besides getting ... my money) and what his thoughts possibly could have been upon finishing this. Did HE think it was good? Does he even care? ... I have already returned this book, and though I may read the rest of the series to find out what happens to the characters I still like (there are a few left), I will not buy another book. I refuse to give Robert Jordan and Tor another cent until he proves that he cares about his fans and about producing a quality product. And here are some tips on how to do that: -We get it. Men and women don't understand each other. Move on. -Nynaeve pulls on her braid, Elayne pines for Rand, Lews Therin raves, Aes Sedai talk and talk and talk, Perrin pines for Faile, every female character bullies anyone they can around. You could have shortened this series by three books if you repeated these things half as much as you do. -Padan Fain=Good Character, Nameless Aes Sedai=Bad Characer, Lan=Good Character, Nyneave=Bad Character, Forsaken=Good Bad Guys, Weavels in the Grain=Bad Bad Guys. -This is how it works, people use these things called swords, they swing them at other people who swing also swing swords, sometimes one of them gets hit by a sword and dies. Its called action. Try reintroducing it to your story. And a final note: For all those giving this book good reviews who refer to the people who give it bad reviews as the TV generation who have no attention span. All I have to say is, I don't think that it is too much to ask for that in five year and three books, something happens. I don't think that its showing a short attention span if I get a little bored when in the time it takes me to start AND finish college the plot doesn't move forward an inch.
Rating:  Summary: Please Lord Jordan Help Us! Review: If you are a big fan of Robert Jordan's last four books in the Wheel of Time series then the 10th installment is right up your alley. However, if you thought the pace was gruelingly slow in those books you might want to know that Rand al'Thor doesn't actually come into the book until around page 530. Please, write to Jordan and tell him to stop dragging this out even more. NOTHING HAPPENS, NOTHING AT ALL. I can't stress that enough. Read the dictionary, at least every once in awhile you find something exciting in there.
Rating:  Summary: Just when you thought you turned a corner... Review: I like this series, perhaps more properly phrased I liked the first half of this series. Then I became frustrated at the padded, glacial, bloated books that have made up the second half. Then I read Path of Daggers, lots of interesting things happened and it looked like the plot was warming up. Then came Crossroads of Twilight...after reading it I can say nearly half to two thirds of the book could have been simply left on the cutting room floor and nobody would be the wiser. Jordan has proven he is a detailed writer at the cost of having an engaging series. More word count is spent on characters that the reader will never see again, much less care about care about. This series is becoming like a siege, I have invested the time reading The Wheel of Time and know I will tough it out. How much worse could it get? Only if there are 10 more books after this one.
Rating:  Summary: It's an enjoyable read. Smooth your bloody skirts already! Review: Ever since the fateful prophecy of Matt's future marriage was foretold, I have wondered how RJ would believably develop a love affair between two characters who hadn't even met one-another until Book 9. Rushed love stories are trite and undeserving of such cool characters as Matt and Tuon or of a master storyteller such as RJ. I'm delighted to tell you all that this subplot unfolds excellently! It is as endearing as the Arwen/Aragorn story from Lord of the Rings. For those of you impatient of geopolitical developments, remember that Matt is probably Randland's greatest military leader, and the Seanchen have the world's greatest military. Once Matt marries Tuon (and presumably is made general), he will be as great a force to be reckoned with as Rand, and bigger than Arthur Hawkwing ever was. The other subplots do drag by comparison and we get yet another trademark kidnapping, but Matt has been my favorite character in the series ever since Rand became the Dragon, and I can forgive alot on his account, but all in all the book is probably the second weakest in the series, after POD.
Rating:  Summary: 600 pages of nothing! Review: Books 1 through 7 take the reader on a fast a glorius journey through many lands, many battles and intertwined plots. All were extremely enjoyable reading. Books 8 and 9 slow the pace down, but they are still very worth while. Book 10 should never have been published, it has no plot and no pace. Hopefully Jordan will take an opportunity to read these reviews and re-energize Book 11. If not, I am thru reading them. There are too many other good fantasy writers out there to waste time on reading a boring book like this!
Rating:  Summary: To slow things down. Review: First I would like to say what I actually thought about this book. First off I will say that this book kept me just as - if not more - inticed as any of the other book (with the exception of maybe The Shadow Rising) and I found myself reading page after page and without realizing the sun starting to come up because I had read all night and finished a few hundred pages. I was amazed with Mat's chapters, Mat has been my favorite character since Lord of Chaos and I just think that he is very well developed along with the rest of his gang. I also enjoyed reading everyone else's chapters, but I think Elayne and Egwene should have lost a chapter or two in order to give more time to Rand (who everyone wanted to hear more about). Perrin's chapters, I must admit, were tedious if only for the fact that he needs to get Faile back already and toughen up a little! I know he has always been the cautious one, but come on! I really did enjoy this book from beginining to end and I really enjoyed the chapters which were dedicated to the secondary characters of the book. Now, what I Think that Jordan was doing was both giving us one last look at the main characters of the story in and bring us up to date on all the secondary characters. People complain that there are too many characters and they should just be taken out, but personally I would like to hear more from all the secondary characters. I don't mean give them their own chapters, but still mroe would be good. I have also been dissapointed with the more recent books because amazing characters such as Juilin and Thom (ESPECIALLY Thom!) have had nothing to do with the overall plot of the story. Jordan said in an interview that the series would be 12 books long so what he is doing now is getting the reader caught up on everything that is going to be important to the end of the series and the Final Battle. I believe that what Crossroads of Twilight was was "The Calm Before the Storm" so to speak. This book had little or no action in it, but the politics and mystery of the book was absolutly amazing. Unfortunatly, Fantasy writing has become the hunge industry that it is for one reason. It is the only genre in which an impatient reader can read a book because they expect only action and for that impatient reader who cannot see a great story line and plot when it is right under their nose, they will not enjoy this book as well as a real literary fan might (these are the people that I think have been writing the the reviews and saying how Jordan has ruined the series, Of course not all of these reviewers are as I have said, but I believe most are). So for the real literary fan and a fan of the best fantasy series in circulation, you will love this book hopefully as much as I did. For those of you who want action and quick pased writing without the greatest sub-plots and characters then you probably won't like this book. I do think, however, that the next book MUST have certain things for me to keep my opinions. 1. Must have conclusions to everyone side plots 2. End with only the Final Battle to look ahead to 3. Have much action. I said that this was a good book and it did not need action, but there cannot be two books in a row like that. 4. All the main characters must come together finally So in conclusion. This book is an amazing read whatever happens, but for me to keep my faith in the series as strongly as I always have, it does have to get to the end. As I said, this book must be "the Calm before the Storm" otherwise I might start siding with the other half of the people who have read this book and not liked it and in turn have started to not like the series.
Rating:  Summary: The Wheel Churns; The Creator Poops Review: Save your money and just wait until the next installment. Rent the book from your local library if you can't wait.
Rating:  Summary: Wow. Review: Robert Jordon does what he does best: Milking the hell out of the WoT series. 600+ reviews and 2 stars. Even his die-hard fans are starting to have doubts. Someone in his editorial department or his publisher need to tap him on the shoulder and say "Hey, it's okay. Just end you. There's rehabs. Or you can always write "Wheel of Space". Same characters except in space. But please just finish the book" Plot summary: Nothing remotely interesting happens. Unless you like to know what type of clothes Elayne likes to wear. Rand (you know, the main character) is missing from the majority of the book. Take everything that's been written about all the main character from the previous book, cut and paste it to this one, and there you go. This is easily the worst WoT book.