Rating:  Summary: DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK!! Review: It doesn't even rate 1 star but that's as low as the scale goes. This is one of the worst books I have ever read. Mr. Jordan and the publisher should be ashamed of themselves for even sending it to be printed. This entire book was nothing but a waste of time and money. Either Mr. Jordan doesn't know how to finish the story or is just trying to screw his fans out of more money. In either case I am through reading this story.
Rating:  Summary: sad sad sad sad SAD Review: Well, 2 things to note.1 - It's sad that Jordan mucked things up so badly. There's 1944 reviews on here that average out to 1.5 stars. Sad when the early books got 4 to 4.5 stars. 2 - reading the reviews of people who hate what this series has become is better than reading almost any book. Now... all that hate has to come from somewhere.... where does it come from? OH YEAH I KNOW! IT COMES FROM ALL THE READERS HE'S BETRAYED! Finish this farce man! End it! Bugger the prequels and get on with finishing this series!
Rating:  Summary: Was he ever that good??? Review: There are enough reviews on here to tell you this is a horrible book without getting into each detail. I bought this in hardcover as I was adicted from books 1-7 and the 9th was better than 8 at the least. Not only is this a great waste of my time, but the drawn out plot lines and character development bits are starting to fold on themselves. But was he ever really that good? I know he was very good at creating moments and plot twists that made the first books very good, but behind it was a cardboard cutout backdrop. Each city was far too different for their geographical proximity...if only to intentionally be that different. This while every one of these "diverse" cities seemed to be made up of nothing but Palaces, Inns and people selling their wares on the streets. All of these books suffer from a repitition of backdrop and environment, including dress adjusting, palaces, inns, sniffs, etc. In short, while Tolkien, Donaldson and Martin manage to write fully 3D in scope and drama, Jordan seems to only be a 2D writer, and after 10 books...it's finally caught up with him.
Rating:  Summary: Enough Already! Review: I just finished this latest installment of the broken wheel of time. It doesn't go anywhere! How often do we need to hear about dresses being straightened, sisters with bad attitudes and ageless faces?? All this was setup books ago in this plodding series. I admit that I am hooked. Maybe just a hopeless optimist. But the book should resolve something, but never does. No bad guys killed or love interests brought together, or battles fought. Can't we just at least get rid of Elaida? Or maybe save Faile? Frustration is the word that describes this book. Now I hear there is a Prequel out! Why waste time on that when the main story isn't close to being done?
Rating:  Summary: Treading water Review: I really enjoyed the first Wheel of Time books. Then it started to deteriorate into more and more pointless and endless detail of dress, looks and what have you. In my opinion Robert Jordan is just milking his readers of as much money as he possibly can before he uses another ten books to begin the ending of the story. It is sad to see such a good writer wasting his own and his readers time in this way.
Rating:  Summary: Not for Mature Readers Review: Mature readers can tell that the size of a book does not guarantee quality. The ability to stretch descriptions and plotlines ad infinitum does not mean that the writer is talented. It just means that he duplicates the same thing over and over again with only minor variations. I am another former WOT fan. I even bought hardcover copies, something I usually never do. That is in the past. After COT Jordan will never get a single penny from me. This book is proof that he has lost whatever talent and integrity he once had. I feel rather sad for the people who feel compelled to defend COT by saying "you're too stupid to appreciate it!" Anyone who has followed the series for ten volumes can hardly be blamed for having a short attention span. A book needs some content. I'm not asking for huge One Power battles in which cities are destroyed. Character development would be fine with me...but we don't even get that. What passes for it is absolutely ridiculous. Enough has been said of RJ's women and the fixation on dresses, but far too little attention has been paid to the idiocy of Rand's male wish fulfillment love life. Three gorgeous virgins (blonde princess, tomboy brunette, fierce redhead) who agree to share him and don't mind at all that he goes from one bed to the next? I'm sorry to say this happy-happy sisterhood doesn't exactly convince me, especially when Rand has done nothing to appear more than a bland saviour of the world. I guess ta'veren do get all the chicks. Still, as a woman, I find Jordan's relationships either hilariously unrealistic or more boring than staring at grey wallpaper would be. Jordan has failed. If the only way to defend this book is by insulting the intelligence of those who dislike it...it's not exactly a glowing recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: Not a very efficient writer Review: I must agree with other reviewers who have complained about the length of Mr. Jordan's prose. I borrowed the CD version of the book to listen to while driving on business trips. It took about two CDs just to get through his prologue. That does seem a little excessive. It takes him a paragraph just to discuss a single action. Since I have to do quite a bit of travelling, I will probably finish the book on cd. However, there is no way I would ever buy the book.
Rating:  Summary: not for immature readers Review: I felt it necessary, having just finished the book today, to write in defense of this piece after so many poor reviews. It is true that it does not move with breakneck speed, but it does cover quite a lot of ground on all the characters; them being spread out across the world as they are, it would be impossible to write a good book 10 otherwise. Crossroads of Twilight was very well written, and very engaging. The attention to detail is distracting to readers lacking patience from watching too many in-your-face and quick scene changing movies, but once you become immersed in the text and lose yourself, the details paint the world for you, and it makes it that much harder to put the book down. I dare say many of the poor reviews have come from people that have been conditioned by today's fast-paced culture and are irritated at not being able to slow themselves down and truly read the story. I highly recommend this book to all; in fact I highly recommend all 10 books of the World of Time series. This is truly the best series I have ever read. Perhaps those who prefer comic books and cartoons would prefer something lighter with less layers, but for serious readers, these books are a must.
Rating:  Summary: Stop! Review: I tried to read this book. But even though I did get through the whole sorry thing, I don't know what I read... These books have been getting longer and more boring since around Book #6 or so when it became obvious that Jordan was no longer writing to tell a story. Apparently he's now just writing for money. If he gets paid per page, he's richer than Bill Gates. Too bad since this whole thing started out so good. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... I'd been seeing the WOT books in the bookstores for a long time and I like big, thick books. One day when there was nothing new out by my favorite authors, I decided to join the band and bought the first book, Eye of the World. It was great! So I ran out and got the second book... and the third... Unfortunately I didn't notice that Jordan hadn't finished the blasted thing. I knew there were (at that time) eight books out and geez, I must have figured that 8 1000+ page books MUST be all there are. How long can you drag a story out, anyway? Jordan seems able to do this -- forever. The books began to bog down and the "action" slowed to almost nonexistant. The gang never got any closer to the final battle, their problems were never resolved, and their relationships became murkier but didn't advance. Jordan began taking chapters rather than a few choice words to relate something. I agree with the reviewer who noted that Jordan used to be able to say "They walked to the next town" but now it takes many, many words to say the same thing. How sad to go from storyteller to hack. I did what I thought was the smart thing and got book #9 out of the library. When book #10 came out, I didn't bother to even do that. A friend gave me book #10 when it came out in paperback. I tried to read it, I really did. But it had been too long between books. I skimmed through it but I didn't remember all the minor characters and plot-lines. All I now remember is that Nyneve (or however it's spelt!) pulls her braid all the time and that all the women smooth their gowns constantly. That's pretty sad -- over 10,000 pages and that's all I really remember. And now Jordan is pre-milking his cash cow by writing a "prequel". I'm no english major but isn't it customary to finish a story before writing a "prequel"? Honestly, if there are still people out there who believe Robert Jordan is writing for the love of storytelling and that he isn't a money-grubbing tree-killing hack, let me know -- I have a bridge or two to sell you.
Rating:  Summary: Valandir Review: Okay...I admit I stopped reading this series at about book 7, I think. I couldn't remember the plot from one book to the next anymore and it finally got to the point that I just didn't care. After throwing that book across the room at the end and having a small tantrum, I was through. Jordan has a very narrow way of seeing people and his characters simply NEVER develop. There were elements that left me gnashing my teeth through Book 1 (the braid pulling and the gender issues for example). The reason I continued to read was because there WERE redeeming plot devices and ideas that made it worth overcoming the character shortfalls. Those reasons died on the vine, with the originality gone all we have left are the annoying character defects. Frankly, I have had much more fun reading about people coming to these same conclusions then I ever did by reading Mr. Jordans books themselves. Maybe Amazon could make a selection of the top 100 rips and publish them...it'd be far more entertaining than this series WAS. I think it is very sad that people say that because I don't "appreciate" Jordan's "nuance" that I would be more entertained by hack and slash novels....hahaha keep kidding yourselves. Just wait and see exactly how much nuance you can handle. I hope someday we ALL grow up and realize that Jordan's characters never will.