Rating:  Summary: Jordan has sold out! Review: I started to read this serries two years ago and when I first started to read it I thought it was one of the best fantasy series that I had ever gotten into. The first five books were truly great. Sadly the series went down hill from book six and has hit rock bottom with the latest instalment. The wheel of time has always suffered from unrealistic character development and interaction. But this flaw was always overshadowed with a deep plot, a intersting fantasy world and exelent action scenes. None of which can aply to this book. Litearlly nothing happened in this book. Perrin didn't save Flaile. A relationship wasn't developed between Matt and Toun. Elaine didn't secure here right to the throne nore did Egween end the civil war in the tower. And Rand did absulutly nothing. Nether did any of the badguys do anything. I feel like Jordan put the book out to scam money out of his fans. If this product is what he feels is good enough from his fans then I am no longer one of them. He will not get another dime from me nor will I recomend this series to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Like a dead-end marriage. Review: "Like a dead end marriage" means that RJ is going about the daily work, going through the motions, but the passion is gone. Unlike Rjs writing style, which I used to like extremely well, I will try to be concise and succinct. For a book that has around 700 pages, very little is happening. When I say very little, I mean, EXTREMELY SMALL. Nothing happens in the major plot line of Rand vs. the Shadow. Limited steps forward are made on Perrin's and Mat's romantic subplots, which are of variable interest, reader to reader. Predominantly, the book is one long transitional paragraph, designed to carry us from the moments after Rand and Nynaeve cleansed Saidin, to whatever is going to happen next. Otherwise, this is a bunch of busywork, moving characters around who aren't important, and having them do things that are less so. The main characters are starting to take actions that are illogical in the extreme, and blaming it on womanly things. That sounds harsh, but that's the way it came across to me. Things that the women in the books were taking for granted two books ago, are now being forgotten, items of information that are crucial to everyone's knowing are somehow overlooked in conversations. There are sections where it feels as if RJ is trying his hand at suspense writing, and he shouldn't have. Should I say more? In truth, though I know that anyone who's read the first NINE of these, probably has to read the tenth, go about it expecting little. THat way, you won't be as disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Very Disapointed Review: Don't get me wrong the series is good but its getting a bit on the long side. The problem with this book is nothing actually happens! I'm serious a lot of people talk, a lot of people move around but nothing happens... Leave off purchasing this book until it is in paper back or even better dig it up at a second hand store ( i know thats where a lot of copies are going to end up! ) I know you aren't going to believe me but in all the other books I can name something good or positive that happened, a forsaken that dies, a battle won but in this book I can't name anything exciting happening except a twist that was thrown in at the end ... but that was as subtle as a sledge hammer and I believe added in by the editors after they read this extremely boring book. All i can say is I hope he does better in the next book ... I have invested so much of my time and energy into this series I would really hate to see it fizzle out...
Rating:  Summary: It feels as if RJ has lost interest in writing the books. Review: This book had the best moments when it dealt with the characters I cared about, but it was still a retread of elements of the past two or three books. (Unlike some reviewers, I loved up to book 6 - Lord of Chaos is one of my favorites). PLUSES: The major characters were all in this one. It's intricately plotted (which can be a plus or a minus). MINUSES: A certain main character not appearing until near the end of the book. Too much manouvering and conversations among lesser characters that I have no investment in. Most of these characters sound alike also. No picking up of the most exciting threads left over from the previous books. (The madness, resolution of some of the prophecies, various romantic entanglements, missing/departed friends and enemies, whatever happened to..?). Everyone in a kind of holding pattern waiting for something to happen. There are no new villains or heroes. The best of the old ones appeared in the first handful of books. The recently introduced ones are just ineffectual somehow. SUMMARY: I still liked bits of it, but I find I couldn't read the whole book straight through. I like to flick through to the chapters with characters I care about, and strangely enough, this did not skew the book's plot much at all. So I suppose what I really wish, is that Rand and his friends would be more integrated with eachother, the stories intertwining more, but everyone seems to be grinding their wheels in one spot in this installment. I also wouldn't mind seeing RJ tie off a few plot threads. Still, I have hopes maybe the next installment will shift the pace a bit.
Rating:  Summary: Refund Please Review: Content? We don't need no steeeking content. Or so Mr Jordan would have us believe. 620 pages of BLAH with maybe 50 pages of worthwhile material scattered through the entire book like corn through a fresh load in the bowl. Theonly good thing I am willing to say? No Nyv to *sniff* repeatedly. Plenty of tugging of skirts and knuckling of various features to more then make up for it. And don't forget a riveting expose on silk laundering. I'd call it drivel, but even drivel would say this ....
Rating:  Summary: An exercise in futility Review: As has been said repeatedly, this book does virtually nothing to advance the essential plot of the WOT series. In rebuttal to the rare reviewer who seemed to enjoy the book, I would say that one has to ask why is the plot moving at this snail's pace to which you only seem to be able to draw one of the following conclusions: a - Jordan is deliberately padding the storyline to make more money b - Jordan has gained a view of himself as so brilliant that he "knows better" than his readers what makes a good story or that he has deluded himself into thinking that he is singularly gifted and has a vision of the story that is simply to complex for his less capable readers to follow. I will I suppose give him the (slight) benefit of the doubt and suggest that (b) is closer to the truth than (a) but either way as a series WOT is dead. It's been arguably 3000+ pages since the story last had tightness, wit or engagement. I have no interest in reading several thousand more just to find out what I now know: Mr. Jordan may have had a moment of brilliance at some point but his fundamental ability as an author is rather limited. At least, I borrowed a copy from a friend and saved myself the cost of the book!
Rating:  Summary: If someone wrote a parody on wheel of time, this is it Review: 800 pages where almost nothing happens at all. Last page contains the only significant event, like a parody on all movie series "please stay tuned, will he make it, what will happen next...". There were a total of about 50 pages that I found enjoyable, recognising the writers ability to make a good story. Rest of the pages were read waiting for the story to start moving, for some intriguing story. In fact, if I decide to read the next book based on the fact that the previous books were better even if they have deteriated the longer into the series we get, I could have skipped this book totally and never even have known that I missed a book in the series. --- Mats ---
Rating:  Summary: Hmmm....a mistake? Review: Well, where to start? I've been a Jordan fan for years. For me, the series kicked off strong and I caught up just as Path of Daggers was released. While many have rated it poorly, I personally thought it was great. Although plot was not advanced far, we got a new insight into Rand, which has caused many theories to create themselves. Winter's Heart was another book where nothing happened, at least until the very end. But... This one takes the cake. NOTHING happens. I can't spoil anything because there is nothing to spoil. No real looks into characters. No attempts to fix things together. It felt like a cut-and-paste version of what used to be a great series. I was fortunate enough to obtain a copy while on a trip to England before the release date in the States. Imagine my surprise, sitting in a small room in England, to discover that I was bored enough to put it down and go visit Warwick Castle. PoD gripped me by the neck until I finished it. WH kept me with the promise of something happening. 15 Pounds and a hardcover did nothing to keep me there. Unfortunately, I'll probably buy the next one as well. But for those who haven't wasted money on this, I wouldn't urge you to. You can skip it and nothing will surprise you in Book 11.... when we get it in three or so years.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed...again. Review: All the reviews I've read so far seem to agree on the same thing. The book contains only a tiny amount of plot development. Despite having to refer to the last 3 books to follow the hundreds of minor characters, Richard again insisted on repeating his detailed descriptions of them, and their behaivour, each time you met them. For those who agree with Richard that humans learn how to relate to each other in school yards and stop learning after they turn 10, you'll love this book. I hope it was his publisher who forced him to write this book.
Rating:  Summary: Why bother? Review: Jordan has either proven he lost track of the plot (though his interviews a while ago claimed he already had the ending written from early on) or he has truly succumbed to milking the market. Unfortunately, all he has done is sent me to the library. There is NO compelling reason to buy this book - it goes nowhere, does nothing and only served to destroy much of the joy the early books gave me. Seriously, the first eight books are worth owning, nine and ten are a loss. I suggest you wait for your local library to get a copy and check it out. If you have to wait several months to get the copy from the library, don't worry - the wait will seem quicker than this book reads.