Rating:  Summary: Are we there yet? Maybe in another 10 books... Review: Unfortunately, it seems Robert Jordan has fallen into the commercial trap that so many pulp fantasy writers do: serial placeholders. The first three or four books in this series were excellent, with a sufficient mix of character development and plot action. Now, it seems that we have 600+ pages of rehashed character un-development with a few new novelty characters thrown in to make it look like something is happening. After finishing reading the book and looking back, there is NO significant plot advancement at all. You could skip this book altogether and pick up book 11 without even realizing it. I'm very disappointed in Robert Jordan, and even though I've been forcing myself to read The Wheel of Time since it came out, if Mr. Jordan is trying to drag this series out for another ten books, I'm sure I won't be the only reader who moves on to fresher material long since.
Rating:  Summary: Time to Protest Review: It seems that even authors are not immune to greed. Having found a formula that guarantees him a large payout every two years Mr. Jordan seems loathe bring his series to a conclusion. At this point I doubt if he can get it done in 15 books which of course means we will all still be here in a decade.So, what's a reader to do? We all have far too much time and energy invested in the series to simply pass the next installment by. Do what I did. Save your money and simply check the book out from the local library. Maybe Mr. Jordan will get the point, but I doubt it.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan is out of control Review: Robert Jordan came up with a great story, however, reading his work is like watching hours of the neighbor's home movies: He may be very interested but we can't wait until it's over. For every 5 pages of Crossroads, 4 are devoted to how the characters are dressed or the history of the tea cups being used. I'm getting the feeling that the author is hiding Rand the way Disney hides Mickey at Disneyland. And, what's with 95 pages of prologue to the TENTH book in a series? Why doesn't he just pick up the story where it left off in book 9? The many comparisons of Jordan to Tolkien are misguided. Tolkien took us on the adventure with Frodo and the Fellowship. Jordan's work, particularly in the last few books, has all the adventure of a flight delay in real time. I would like to know what happens to many of the characters, but it is simply not worth the sheer tedium of the writing.
Rating:  Summary: To RJ: It stinks! Review: I wanted to like this book I really did. There were only a few parts that I found to be interesting, such as the scene with Alviarin and Perrin's interrogation. Unfortunately that didn't justify the rest of this book. All of the scenes with Elayne were awful, I didn't care anything about that siege or the politics at all. Rand was hardly in it also, after accomplishing so much in the previous book, that's absurd. This was not the quality writing I expected after waiting so long. I don't buy the argument that this is a setting up book either, I don't feel that you need an entire book to set up your plot. Jordan should be ashamed of himself for putting out this terrible quality book. He owes us book 11 much sooner, and it needs to be far better than this or I'm done with the series.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan cures insomnia Review: I absolutely loved the early books in this series, and have read them again and again. Through seven books Jordan delivered a sweeping story filled with action, excitement and suspense. I don't know what happened after that, but the series has deteriorated ever since. This book is so slow moving that by its end no one in the book except those involved even know about the climactic events of the previous book. More minor plots are begun, with none of the previous ones closed. None of the major plots moves forward. None of the major characters does, says or experiences anything particularly interesting. There is no action, and no suspense. After following this series for ten books and some 6,000 - 7,000 pages, I'm dropping out. Somewhere out there are writers who care enough about their readers to tell a good story. I'm going to stop wasting time on Jordan and go find them.
Rating:  Summary: and miles to go before I sleep Review: Lets cover the obvious points quickly. First, this is indeed a masterfully detailed chapter in a massive saga. Second, this book will not silence the critics of the pacing of the last three to four installments because it just crawls. Third, if you have ever read another massive fantasy saga (such as the Amber novels) you realize that there is a difference between pacing and sheer ponderousness (which this book suffers from). Fourth, those of us who embarked upon this saga are doomed to purchase every remaining book (whose timelines have now been reduced to the same passage of time as it takes the average reader to read this book), but if you have not spent a mini fortune on the Wheel of Time saga yet, for pity's sake go buy George Martin's Song of Fire and Ice saga instead. I can only pray that the remaining time it will take for Robert Jordan to complete this excuciating task will not exceed my lifetime or his.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: What a load of rubbish! I have been reading this series for 10 years and eagerly awaited this next installment. Instead of action and wonderfully rich story telling I got 600 odd pages of the politics of the Aes Sedai. The main character of the story, Rand, didn't enter the book until about page 520. The plot didn't advance, no one did anything. It was, in comparison to his last nine books, boring and tedious. Come on Mr Jordan, stop trying to pad out an extra book or 2. Keep the story moving and let it end when it has too. Another book like this will result in your millions of fans worldwide getting fed up and abandoning the series.
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Drivel Review: What the heck? This book goes no where as others have pointed out. Jordan needs to have the story stick with the multitude of characters from the awesome first five books and STOP introducing new ones with every new book!!! Who cares one whit about Amyrilla and her party of stupid followers whos oppose Elayne? Jordan introduces them in one chapter, spends an eternity describing them, and then NEVER talks of them again. What the hells the point in this?? Stick with Rand, Matt, and Perrin and the girls. I don't care about poor Falion's plight. I am only half way through this book and wish I hadn't wasted my money. It almost seems like Jordan is no longer conscious of what he is writing and has completely lost the direction the original story was going. I am through with the series. I will make up my own ending in my mind!
Rating:  Summary: Where is the story Review: Yawn. The first Five books I spent day and night reading. I couldn't put them down. The pace of this series is so slow that I literally had to force myself to read this one. Since the 3rd book I've preordered every book. The next one I'll wait till it hits the bargain bin. Give me a break it took until the end of the book till Rand even showed up. What a joke. Jordan should be ashamed.
Rating:  Summary: what a joke Review: Let me give you a summary of the book...nothing happens.RJ has pulled a George Lucas,I wonder if the next book will be called "Just Give me Your Money". RJ apparently doesn't care to be remembered as one of the best fantasy authors ever, instead he just wants to fatten up his wallet. I'll finish this series without the enthusiasm I once had, but I'll never read another Jordan book again. But on the bright side,I've still got George R.R. Martin and the next LOTR movie to look forward to. RJ take your money and get lost.