Rating:  Summary: I think the librarian gave me the wrong book... Review: Now, I will be the first to say that I loved these books all the way up until 7. Path of Daggers was kinda slow, and Winter's Heart was monotony for the first 500 pages, though it ended well, which I don't mind. As another reviewer said, I'm not slow, I'm university educated and I don't mind detail in a storyline. This book, however, runs into the L. Ron Hubbard level of detail. There isn't even anything redeeming at the end of this one...its just monotony from cover to cover. NOTHING happens. It is all plot update...which again, wouldn't have been bad if it just covered a few chapters. But this is 680 pages of it. Do I care if this series ever ends? No, not really...overall, I love the series. The end of this book is supposedly Tarmon Gaidon, the 'Ultimate Battle of Good Vs. Evil' but I don't think that's really realistic (Yeah, I know its a fantasy series). Can evil ever be truly defeated? Can you kill a god? I don't think so, but do look forward to this series as it grows. So no, I don't really want this series to end anytime soon...but I do want there to actually be something worth buying the book for. Otherwise I'm just going to do what I'm going to do with this book...buy it at the discount bin in a few years time. Wake up, Mr. Jordan (a pen name, I know). Your employers are calling, and we are not happy with your current performance. P.S. What the heck was up with waiting 2 years for this drivel? Did your computer break? If anything makes me lose interest in this series, it will be having to wait two years for each book to come out.
Rating:  Summary: Please no more Review: After being hooked by the first 5 or so books, I have read the rest up to "Crossroads of Twilight" waiting for something to happen, I can't take any more of this. Yet anther WOT of time reader bored silly, never to return.
Rating:  Summary: Slow train coming.... Review: Hi! This is not fun! i have been waiting for this book so long and nothing is happen. Almost 400 pages and nothing of Rand, just the actions of people i dont remember. i don`t know if i`m ever gonna finish this book. Boring!
Rating:  Summary: The never-ending story... Review: I can't believe I waited more than two years to read this extremely disappointing piece of work. The Crossroads of Twilight does absolutely nothing to advance the story line of the Wheel of Time series, if there is, in fact a storyline to be found anymore. It would be different if he were writing a TV series, or a soap opera where a new episode comes out every week, but after more than two years since his last volume,I expected much, much more. It's almost as if the writer and his publishers have found a cash cow and don't want it to end. Whenever they need more money, Jordan just cranks out another 700 pages of drivel and then drives to the bank. I have read and enjoyed Mr Jordans work in the past, but quite frankly, I don't think I'll be able to work up much enthusiasm for the next installment of his never-ending story.
Rating:  Summary: Much ado about nothing Review: First of all, I'm a die hard TWoT series. I've been following the progress of Rand & Co since TEoTW. But I'm very disappointed with this latest installment of TwoT. Sad to say, RJ seem no longer concentrate on his major characters instead more focus on sub character like Alivia, Alviarin, Elza, Elana, Sashelle, Samitsu, Sumitsu, Sumeko etc...etc...etc even for a die hard fan will require a new glossary just to keep up with this sub-characters. As a previous reviewer stated, CoT is fulled of filler which does not moved the story at all. Do you need 3 book just to rescue Faile while it takes just one to rescue Rand?Do you need 3 books to move Mat from Ebor Dar to whatever while it take 1 book to move Rand & Co from the Two Rivers to Fal Dara. I also does not understand Egwene confusion on the Saidin Cleansing event.To jog back RJ's memory Al Lan Mandragoran is bonded to the Aes Sedai Loyal to her. Although it is a big secret, at least Myrelle Sedai should mention it to Egwene that he seem to be alive after the ordeal which absolutely reject the Forsaken's Weapon of Mass Destruction. Get on with the story RJ before someone else shut my coffin.
Rating:  Summary: 4 chapters stretched out to 600+ pages Review: WoT, at this point reminds me of a puzzle from the Infocom text adventure Beyond Zork. At one point, the player character finds him/herself on a bridge. With every step across the bridge, the character moves at a decreasing rate, finding himself 1/2, 3/4ths, 7/8ths, 15/16ths, 35/36ths... of the way across the bridge but can never cross because he moves forward less and less with each move. The only escape is to leap from the bridge. With WoT, each book advances the plot less and less (this book actually moves backwards, starting with a different perspective on events before the conclusion of the last book - yikes). At this point, Book 12 will cover 1 day from the perspective of 100 characters and will consist entirely of braid pulling, sniffing, arm folding, descriptions of baths, etc... The only escape is to make a complete break from the series altogether (I know I'll never bother with it again) - the equivalent of Beyond Zork's bridge jump.
Rating:  Summary: plodding along Review: The first half of this 10th installment of R.Jordan's Wheel of Time series reads like a rehash of what has gone before. It is as if Mr. Jordan needs to remind himself of what is going on. I can almost understand that due to the amazing number of plots interwoven in the series. The pace at which the novels has progressed since Lord of Chaos is abysmal. This one is no different. When we last left Mat he and his group had hidden in Luca's traveling circus, Egwene was about to go to war with the other White Tower, Elayne was embroiled in the politics of Caemlyn, Perrin was pursuing his Shaido abducted wife, and Rand was resting after cleansing saidin. Well, let's see... Mat is still leaving and some progress towards what we all know will happen, but doesn't quite happen. Egwene moves a bit closer physically to the tower and then chickens out, and then becomes totally foolish (a bit of silliness to create a 'cliffhanger' for her.) Elayne..hmmm..well, not much happens. We meet a few folk and not much else. Perrin catches up to the Shaido hoard (weren't they massively dispersed by one of the Forsaken? how'd they link up, and WHERE is all of the Perrin/Shaido activity happening! One thing all epic fantasy readers like is a nice map to show what is happening and where. We don't get that, and I think the reason is it wouldn't 'gel'. Rand pops in. oh and his side still hurts. And it's going to be Spring soon, but if I know Mr. Jordon, spring will last about a third of the book and will move straight into Summer so it can be Hot. Mr. Jordon loves Summer and Winter and hates Spring and Fall. I think it's the 'not letting the (cold/heat) touch me' bit that he is overly fond of. To get back on track. A big book that is one half recap and one half plod. I personally don't think this can be wrapped up in 2 more books...more like 4.
Rating:  Summary: SORELY disappointing Review: I opened the book with relish and began reading, in hopes that the previously flagging story line would pick up and fly again. Sadly, that didn't happen. I moped from page to uninteresting page and characters talked and dithered and talked some more. Nothing truly interesting happens in this book. I have stopped feeling for the characters that seemed realistic in earlier books. In this latest installment of the Wheel of Time, the characters seem to be going through motions like mediocre actors in desparate need of a break. Possibly the worst insult is that Rand, The Dragon Reborn, (and supposed main character for the series) doesn't not appear until page 529! Even then, the reader does not stay with him for more than a handful of pages. Whatever happened to "show, don't tell"? Steer clear of this one, folks, and find a book worth spending your time upon.
Rating:  Summary: Take your frustration out on Tor Books Review: This is the worst book of the series by far. Hands down & without exception. Jordan should be embarassed to have his name associated with it. If you are reading this, do everyone a favor & send a letter to the publisher. Maybe if they get enough negative feedback they will stop wasting our time with sensle dribble like Crossroads of Twilight...Or as I like to call it Crossing into Boredom. Address it to the writer c/o Tor Books, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10010
Rating:  Summary: Way too much detail, not enough story. Review: Robert Jordan's story was wonderful in the beginning. Unfortunately he has become bogged down in the myriad of details and characters he has created. Way too much attention is spent on the politics of the various situations and not nearly enough on story. It has become obvious that Jordan is milking this story out for all that it is worth. Please go back to telling the tale and not examining every little detail of the Wheel of Time's histories.