Rating:  Summary: Borrow this from a friend... Review: ...because the ONLY way this series is ever going to return to form is if the readers vote with their wallets. DON'T BUY THIS BOOK. Only by impacting sales will we get our Jordan back. If you feel compelled to read this, at least get together with friends and pool your resources.I won't rehash the ad-infinitum "nothing happens". Suffice it to say that it doesn't. If you want to see tight writing, plot advancement with every chapter, and a complex world, I suggest you head over to George R. R. Martin. Same long waits between books but much more payoff
Rating:  Summary: another disappointing jordan book Review: Robert Jordan's newest Wheel of Time novel, Crossroads of Twilight just can't keep my interest. The first few books in the series were well written and full of new ideas. Now that Jordan is finally starting to tie things up (a relief), he is unable to maintain the excitement of previous work. He has so many different plot lines that he is keeping track of and such a high level of intensity in all of them that it is difficult to care about any of them. The characters that were stubborn in the beginning are still stubborn now. They have developed in skill and experience but not in wisdom, and that adds to the problem. Why care about characters that are always the same? What is noble or worth admiring in a character that does not grow? If you want a good read, I suggest you try the Robert Jordan. If you read this series anyway, you are likely to get hooked, like me and just have to finish it despite your better judgement.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money Review: I've been a fan of this series since the first book, but this one is a waste. I'm feeling more and more manipulated by the author here. I paid for the book in hard cover, and got nothing in return. He seems to be dragging this series out to no purpose, or at least just to sell more books. With one rather inplausible exception, all the charicters are exactly where they were at the beginning of the book, at the end of the book. Mr Jordan is so bogged down in irrelevant detail that he can't seem to move the story forward at all. This book is little more than widow dressing, and anyone skipping it will have no trouble picking up the next book and keeping up with the story. I mean no disrespect to Mr Jordan, the writing is solid, but who really cares about the rediculous details about minor characters expresions or manerisms? We get pages of it here! The last three books could have easily been one, and saved your readers the money and the wait. At this pace it's unlikely he will conclude this series in his lifetime.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan Stock Falls Again Review: I got turned on to Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series about 7 years ago. At that time the first 6 volumes had already been published so I was able to read them through, one after the other, and was thoroughly hooked. But in the end I finished the 6th book (Lord of Chaos) and then had to wait eagerly like everyone else for book number seven to come out. When at last it did I went out and bought it immediately and dug into it, eager to see what happened next. Had Jordan been on the stock market, his stock would have been high and climbing with all of his first 6 books. But then came number 7 (A Crown of Swords) and his stock took a big drop. A great plot suddenly came to a virtual standstill ("glacial movement" is what Publishers Weekly calls it). I was disappointed. Almost nothing had happened to move the story ahead, but it did seem that Jordan had set the stage for the next book to make great strides towards the stories conclusion. So again I waited. For 2 years. When The Path of Daggers finally hit the bookstores, I again rushed out to buy the book; convinced that the plot would soar ahead and hold my interest like the earlier books had. I forced myself to read the 591 pages of the book. When I finished I felt cheated. Twice in a row, the plot barely moved. It was obvious that Jordan had stopped writing and was now just selling books. I told myself - and a few others - that I wasn't going to buy or read any more of his books until the final book had been written. But 2 years later when Winter's Heart came out curiosity got the better of me and again I ran out and bought the book. At last it seemed that Robert Jordan had heard the message of his disgruntled fans: a major milestone was reached in the story line and my fictitious Jordan stock rebounded. Jordan was back and I couldn't wait for book ten. I finished book ten, Crossroads of Twilight, a few days ago. I read 672 pages before anything happened: one event in the last 8 pages of the book that leaves you hanging (undoubtedly for another 1 ½ to 2 years). Rand himself, the Dragon Reborn, makes only a few, brief, guest appearances in the book. Nynaeve doesn't enter into the story at all. She is seen once watching her warder sparing with other warders and is mentioned by others in passing. She doesn't appear otherwise and never utters a word. I'm not sure yet whether I should feel cheated again, or just bored.
Rating:  Summary: crossroads of twilight Review: If you miss this addition to the Wheel of Time series don't worry, nothing much happens in the book anyway! I am sad that yet agian Mr. Jordan has failed agian to move the series forward. I was so enthralled by the first 7 books and have been waiting for story development to continue. I am still waiting. It seems Mr. Jordan has lost interest in this series and is perhaps contracted to provide books for the series whether he has more to add to the story or not.The relationships between the characters that made this series so great have become lost in the details. The wait was not worth it and I personally have lost interest in the story.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing progress, if you can, wait for paperback! Review: I was looking forward to this book for a year! re-reading the last book in time to pick-up Crossroads. I was very dissapointed. Don't get me wrong it is a good book, but focus in mainly on Egwene. With only small tastes of Mat and Tuon, and almost no Rand. Jordan put a big knife in the back of many fans with this book. Can we get a re-write? haha. And is the introduction suppose to be so pointless? I have never read a book that was so much about nothing. If the next book is like this one, Jordan has lost me forever.
Rating:  Summary: Groundhog Day Review: (or 12:01 for you B sci-fi fans) almost every chapter, the same day. I couldn't escape. Don't get me wrong, I love the WOT series and this latest edition does stand as one of the better books I have read. That having been said there were several instances while reading this that I began to think, "OK, move it along, noting to see here. Yadda, yadda, yadda." Over 500 pages are more like one long Prolog to the next story or an extended Epilogue to the last one. I would say that we had some really good character development, but this is WOT, we've had good character development from the last 9 books. I don't think we needed any more to the extent that this edition gave us. I would recommend the series and I would still recommend this book (as long as you have read the other 9 first), but given that it will be another 1-2 years or more before we see any action from WOT, I would have liked to have seen a little more develop/reslove here. This whole book could have been reduced to 2-3 WOT chapters (IOW long) and placed at the beginning of the next book, in which I hope we will bear some fruit from all the previous setup. I heard a rumor that RJ said he didn't want to make the whole series go beyond 12 books. I fear that, with what is left, he may rush his incredibly rich plot to fit it all in. Especially since this book didn't do much in that arena.
Rating:  Summary: Pot Boiler Extraordinaire Review: After the action and excitement of the first nine Wheel Of Time books, this one (Book 10) reads as though Jordan was half asleep when he wrote it. I'm a BIG fan of the series, but this book was the worst pot boiler I've ever read. There was virtually no action for the first 2/3 of the book. There were even words omitted. The book was some 700 pages long, and most of it was about the confused state of mind of the characters. There was just enough suspense at the end to make you wonder what would happen next, but then, that's what we thought after Book 9, and we got jack! To my relief, there was no more gratuitous titillation; but there was also no plot - none whatsoever. The story advanced maybe one tiny step. Not what I expected for my money and for my wait. Very, very disappointed. Scathingly so.
Rating:  Summary: Dreadful Review: It's awful of course. Draggy and very slooowww. One suggestion for those of us who are stuck in the series. Don't read the book in chapter order. Skip around and only read about the characters who interest you. If Elayne bores you to tears and you find a section on her, skip it. That way you can get to the end with less pain. If you haven't started the series, don't! This is worse than book nine and frequently unreadable.
Rating:  Summary: The painfully slowly turning Wheel Of Time..... Review: It is unfortunate that Robert Jordan has realized what a money making enterprise this series is. Each book is on the bestseller list as all of us rush out to purchase them. Unfortunately, I am in this until the end. Don't get me wrong... I love this series. The first three to five books were the best fantasy i've ever read. I am ten books in, and there is no turning back. Robert Jordan is counting on this. I feel that this book is a sign of his greed. He can milk the story longer while still raking in the cash. Let me explain: This book goes NOWHERE. It takes place during the few days of the last chapter of book nine. Many of the past books have been slow with an exciting climax. I don't mean to ruin anything for you, BUT THERE IS NO CLIMAX to this book. In the end Faile is still captured by the Shaido(i find myself caring less and less...), Mat is still running from the Seanchan, The White Tower is still under seige. I would continue, but there really isn't any point.....you get the picture...NOTHING HAPPENS. There are some interesting decisions made, but we don't get to see what comes of them. Oh , also, as if there weren't enough already; MORE CHARACTERS ARE INRODUCED! I've gotten to the point where i can't tell Windfinders from Aes Sedai from Kinswomen from Wise Ones. I need to keep references around just so i can remember who is who. The only upside to this book is that all three taveren are in it for a decent amount of time, but it is a pretty small positive, as they are doing nothing. My suggestion to you is to either a)wait until book 11 comes out to read this one or b) skip it all together........